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Skolebøger i Pakistan
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 20-08-05 10:16

I 2002 blev skolebøgerne i Pakistan reviderede så man ikke mere opfordrede
til had mod kristne, jøder og hinduer, - troede man, men ikke meget er

Intet under, at folk der bliver indoktrineret med disse ideer, ikke bare
holder op med at tro på dem. Som nogle pakistanere siger så behøver man ikke
gå til en "madrassa" - en religiøs skole i Pakistan for at blive
indoktrineret med kvindenedgørende eller kristen/jøde nedgørende tanker.


Mht den fejlagtige tro på at jihad betyder væbnet kamp, så vil jeg igen
opfordre til, at vi sender AHW og CRL ud og belære muslimerne om at de tager
fuldstændig fejl, de to lærde eksperter må sendes på en verdensturné til de
fleste muslimske lande:

Punjab state's seventh-grade social studies textbook, published in
January, begins with a full-page message from Musharraf urging students
to focus on modern disciplines such as information technology and

"It is a historical fact that the Muslims ruled the world for hundreds
of years," Musharraf writes. He acknowledges that in the past,
Pakistan's school curriculum "was not in concert with the requirements
of modern times." But he assures students that "textbooks have been
developed, revised and updated accordingly."

The changes, if any, are hard to spot. Disparaging references to
Christians, Jews and Hindus from previous editions are carried over
into the new text.

"Before Islam, people lived in untold misery all over the world," the
textbook says. "Some Jewish tribes also lived in Arabia. They lent
money to workers and peasants on high rates of interest and usurped
their earnings. They held the whole society in their tight grip because
of the ever increasing compound interest.

"In short, there was no sympathy for humanity," the passage continues.

"People were selfish and cruel. The rich lived in luxury and nobody
bothered about the needy or those in sufferings."

A section on the Crusades teaches that Europe's Christian rulers
attacked Muslims in the Holy Land out of revenge even though "history
has no parallel to the extremely kind treatment of the Christians by
the Muslims."

"Some of the Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem fabricated many false
stories of suffering," the passage continues. "If they were robbed on
the way, they said it were the Muslims who robbed them."

Christians eventually realized they were inferior to Muslims, the
chapter concludes.

Combined with lessons on armed jihad, such a view of history helps make
young Pakistanis ripe for manipulation by Islamic militants, who have
given jihad "a demonic meaning" here, said Saigol, the education

"The word is so much more associated with violence, killing, death and
blood," she said, "that I think it's difficult to reclaim it, as the
modernists are trying to do, and turn it into a war against one's inner

(Her er det at vores to vindmølle-kæmpere kunne gøre en forskel)


The current social studies curriculum guidelines for grades 6 and 7
instruct textbook writers and teachers to "develop aspiration for
jihad" and "develop a sense of respect for the struggle of [the] Muslim
population for achieving independence."

In North-West Frontier Province, which is governed by supporters of the
ousted Taliban regime in neighboring Afghanistan, the federally
approved Islamic studies textbook for eighth grade teaches students
they must be prepared "to sacrifice every precious thing, including
life, for jihad."

"At present, jihad is continuing in different parts of the world," the
chapter continues. "Numerous mujahedin [holy warriors] of Islam are
involved in defending their religion, and independence, and to help
their oppressed brothers across the world."

The textbook for adolescent students says Muslims are allowed to "take
up arms" and wage jihad in self-defense or if they are prevented from
practicing their religion.

"When God's people are forced to become slaves of man-made laws, they
are hindered from practicing the religion of their God," the textbook
says. "When all the legal ways in this regard are closed, then power
should be used to eliminate the evil.

"If Muslims are being oppressed," the book says, "then jihad is
necessary to free them from this cruel oppression."

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