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Al Queda Terrorists Nazi Connection
Fra : GB

Dato : 10-08-05 17:17

John Loftus er tidligere "prosecutor" i USA's Justice Department. Han
fortæller her til Joseph Zyble om Al Qaeda's rødder og Adolf Hitler.
Dette harmonerer med Robin Cooks nylige afsløring af, at "Al Qaeda" var
en database over jihad-krigere. Men det var Bin Laden, som lavede den
oprindelige liste hertil.
Med venlig hilsen, Ole Gerstrøm

Al Queda Terrorists Nazi Connection
By Joseph Zyble

War Crimes Investigator Says Al Qaeda Spawned From Nazi Third Reich
“Al Qaeda is the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim
A former war crimes investigator explained how the terrorist network al
Qaeda spawned from Nazi and Islamic extremist movements following WWII.

John Loftus, who regularly appears on Fox News and ABC Radio addressed
the theme of “the roots of prejudice and hatred in the world.” He began
by explaining that he didn’t set out to become a Nazi hunter. Early in
his law career he took a volunteer attorney job created by the Carter
administration to hunt Nazis “because I thought it would look good on my

To his surprise, rather than traveling to Germany to investigate he was
sent to the U.S. Government’s massive underground vaults protecting
classified information. Loftus claims he was given complete access to the
20 acre-sized vaults, where he says he found some disturbing information.

“I stumbled across some Nazi files I wasn’t supposed to see. No one was
supposed to see them until the year 2015. The British Secret Service
convinced American intelligence that the Nazis would be indispensable as
“freedom fighters” in preparing for the next major war, which was
anticipated against the Soviet Union.


During his time in the government’s underground vaults, Loftus said he
read a file on an organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood. In the
file was information about a man named Hasam al-Banna who founded the
organization in 1920.

“Mr. al-Banna was a devout admirer of a young Austrian writer named
Adolph Hitler. His letters to Hitler were so supportive that when Hitler
came to power in the 1930s he had Nazi intelligence make contact with al-
Banna to see if they could work together,” Loftus said.

Hitler had al-banna establish a spy network for Nazi Germany throughout

Al-Banna promised Hitler that when Gen. Rommel’s Nazi tank division
arrived in Cairo and Alexandria, the Muslim Brotherhood would ensure all
of the British troops would be killed.

“These men were Nazi agents, they were spies, who adopted the Third
Reich’s policy towards the Jews,” Loftus said.

He spoke about another prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a man
known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was the organization’s
representative in Palestine. The Grand Mufti brought with him a hatred of
the Jews. He was a principal organizer of the 1920 “Bloody Passover”
massacre of Jews who were praying at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall.

Following a failed attempt to create a Nazi uprising in Iraq, the Grand
Mufti fled to Europe to organize international Arab forces for the Third
Reich disguised as SS divisions.

“In truth these forces were Arab fanatics, Arab Nazis from all across the
Middle East,” Loftus said.

Though a certain war criminal, the Grand Mufti and his troops were
spirited away from prosecution to Egypt by the British Secret Service.

“Kim Philby, the Soviet agent who infiltrated the British Secret Service,
was also recruiting Arab Nazis to poison the West’s efforts in the Middle
East forever,” Loftus said. “By using Arab Nazis, democracy would be
discredited, America would be discredited, Britain would be discredited.”

Philby “helped” the United States acquire the Arab Nazis who were
expelled from Egypt in the 1950s after the Egyptians recognized them as a

According to Loftus, the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood were sent
to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“To keep them employed they were given jobs as religious education
instructors,” Loftus said.

While Islam is a very peaceful religion, Saudi Arabia practiced an
extreme form of Islam called Wahhabi.

“Saudi Wahhabism is to Islam as the KKK is to Christianity,” Loftus said.
“It’s an extreme and perverted form of religion that was condemned as a
heresy by Islam more than 60 times before the 1900s.”

“Here is this corrupt cult and all of a sudden the school teachers are
Nazis. Here a fusion is born between the two. Schools of hatred were
built all over Saudi Arabia,” Loftus said.

A well known pupil of these schools is Osama bin Laden, Loftus said. Bin
Laden and other graduates of the schools were inducted into an
underground neo-Nazi Wahhabi army for Saudi Arabia.

