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Sharon: Palæstinenserne fortjener en stat
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 16-09-05 15:11

I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:

Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state

Sep. 15, 2005

In a marked reversal of fortunes, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, so long
loathed by many in the United Nations as an "Israeli hardliner" and "war
monger" was warmly received by the world body Thursday and called for
compromise with the Palestinians and an independent Palestinian state.
Sharon, speaking in Hebrew and quoting God's call to Abraham to "go
forth" to Israel, said that "the right of the Jewish people to the Land
of Israel does not mean disregarding the rights of others in the land.
The Palestinians will always be our neighbors. We respect them, and have
no aspirations to rule over them. They are also entitled to freedom and
to a national, sovereign existence in a state of their own."

Sharon, whose ascension to the podium in the hall was accompanied by the
demonstrative exit of a number of Islamic delegations, led by Iran, said
"I, as someone whose path of life led him to be a fighter and commander
in all Israel's wars, reaches out today to our Palestinians neighbors in
a call for reconciliation and compromise to end the bloody conflict, and
embark on the path which leads to peace and understanding between our
peoples. I view this as my calling and my primary mission for the coming

But Sharon's words were not only those that would find favor in the ears
of the world body. He pledged that Israel would continue to build the
security fence, a measure that has been roundly condemned on a number of
occasions by various UN institutions, from the General Assembly to the
International Court of Justice in The Hague.

"The security fence prevents terrorist and murderers from arriving in
city centers on a daily basis and targeting citizens on their way to
work, children on their way to school and families sitting together in
restaurants," Sharon said. "The fence is vitally indispensable. The
fence saves lives."

Sharon also made it clear that Israel would not compromise on the
Palestinian demand for a return of refugees.

"I am among those who believe that it is possible to reach a fair
compromise and coexistence in good neighborly relations between Jews and
Arabs," Sharon said. "However, I must emphasize one fact: there will be
no compromise on the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish
state, with defensible borders, in full security and without terror

Sharon, whose speech was greeted by warm applause, also alluded to the
Iranian nuclear threat and the danger it poses for Israel.

"Even today, he said, "there are those who sit here as representatives
of a country whose leadership calls to wipe Israel off the face of the
earth, and no one speaks out.

"The attempts of that country to arm itself with nuclear weapons must
disturb the sleep of anyone who desires peace and stability in the
Middle East and the entire world. The combination of murky
fundamentalism and support of terrorist organization creates a serious
threat that every member nation in the UN must stand against."

Sharon, who opened his words by stressing Israel's ties to Jerusalem,
"the capital of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years, and the
undivided and eternal capital of the State of Israel," presented a
lofty, almost lyrical survey - infused with religious references and
themes - to the Jewish people's ties to the land of Israel.

"The land of Israel is precious to me, precious to us, the Jewish
people, more than anything," he said. "Relinquishing any part of our
forefathers' legacy is heartbreaking, as difficult as the parting of the
Red Sea. Every inch of land, every hill and valley, every stream and
rock, is saturated with Jewish history, replete with memories."
Sharon talked about the "unimpeachable right of the people of Israel to
the Land of Israel." He stressed this "to emphasize the immensity of the
pain I feel deep in my heart at the recognition that we have to make
concession for the sake of peace between us and our Palestinian

He said that now that Israel has ended "control over and responsibility
for the Gaza Strip," the Palestinians can if they so desire "develop
their economy and build a peace-seeking society, which is developed,
free, law-abiding, transparent, and which adheres to democratic

Sharon said that the Palestinians now must put an end to terror and its
infrastructures, "eliminate the anarchic regime of armed gangs, and
cease the incitement and indoctrination of hatred toward Israel and the

Until they do so, Sharon said, "Israel will know how to defend itself
from the horrors of terrorism."

Sharon reiterated Israel's commitment to the road map and the
implementation of the Sharm e-Sheikh understandings, which - among other
elements - calls for the transfer of the major Palestinian towns to the
PA, and a further release of Palestinian security prisoners.

