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Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 26-08-05 20:14

Bagefter kommer så den politiske fase, og mange mennesker også her i
gruppen vil fortsat gøre alt, hvad de kan for at lade som om, de ikke
har lagt mærke til noget. Og at alt er ved det gamle.

Men de får det svært med den indstilling.

Nedenfor et lille uddrag fra min kommende bog, 'After Doomsday', som du
kan downloade gratis om ca. fire uger.

Considering one nuclear detonation in 1945, it was realized that the
pressure in and around the fireball of a single detonating bomb would
be too small to ignite the atmosphere, to say nothing of letting a
possible ignition propagate through it. This barrier against
propagation is eliminated, when simultaneous nuclear detonations are
piled on top of each other like the plastic domes of ludo pieces
creating a huge local pressure - and ignition of the atmosphere.

When you then stack one pile of detonating nuclear 'ludo pieces'
just beside another, then a third, a fourth, and so on, a strong
propagation vector is sustained and continuous ignition of the
atmosphere ensured, actually on Doomsday encircling the planet from
many different ignition locations.

Steen Hjortsø

Alucard (26-08-2005)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 26-08-05 21:34

On 26 Aug 2005 12:14:26 -0700, contra@tdcspace.dk wrote:

>Bagefter kommer så den politiske fase, og mange mennesker også her i
>gruppen vil fortsat gøre alt, hvad de kan for at lade som om, de ikke
>har lagt mærke til noget. Og at alt er ved det gamle.
>Men de får det svært med den indstilling.
>Nedenfor et lille uddrag fra min kommende bog, 'After Doomsday', som du
>kan downloade gratis om ca. fire uger.
>Considering one nuclear detonation in 1945, it was realized that the
>pressure in and around the fireball of a single detonating bomb would
>be too small to ignite the atmosphere, to say nothing of letting a
>possible ignition propagate through it. This barrier against
>propagation is eliminated, when simultaneous nuclear detonations are
>piled on top of each other like the plastic domes of ludo pieces
>creating a huge local pressure - and ignition of the atmosphere.
>When you then stack one pile of detonating nuclear 'ludo pieces'
>just beside another, then a third, a fourth, and so on, a strong
>propagation vector is sustained and continuous ignition of the
>atmosphere ensured, actually on Doomsday encircling the planet from
>many different ignition locations.
>Steen Hjortsø

Hvem fanden har glemt at låse døren til din gummicelle...?

contra@tdcspace.dk (26-08-2005)
Fra : contra@tdcspace.dk

Dato : 26-08-05 22:23

Hvad fanden er det for et latterligt argument imod en ordentlig, sober
og gennemtænkt tekst ?

Steen Hjortsø

Tim (26-08-2005)
Fra : Tim

Dato : 26-08-05 23:12

<contra@tdcspace.dk> wrote in message
Hvad fanden er det for et latterligt argument imod en ordentlig, sober
og gennemtænkt tekst ?

Steen Hjortsø


.... når nu teksten er noget forvrøvlet sludder....!

LOL altså Steen


Alucard (27-08-2005)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 27-08-05 00:16

On 26 Aug 2005 14:23:19 -0700, contra@tdcspace.dk wrote:

>Hvad fanden er det for et latterligt argument imod en ordentlig, sober
>og gennemtænkt tekst ?

LOL.... Det er noget vås.... Men bare kald det kunst, det gør man tit
med sådan noget....

Tim (26-08-2005)
Fra : Tim

Dato : 26-08-05 23:10

<contra@tdcspace.dk> wrote in message
Bagefter kommer så den politiske fase, og mange mennesker også her i
gruppen vil fortsat gøre alt, hvad de kan for at lade som om, de ikke
har lagt mærke til noget. Og at alt er ved det gamle.

Men de får det svært med den indstilling.

Nedenfor et lille uddrag fra min kommende bog, 'After Doomsday', som du
kan downloade gratis om ca. fire uger.

Considering one nuclear detonation in 1945, it was realized that the
pressure in and around the fireball of a single detonating bomb would
be too small to ignite the atmosphere, to say nothing of letting a
possible ignition propagate through it. This barrier against
propagation is eliminated, when simultaneous nuclear detonations are
piled on top of each other like the plastic domes of ludo pieces
creating a huge local pressure - and ignition of the atmosphere.

When you then stack one pile of detonating nuclear 'ludo pieces'
just beside another, then a third, a fourth, and so on, a strong
propagation vector is sustained and continuous ignition of the
atmosphere ensured, actually on Doomsday encircling the planet from
many different ignition locations.

Steen Hjortsø


Det lyder næsten som om det er noget du har prøvet i baghaven.

Var der forresten ikke også noget om, at hvis man stod i centrum for 80.000
samtidigt detonerede atombomber, så kunne man rejse tilbage i tiden?

Grillet, men tilbage?


Anders Wegge Jakobse~ (27-08-2005)
Fra : Anders Wegge Jakobse~

Dato : 27-08-05 00:31

"contra" == contra <contra@tdcspace.dk> writes:

> When you then stack one pile of detonating nuclear 'ludo pieces'
> just beside another, then a third, a fourth, and so on, a strong
> propagation vector is sustained and continuous ignition of the
> atmosphere ensured, actually on Doomsday encircling the planet from
> many different ignition locations.

Du skal passe på scientology ikke kommer efter dig med deres
copyright på historien om Xenu.

Min holdning til politik - <http://wiki.wegge.dk/Politik>
Min weblog - <http://blog.wegge.dk/>

Jesper (27-08-2005)
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 27-08-05 06:04

<contra@tdcspace.dk> wrote:

> Bagefter kommer så den politiske fase, og mange mennesker også her i
> gruppen vil fortsat gøre alt, hvad de kan for at lade som om, de ikke
> har lagt mærke til noget. Og at alt er ved det gamle.
> Men de får det svært med den indstilling.
> Nedenfor et lille uddrag fra min kommende bog, 'After Doomsday', som du
> kan downloade gratis om ca. fire uger.
> Considering one nuclear detonation in 1945, it was realized that the
> pressure in and around the fireball of a single detonating bomb would
> be too small to ignite the atmosphere, to say nothing of letting a
> possible ignition propagate through it. This barrier against
> propagation is eliminated, when simultaneous nuclear detonations are
> piled on top of each other like the plastic domes of ludo pieces
> creating a huge local pressure - and ignition of the atmosphere.
> When you then stack one pile of detonating nuclear 'ludo pieces'
> just beside another, then a third, a fourth, and so on, a strong
> propagation vector is sustained and continuous ignition of the
> atmosphere ensured, actually on Doomsday encircling the planet from
> many different ignition locations.
> Steen Hjortsø

Har plejerne glemt at gi' dig din medicin Steen? Eller er dosisen bare
for lav?
Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred. -- David Dixon

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