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Jøder hjalp selvmordsbomber i Israel
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 02-08-05 19:46

Så har man set det med. Fire unge israelske jøder har hjulpet
selvmordsbomberen i Netanyahu. De gjorde det for /penge/, og havde
tidligere smuglet andre arabere ind.

De hævder dog at de ikke vidste at der var tale om en selvmordsbomber.
Muligvis troede de at det bare var en ulovlig indvandrer.

Israeli suspected of driving bomber

margot dudkevitch and dan izenberg, THE JERUSALEM POST
Aug. 2, 2005

Kfir Levy, 25, of Ramat Gan, suspected of driving Ahmed Jawi, 18, who
blew up at a Netanya mall in July killing five Israelis and wounding 88
others, was one of four suspects arrested by security forces in recent
weeks, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) revealed Tuesday. The
Islamic Jihad in Tulkarm claimed responsibility for the attack.
The three other suspects were identified as Assif Zahran,29, of Ilar
north of Tulkarm, and Israeli citizens Rahman Abu Moh,24, of Bakka al
Gharbiya and Sieff Azzam,33, of Taibe.
Details of the investigation were permitted for publication after the
lifting of a gag order. All three were indicted on charges of
manslaughter at the Tel Aviv District Court on Tuesday, and their remand
extended until next Wednesday.
The three were charged with five counts of manslaughter, 30 counts of
causing grievous harm, destroying evidence, obstructing justice,
illegally transporting a foreign resident in Israel and conspiracy to
commit felony. The manslaughter charges each carry a penalty of up to 20
years in jail.
Levy's brother Rami told reporters in the morning that his parents were
unaware of the entire affair, and that he planned to break it to them in
the course of the day. "None of his friends believe him capable of doing
such a thing," he said.
According to the Shin Bet, the three Israeli citizens admitted to their
involvement, but claimed they were unaware that Jawi was a suicide
bomber. Security officials said that Azzam confessed to investigators
that for seven months, he and Levy were involved in smuggling
Palestinians illegally into Israel, and were paid NIS 1000 for each
illegal Palestinian they smuggled in. According to officials the two
smuggled 1600 Palestinians illegally into Israel during that period.
On the day of the bombing, Zahran met Jawi in Nablus, and Azzam drove
the two to Einav. There, the two met Levy who drove them into Israel,
taking advantage of the fact that as a Jew, he would not be stopped for
inspection at the Tsofin IDF checkpoint.
Levy continued to Kohav Yair where Jawi and Zahran then changed cars and
were driven by Azzam to Taibe. There they met Abu Moh, who drove Zahran
and Jawi to Netanya. Near the mall, Jawi took out a small bag containing
the bomb and left. Minutes later he blew up. Abu Moh and Zahran heard
the blast as they returned to Taibe, where the former invited the latter
to his home for a cup of coffee.
Deputy Commander Avi Sasson of the Sharon district police said security
officials plan to initiate new security measures at checkpoints after
drawing conclusions from the incident.
Normally Jewish citizens are not susceptible to inspections at IDF
checkpoints, and sometimes only have to flash their identity cards
before passing through, he said. "People are willing to take risks for
the sake of money," Sasson said on Israeli Radio.
Zahran told investigators that the planner of the attack was Nidal Abu
Sada, who offered to pay him $10,000 to smuggle a suicide bomber into
Israel. Officials said Abu Sada, incarcerated by Palestinian security
forces in Tulkarm because of his involvement in the Stage nightclub
bombing, planned and orchestrated the entire attack from his place of
Abu Sada, also supplied Zahran with a fake Israeli identity card, and
the bag and bomb which was hidden among clothes.
Security officials noted that it wasn't the first time a Jewish citizen
drove a suicide bomber into Israel. In December 2003, a Jewish taxi
driver drove a suicide bomber and his assistant to the Geha Junction.
Shortly after the bomber blew up, killing four Israelis and wounding 21.
Meanwhile, in a related development, the Haifa District Court acquitted
Umm el-Fahm resident Jamal Mahajne of charges of being an accessory to
murder, and to causing harm with aggravated intent, and for transporting
an illegal resident.
Mahajne was accused of having driven Nadi Jeradat, the Jenin terrorist
who blew herself up in the Maxim restaurant, near Haifa, on October
4,2003, killing 21 people and wounding 51.
The state accused Mahajne of transporting Jeradat from the West Bank
side of the divided town of Bartaa to Haifa even though he suspected she
was a suicide bomber. Despite his suspicions he allegedly did not try to
find out what the purpose of her trip was.
A panel of three judges ruled that Jeradat did not behave in such a way
as to arouse suspicion about her intentions. However it convicted
Mahajne of causing death and of causing injury through negligence and of
transporting an illegal resident.

This article can also be read at

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Per Erik Rønne

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