Among those sitting at Israel's table at the UN listening to Sharon were
Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who is in New York attending an
international conference hosted by former President Bill Clinton, and
foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

Following his address, Sharon had scheduled meetings with Britain's
Prime Minister Tony Blair, Australia's Prime Minister John Howard,, and
Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin. On Friday he is scheduled to meet
Jordan's King Abdullah II.

This article can also be read at

Copyright 1995-2005 The Jerusalem Post - http://www.jpost.com/

Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
Per Erik Rønne

Per Rønne (16-09-2005)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 16-09-05 15:28

Per Rønne <spam@husumtoften.invalid> wrote:

> Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state

Med følgende kommentarer fra verden over:

David, Paris, France: Now that it seems clear that Sharon has complied
with the disengagement plan required by the UN, the EU, the US and
Russia, and for which the public applauded after his speech, I still
have some doubts: who will take the necessary measures against
Palestinian terror organizations if Israel doesn't? Is it going to be
the UN, which accused Israel of 'war crimes' and is clearly devoted to
protecting Arab countries? The speech was beautiful, but still there are
many questions that for now remain without answers.

I hope that in the near future Israel will receive what it deserves:
international support and respect, and obviously a sustainable peace
with the Palestinians, without having to mess in their businesses.
Joshua Bukenya, Kampala, Uganda: I believe, and I have always believed,
that Israel has always done its best to keep peace with the
Palestinians. But as always, with a biased media and most effective
propaganda of Arabs they (Israel) have always been caught unaware.
I believe Israel's evacuation of Gaza was a solely painful act, and I
hope the Palestinians will use this chance to stop their suffering
instead of finding another reason to accuse Israel of not being
committed to peace.

M. Vineberg, Jerusalem, Israel: This much we can be certain of, when
organizations like the UN and historically hostile Arab countries are
"pleased" with our leaders or their actions, that simply means we are
more vulnerable to our enemies, and that is not what true leadership is
meant to bring to its people. Security is not equivalent to pandering to
the nations of the world. That is why you can be certain that leaders
that do not represent the needs of their people will be quickly
replaced, just as Peres, Barak, and Ben-Eliezer have never held onto to
their positions of power once they capitulated to our enemies wishes
instead of their people's security.

Stephen Tokes, Washington, DC: The current unemployment rate in the
territories is 70% for Palestinians. What's the solution? (If you don't
actually believe that they can establish a viable, stable government.)

Thus a simple grant of $100,000 to each West Bank family who wants to
leave to go somewhere else would get at least half of the people out.
Why do I say West Bank? Gaza is pretty irrelevant to the Jewish people;
the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) is not. How much will it end up
costing? Each Palestinian family has an average of 7 people (two parents
and 5.7 children). After you do the math, the number is $35 billion. A
lot? Let's be honest American Jews and Israeli Jews have that kind of
money. Who will accept the Palestinians? Show me a country that will not
accept families that are coming with $100,000 to spend immediately.
People with money are wanted, period. There's your solution. If this
doesn't work, then be prepared to eventually give up the Arab triangle
too (and then maybe Haifa).

Kenneth S. Besig, Kiryat Arba Israel: I wonder what will happen when
this latest Oslo wannabe breaks down? Will Sharon apologize, or will he
tell us, a la Peres, that he had to do something and it's only too bad
that the Palestinians failed to cooperate. In any event, the ultimate
victims of this latest Israeli attempt to alter the rules of the game
will probably be Israeli civilians for the most part, along with what is
left of our national security.

Abdel Karim Salim Sharif, Jerusalem: I am genuinely surprised to learn
that Israel these days is blatantly contradicting its long-time policy
and position of refusing to recognize the Palestinian identity. Ariel
Sharon for long ignored the rights of others to this land; am I dreaming
when I hear that Sharon himself is saying that Israel's right to this
land does not mean ignoring the right of others? Is he playing a soccer
game with us? Besides, I'm afraid it is mighty far too late for me to
yearn for anything called Palestine although I am Palestinian Arab. I
simply don't want the PA ...

