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10  EXTERMINA.. 750
De er skøre....
Fra : Erik Richard

Dato : 20-08-05 16:16

Fik i dag sendt nedenstående, - og min første tanke var en let omskrevet
Asterix citat "...De er skøre, de amerikanere"
Den omtalte Geoff er Geoff Heard, Generalsekretær i Østtimor Kommitéen.
Og vi driller ham ofte med hans lidt 'aussie' opførsel - iltre irske
temperament, (han er af irsk-skotsk afstamning).
mvh. Erik Richard

"Stressed in the park"

Calling Geoff?

Los Angeles has a fugitive seven foot alligator basking in a city
lake. 'Harbor Park Harry' has outwitted captors for over a week.
[Time for Geoff to call in his croc-wrangling friend?]
Officials have decided to suspend their search. "The gator is
stressed, and we don't want him scared or sick. We're going to get
him back to kind of relaxing and laying on the lily pads and having a
good time again."
[That wouldn't be high on the list of my concerns, but
perhaps one of our West Coast psychotherapists would like to amble
over and give it one on one counselling?]

Visitors have been tempting the alligator with food such as
tortillas, French bread and doughnuts, but to no avail.
[Why not try tempting it with visitors?]


K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard S¿rensen, Member of ADC
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
*Nisus - The Future In Text & Mail Processing <http://www.nisus.com>

Brian S (20-08-2005)
Fra : Brian S

Dato : 20-08-05 22:02

Øhm, hvorfor bringer du det her i en nyhedsgruppe om Mac-computere?

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