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VB with SQL newbie in need of aid. Please ~
Fra : Myrath

Dato : 09-06-01 08:54

Hi all;

I'm in need of some help. I'm trying to figure out SQL under visual basic 6,
but I'm running into some problems. I would realy appreciate any help you
could give.

I'm trying a simple thing. A form is dislayed with 2 textboxes..
tb_username, and tb_password. Lastly a button cb_ok.
When the button is pressed the program is only supposed to give a messagebox
"login succesful" or "login failed".

I have an access 2000 databasefile. C:\databasefile.mdb
This databasefile contains 1 table "userdata" with 2 columns. "Username"
(primary key) and "Password"
I have tried a lot of stuff, but I just cannot figure it out.. if any of you
could have a look at it for me please? I would be eternaly grateful.

I know this part is right... but after that.. I cannot be certain.

Thanks a million!


Private Sub cb_ok_Click()

Dim DBFILE As Database
Set DBFILE = OpenDatabase("c:\databasefile.mdb")

end sub

** P.S. I'm Dutch.. so please keep any variable names you may use English!

Lars Hoffmann (09-06-2001)
Fra : Lars Hoffmann

Dato : 09-06-01 09:36

Myrath wrote:
> I know this part is right... but after that.. I cannot be certain.
> Thanks a million!
> mvdmeij@kabelfoon.nl
> Private Sub cb_ok_Click()
> Dim DBFILE As Database
> Set DBFILE = OpenDatabase("c:\databasefile.mdb")
> end sub

So I'll just add what you need
Of course you have selected Project -> References -> Microsoft DAO.....

Private Sub cb_login_Click()
Dim DAO_Workspace As Workspace
Dim DAO_Database As Database
Dim DAO_recordset As Recordset
Dim SQL As String

SQL = "SELECT username,password from usernames where Username='" _
& tb_username.Text & "' and password='" & tb_password.Text & "';"

Set DAO_Workspace = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "")
Set DAO_Database = DAO_Workspace.OpenDatabase("c:\db1.mdb")
Set DAO_recordset = DAO_Database.OpenRecordset(SQL)

If DAO_recordset.BOF And DAO_recordset.EOF Then
Call MsgBox("You do not have access")
Call MsgBox("Welcome!")
End If
End Sub


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