Milton Pack, Bryan, Texas: Sharon's speech was a wonderful speech
reflecting his heart for peace with the PA. But he made it clear Israel
will not allow the murdering of it's citizens. Seems he was
well-received by the members at the UN. It is a sad state of affairs
when he clearly states that the land was given to Abraham and is divided
in order to have peace. I hope he knows that God has said what he will
do to those who divide his land. God will not be pleased by any such
division and rightly so. Israel is a small area of land set aside by God
for a very special people...his chosen people. There will be a war, we
all realize that, because the Arabs will not give up the notion of
owning all the land and Jerusalem as their capitol. Right now it's like
a pot on the stove placed on simmer, but someone will turn up the fire
before long.

Nathan, Massachusetts: As we pull out of Gaza I am weary watching
Palestinians tearing down synagogues in celebration of the concessions
achieved by terrorist acts. If the UN, for whatever reason, is blind to
the true intentions of a people that out right proclaim their intentions
of destroying the only Jewish state this world has ever known, should we
be excited as a people that the UN is applauding the actions of Sharon?
Sonny Jordan: Based on the amount of arms and munitions flowing from
Egypt to Gaza, will the UN be surprised or even care when rockets
descend on Tel Aviv?

Sharon made the Gaza deal with no concessions from the Palestinians to
dismantle their Hamas terrorist organizations. I am afraid Mr. Sharon
has sown the wind.

Ronny Schnapp, Canberra, Australia: I can only borrow from a typical
Australian phrase to describe perhaps the greatest event at the UN for
Israel since its establishment: "Ariel Sharon: The Man; The Legend"

Joel Ridley, Canada: I think that this is the right speech to make at
the right time. This speech by a "hawkish" Sharon is throwing the
rhetoric back in the face of the Arab league and European nations that
support them. Showing that, even a hawkish, Israeli is ready to make a
deal for peace in the face of barbarism. The fact the Arab nations were
ready to walk out the door, especially Iran, shows the world the reality
of the middle east. Let them walk and let Sharon show what a civilized
nation is capable of. It also contained the warning of what will happen
(will most probably happen) if the PA is incapable of reigning in the
terrorists. Good for Sharon - I loved the speech

Sam Gorin, New York, NY: I never thought I'd see the day Sharon became a
Labor Minister.... The more the Arabs kill Jews, the more holy places
they burn, the more land they want, the more Mon General gives. His
speech was pathetic, and an affront to every IDF soldier, every suicide
bombing victim, and every Jew that makes Aliyah. This is the same speech
Chamberlin gave about Hitler - give him Czechoslovakia and all will be
well .. PEACE in our time... RUBBISH. It's PIECE in our time not Peace.
Sharon can throw Jews out but can't throw Arabs out (suggest it and the
DEMOCRACY of Israel throws you out). The Jew haters of the world
applauded him tonight - that alone is a signal that you are doing the
wrong thing. He will face HIS WATERLOO when he returns to Israel!

Scot Barenblat, San Antonio, TX: Jews everywhere should be proud to have
a leader with the diplomacy and wisdom of today's Ariel Sharon. At the
UN he "talked the talk" with calls for peaceful coexistence, while in
Gaza he "walked the walk" with a powerful display of Israel's democratic
process and rule of law. Sharon is leading our people to the only viable
destination. I look forward to the day when leaders of Arab nations
speak openly about peaceful coexistence with Israel, and begin leading
their people to the place of peace on earth.

Elsy Stiebel, Long Beach, NY: It is amazing to hear that Sharon
remembered at the UN that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish
people and that Jerusalem has been our capital for three thousand years,
so why is he destroying the legacy given to our people by giving the
land to the proven enemies of Israel? The world is watching, pleased
because Jews are suffering, I wish he had mentioned the destruction of
the synagogues in Gaza. I can smell the fumes all the way in NY but, I
do not hear much moaning from the rest of the world. It is truly a
silent night.

Richard Cohen, New York: It is so wonderful to see Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon (The Man of War) come before the UN and call for peace and
compromise with the enemies of Israel. Any animal knows how to fight.
But only a true human being can make peace with his enemies. PM Ariel
Sharon is a national hero of the State of Israel, and hopefully, his
speech in the UN will mark the beginning of a new era for the Jewish
people in their Land.