Just as Russia was using Communist Arabs during the cold war, we would
use Arab Nazis as a counterweight to oppose them,” Loftus said. “When the
Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 the Arab (neo) Nazis were let out of
the closet.

“Because of the combination of Wahhabi fanaticism and Nazi ideology,
waves of people came pouring into Afghanistan to kill the Communists,”
Loftus said. The Soviets were defeated and the United States left. And,
according to Loftus, Osama bin Laden took control and his entire army of
neo-Nazi theological cultists were left there alive in the field.

Bin Laden drew up a list of those who he knew he could rely on and called
this list ‘the base.’ Loftus said the Arabic translation of ‘the base’ is
‘al qaeda.’

“Al Qaeda is the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim
Brotherhood,” he said. “We let the Muslim Brotherhood, now known as Al
Qaeda, to roam free upon the world. Many,human beings have paid for that


In the summer of 2002, Loftus said, the British intercepted a message
which revealed a nuclear weapons plot between N. Korea, Libya and Iraq.
Iraqi nuclear scientists were working in Libya using enriched uranium
supplied by North Korea, according to Loftus.

“Saddam new he couldn’t have a nuclear program in his country because
U.N. inspectors were all over,” Loftus said.

When the United States confronted Libya with the evidence, Mommar Khadafi
agreed to cooperate.

According to Loftus, Khadafi said there is a Chinese component as well.
Not the official government of China, but the radical right wing People’s
Liberation Army. This group supplied Libya with detailed instructions on
how to build an atomic warhead.

Loftus said had the plot not been discovered, the project would have
produced an atomic warhead within 18 months.

According to Loftus, Iran is the only country remaining that is
attempting to develop nuclear weapons. When the International Association
of Atomic Energy meets again, Loftus expects the member nations,
including the European nations who opposed war in Iraq, to vote to impose
sanctions against Iran.

“We think the blockade will go into effect very quickly. Iran is the last
country that is actively financing terrorist groups. It is one of the few
places where sanctions will work because 90 percent of its economy comes
from oil exports,” Loftus said.

In the al Qaeda plot to unleash a cloud of deadly chemicals in Amman,
Jordan’s capital, that was foiled, Loftus said, the chemicals likely came
from the hidden cache of WMDs created by Saddam.

According to Loftus, evidence gathered by U.S. special forces, Israeli
intelligence, statements by defectors, and satellite imagery point to
three locations in Syria and one location in Lebanon where the WMDs are
expected to be hidden.

“U.S. intelligence believes they know where the WMDS are. The new Arab
government of Iraq is going to ask for their property (the WMDs) back,”
Loftus said. “If Syria and Lebanon don’t give the WMDs back, the new
Iraqi government will ask us for help ...and we will help.”

In an interview with The U.P. Catholic, Loftus said, “The evidence looks
pretty strong. Is it a 100 percent sure? No. But there is a high degree
of probability” that the weapons are there.

He said this information has not been reported in the American media
because the government will not confirm any of the information. However,
he said, the story has been circulating through the European press.

“We are at the tipping point in the scale. I think we are going to win.
In the next 12 months we may see a number of other nations surrender
without firing a shot. If half of what my intelligence sources tell me is
accurate, we are in for a very good year,” he said.

In summary, Loftus said he has spent his career trying to help make a
difference. He says the United States is now paying the price for
negligence of leaders who looked the other way for inexpensive Arab oil
over the years.

Loftus’ appearance at St. Peter Cathedral was sponsored by the Marquette
County Interfaith Forum.

Loftus decided to forego a promising future with the U.S. Justice
Department. Instead he blew the whistle. “I think I still hold the record
for the longest segment ever on 60 Minutes. In 1982 it caused a minor
national uproar,” Loftus said. “Mike Wallace got the Emmy, and my family
got death threats.”

Her er et lille uddrag af, hvad Robin Cook skrev i The Guardian:

Robin Cook
Friday July 8, 2005
The Guardian

"Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by
western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and
funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of
Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the
computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and
trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and
with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to
Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden's organisation
would turn its attention to the west."


(Her tillader jeg mig lige at indsparke, at USA's etablering af de
muslimske terrorister startede et halvt år før Sovjets invasion af
Afghanistan. OG)

Liberal, kongetro, EU-modstander og atomkraftmodstander.
Frihed under ansvar er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Støt Israel - køb Israelske varer!

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