Sharon Klein, New Paltz, New York: I ask Mr. Dellzio, that if he feels
there will never be peace when "homes are built on other people's land",
whether he would consider giving his home to an esteemed member of the
Seminole Indian tribe. After all, they are the original "owners" of his
land. Unfortunately, however, us white folks wiped them out long before
it was politically incorrect to do so, and no CNN to report it.

Chris Delzio, Palm Bay, FL: Words, words, words.. There will never be
peace as long as homes are built on other peoples' land. Has anyone ever
looked at a map of the West Bank that included the settlements? One
looks tells the story. How serious can Sharon be taken when he says,
"God gave this land to the Jews? If that's the case, how did they come
to lose it? Perhaps Jews should get an understanding of why it was taken
from them because maybe they don't deserve now either.

Arie, San Diego, CA:Unfortunately, I think that extreme liberalism has
gotten to Prime Minister Sharon.

Joe Greenberg, Florida: We don't need Sharon to teach us how we can be
loved by the UN, Shimon Peres taught this to us a long time ago - albeit
through causing terrorism to reign in Israel. As for those who are
excited about Sharon's declarations, I'll quote one of his (perhaps his
most famous) declarations: "Din Nezarim K'din Tel Aviv - the predicament
of Nezarim is the predicament of Tel Aviv. I hope this will never

Menachem Ben Yakov, Jerusalem and New York: Sharon has jailed and banned
Kahane supporters because Kahane suggested that Arabs be deported.
Sharon has deported Jews and takes a bow at the UN. Sharon is a national

Uzi Silber, New York, NY: Rhetoric alarmingly reminiscent of the utopian
fantasies of Peres at Oslo are thankfully tempered in Sharon's speech,
following the 5 year Palestinian terror war against the Jews, and the
primitive reality that is Palestinian society. This pathetic reality is
obvious in view of the spectacles of the past week - the synagogue
torchings in Gaza and the subsequent justification of these acts by
Palestinian leaders, the pandemonium at the border with Egypt and the
consequent massive smuggling of weapons into the Strip.

Aryeh Herzig, New York, NY: The Chutzpah of Sharon lecturing Arabs about
democracy. His corrupt family cavalierly breaks the law with impudence.
(Do you really think he didn't know?). He refuses to allow a referendum
on the Gaza expulsion because he knows he will lose He persecutes
Sharansky and other respectable ministers simply because they will not
compromise with the truth - and that does not suit his ends. He knows
full well - as we all do - that, unfortunately, what he did will never
result in peaceful coexistence. It just whets the appetite of those who
wish to destroy us.

Let him not talk about the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael. He will go down in
history as the only Jew ever to tear us away from our commonwealth. And
for what did he vilify our dear land? So he can finally have his moment
of glory being applauded by the "distinguished" members of the UN. Maybe
they'll even give him a Nobel Peace Prize...as they gave others like him
Paul Kearns, San Rafael, CA: Still - Israel must carry a big stick
Kenneth van Vliet, Netherlands: I cannot understand how Israel ever,
without any guarantee for peace, gives land away to people that do not
want to live in peace with the Jews.

All I do understand is that Sharon, in his old age, grew soft. This
action is the fulfillment of bible prophecy from Isaiah 28:15: We have
made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement ...
In the future, when it all narrows down to Jerusalem, this action will
trigger God's anger and judgment, as Isaiah goes on lamenting in Isaiah
28:18: And your covenant with death shall be disannulled and your
agreement with hell shall not stand when the overflowing scourge shall
pass through then ye shall be trodden down by it.

Chiam Cohen, New York, USA: The only hand Sharon extended in his UN
Speech was to the Likud Central Committee which will shortly decide to
oust him in favor of a more extreme leader. Words cannot erase his
complicity in the massacre at Sabra and Shatila. His support for a
separation fence on Palestinian land and continued expansion of West
Bank settlements suggests a comprehensive peace will not be reached
under his tenure. The ball still remains in Israel's court to prove it
is interested in a comprehensive peace among equals.

Menachem, Florida, USA: I believe this speech was no more than a
political move on the part of the UN to lead to more concessions in the
future. This is a deja vu of 12 years ago after Oslo, when the entire
world, including parts of the Arab world, were applauding Israel. 100%
you make concessions we'll love you until its time to make the next one,
Jerusalem refugees etc. On our side its costing thousands of innocent
lives, so that we get a few bows from the other nations who really hate
us. When will we ever learn our lesson?

Steve Albert, Chicago Heights, IL, USA: How encouraging that Sharon was
courteously received at the UN, perhaps even warmly. To me it suggests
that the move out of Gaza was a positive step (albeit major step) in the
direction of possible peace with Arab nations.

While I doubt Palestinians truly want peace, I do hope they do, and hope
this allows them to step away from their seemingly intense hatred for
Jews and Israel.

David Cordell, Rossville, USA: While Sharon stands and tells the United
Nations of his commitment to a Palestinian state, the other Islamic
nations were making a move for the door. If they really cared about
peace they would have heard Mr. Sharon out. How sad it is that we
continue to stumble toward this hope for peace with no peace partner. I,
for one, believe in the word of G-d that it is all Israel's land. But if
we stand back for a moment and say 'okay we are going to have a
Palestinian state and have peace,' you would think that the partner in
this peace agreement would make moves that would give confidence to all
the hard work. And we as Americans apply all this pressure to withdraw,
to give away, etc. This is really sad and I don't see it happening at

Stefanie, Los Angeles, CA, USA: I got to watch Sharon's entire speech
via UN webcast. It was beautiful. I thought Sharon was very powerful and
poetic. His constant references to Jewish tradition and values as well
as his biblical references were very moving. I especially liked his
comments regarding the United Nation's harshness toward Israel over the
years and his hard-line attitude in asserting Israel's right to exist as
a Jewish state. Wishing everyone a happy Rosh Hashana was the icing on
the cake. Loved it!

Ja, det er sådanne kommentarer fra jøder verden over, den israelske
statsminister mødes med ...
Per Erik Rønne

Croc® (16-09-2005)
Fra : Croc®

Dato : 16-09-05 16:59

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:11:05 +0200, spam@husumtoften.invalid (Per
Rønne) wrote:

>Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne

Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
hentyder til.

Regarsd Croc®

Per Rønne (16-09-2005)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 16-09-05 17:07

Croc® <sbm@pc.dk> wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:11:05 +0200, spam@husumtoften.invalid (Per
> Rønne) wrote:
> >Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> >gruppe?
> Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
> det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
> hentyder til.

Det er vist ret klart når man kender tonen her i gruppen i forhold til
Israel og Sharon.
Per Erik Rønne

Croc® (16-09-2005)
Fra : Croc®

Dato : 16-09-05 19:49

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 18:07:09 +0200, spam@husumtoften.invalid (Per
Rønne) wrote:

>> >Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
>> >gruppe?
>> Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
>> det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
>> hentyder til.
>Det er vist ret klart når man kender tonen her i gruppen i forhold til
>Israel og Sharon.

Var det ikke nemmere at præcisere end fortsætte med at lege blindebuk?

Regards Croc®

Alucard (16-09-2005)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 16-09-05 21:30

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:58:52 +0200, Croc® <sbm@pc.dk> wrote:

>>Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
>Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
>det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
>hentyder til.

Hehehe... Sikkert ikke, men det har alle andre...)

Henrik Svendsen (16-09-2005)
Fra : Henrik Svendsen

Dato : 16-09-05 22:20

Alucard wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:58:52 +0200, Croc® <sbm@pc.dk> wrote:
>>> Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i
>>> denne gruppe?
>> Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
>> det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
>> hentyder til.
> Hehehe... Sikkert ikke, men det har alle andre...)

Skal vi overbevises om, at Sharon er en flink fyr? Ufatteligt hvis nogen
herinde vil glorificere den krigsforbryder og massemorder. Nej - det kan
ikke være det; men hvad er det så?

Alucard (17-09-2005)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 17-09-05 23:54

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 23:20:13 +0200, "Henrik Svendsen"
<HrSvendsen@msn.com> wrote:

>>>> Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i
>>>> denne gruppe?
>>> Mon det ikke ville være på sin plads, om du så gav udtryk for, hvad
>>> det nøjagtig er de skal overbevises om? Jeg har ingen ide om hvad du
>>> hentyder til.
>> Hehehe... Sikkert ikke, men det har alle andre...)
>Skal vi overbevises om, at Sharon er en flink fyr? Ufatteligt hvis nogen
>herinde vil glorificere den krigsforbryder og massemorder. Nej - det kan
>ikke være det; men hvad er det så?

Det er jo at hoppe over i den anden grøft....

Mon ikke meningen var at Sharon/Israel måske IKKE er reinkarnationen
at djævelen alligevel (som hvisse personer mener)....

Peter Ole Kvint (16-09-2005)
Fra : Peter Ole Kvint

Dato : 16-09-05 22:17

Per Rønne skrev:
> I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:
> Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
> Sep. 15, 2005

> ==
> Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> gruppe?

Nej for der er ikke nogen Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
gruppe. De findes kun inden i hoved på Sharon- og Israel-forelskede.

Den stat som Sharon ønsker er ikke en rigtig stat, men en fangelejer
omgivet af mure.

Der er stor forskel på at hade noget og nogen og så kun at være
skeptisk over for smukke politiske løgne.

Per Rønne (17-09-2005)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 17-09-05 05:05

Peter Ole Kvint <haabet2003@yahoo.dk> wrote:

> Per Rønne skrev:
> > I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:
> >
> > Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
> >
> > Sep. 15, 2005
> > ==
> >
> > Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> > gruppe?
> Nej for der er ikke nogen Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> gruppe. De findes kun inden i hoved på Sharon- og Israel-forelskede.
> Den stat som Sharon ønsker er ikke en rigtig stat, men en fangelejer
> omgivet af mure.

Hvormed det flux lykkedes dig at placere dig i gruppen af Sharon- og
Per Erik Rønne

Peter Ole Kvint (17-09-2005)
Fra : Peter Ole Kvint

Dato : 17-09-05 21:52

Per Rønne skrev:
> Peter Ole Kvint <haabet2003@yahoo.dk> wrote:
>>Per Rønne skrev:
>>>I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:
>>>Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
>>>Sep. 15, 2005
>>>Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
>>Nej for der er ikke nogen Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
>>gruppe. De findes kun inden i hoved på Sharon- og Israel-forelskede.
>>Den stat som Sharon ønsker er ikke en rigtig stat, men en fangelejer
>>omgivet af mure.
> Hvormed det flux lykkedes dig at placere dig i gruppen af Sharon- og
> Israel-hadere.

Nu er politiker altid løgnere og Sharon har siddet på magten længe ved
at hode andre væk. Så jeg kan ikke tro at han er sød.

#2066 (17-09-2005)
Fra : #2066

Dato : 17-09-05 02:44

""Per Rønne"" <spam@husumtoften.invalid> wrote in message
>I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:
> Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
> Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> gruppe?
> --
> Per Erik Rønne

Hvad er ordsproget? Naar Fanden bliver gammel, gaar han i kloster.

Maaske oensker Sharon at hans eftermaele skal vaere noget andet end


Joakim von And (17-09-2005)
Fra : Joakim von And

Dato : 17-09-05 07:51

"#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> ""Per Rønne"" <spam@husumtoften.invalid> wrote in message
> news:1h2zojt.1x99yjr15crdp9N%spam@husumtoften.invalid...
> >I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man se følgende artikel:
> >
> > Sharon: Palestinians deserve a state
> >
> [..]
> ==
> >
> > Men mon det kan overbevise de indædte Sharon- og Israel-hadere i denne
> > gruppe?
> > --
> > Per Erik Rønne
> Hvad er ordsproget? Naar Fanden bliver gammel, gaar han i kloster.
> Maaske oensker Sharon at hans eftermaele skal vaere noget andet end
> massemorder:

Hvis det er Sharon's eftermæle som udgør det springende punkt, er det nok
snarere "folkets" end "goyim'ernes" dom som ligger manden på sinde.

Uden at vide det, gætter jeg på, at en lidet flatterende domfældelse i
historiebøgerne fra sidstnævnte gruppe ikke vil spolere sharons nattesøvn
med så meget som et millisekund.

Der skal langt mere til habib.

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