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Hope has died...
Fra : G B

Dato : 31-07-05 15:28


Summary: These are the facts that i've been reading over the last few
days of July. And they only lead to one conclusion..

19th - Muslim leaders in UK tweak Sura 5:32 about when killing is
permitted in Islam, into a more digestible version for western ears, and
omits the part containing the "unless...".

20th - 90% of the swedes do not have confidence in their legal system.
This comes after 3 immigrants were released from detention after having
beaten to death a white swede in May. That same month, another swede was
beaten to death by 3 immigrants - with boards. He had asked them kindly
not to piss in his hallway....

20th - Details of the case against the four Pakistani brothers and their
friend who went to Australia and raped sixteen girls over a six-month
period, were allowed to be lifted. The Pakistanis were sentenced on DNA-
proof but still maintained that they were framed by an anti-muslim

22nd - 46% of British muslims believes that the mainstream muslim
sentiment is anti-western hatred. 88% sees themselves as muslim before

22nd - Muslim Association of Britain blackmails the western powers and
refuses to acknowledge any problems. Their message is "get out of Iraq
and muslims may stop bombing You".

23rd - 100.000 British muslims believe that terrorism against us is fully
justified, 16.000 are ready and willing to carry it out. 24% of all
British muslims sympathizes with the terrorists' motives. 18% doesn't
feel any loyalty towards England at all. 32% believes that western
society is decadent and that muslims should bring it to an end. 63% has
no faith in the British legal system and believes it to biased against
muslims. 28% would NOT inform anybody if they had knowledge of an
imminent terrorist attack!

25th - 80% of German muslims feels discriminated against, up from 65% in
1999. 20% of them lives in ghettos.

26th - German immigrants have become more "religious": 2000: 57%, 2004:

26th - Dutch minister of justice believes that there are up to 20 more
terrorist groups like the Hofstadgroup with 15 members who, amongst
planning terrorist activities, also killed Movie Director Van Gogh.

27th - An article tells of the Lesbian Ela, a Dane of Turkish
descendants, who leaves her husband after 16 years of horrible physical
abuse. However, his friends and all the turks that live around her and
her children, continues the abuse: throwing stones at her and her
children, spits on them, intimidates them, the list goes on.

28th - British police arrests 3 women who have been housing the
terrorists now captured.

28th - Danish bottle recycling system is being renewed and new labels are
required for bottles - the administration is swamped by illegal labels
which the mostly immigrant mini market-owners tries to switch into legal
ones which they can then put on their illegally imported products. 15.000
illegal labels have been seized since the 15th.

28th - the biggest American muslim front organization, CAIR, admits to be
a front for terrorists/terrorism and dedicated to overthrow of the
American society as we know it.

29th - just 5 kilometers south from me, (i have been to that little
apartment complex once many years ago) 10 members of an iraqi family
whose 17 year old son has run away from home in order to avoid a forced
marriage, invades the home of a 16 year old danish girl and her father
and begins a 22 hour long hostage taking. They believe that she knows
where the boy is because she has chatted with him for a short while a
long time ago. (they conned her into telling her address and opening the
door to them) They torture (whipping the girl and strangling them both),
sexually molest and threaten (knives included) the father and daughter,
until he finally escapes and alerts the police. When the boy, whom they
wanted to get, heard of what had happened, he said "Now i die. I'm going
to get killed. It's 100% certain that my father will kill me now".

28th - Van goghs son have, apart from having lost his father to a devout
muslim, been assaulted and threatened and insulted by his muslim
classmates, and at several incidents been assaulted and/or threatened by
groups of moroccan immigrants.

30th - Denmark - To young girls went home with two older immigrants and
were date raped. The police can't press charges because of the legal
peculiarities of date raping.

30th - Also in Denmark, a 25 year old women were raped by 6 immigrants.

30th - 70% of British prison inmates are muslims, (in France it's 60%)
the number has risen 6 times over the last 15 years.

The above is what was in the news over the last week in relation to the
immigrants in our countries. Where was the good news of integration going
It wasn't there because it isn't.

Hope has died. The black build up has begun.
Few will say it out loud, but in fact, there is no more alternatives on
how to get along, new and old citizens together. As i see it personally,
our societies have done far more than we were obliged to, and yet it
hasn't helped. The immigrants in our countries are not good for us. They
never had intentions to, either...

Our societies are split, and become more so by the week. The muslims
become more fundamentalist and isolationist, also by the week. The
muslims attack us, rape us, abuse us - and it increases week by week. We
take great care in not hurting them needlessly as we meticulously find
them, arrest them and lock them up in prison. And we watch passively as
they in prison are molded and shaped into terrorists, ready to be let out
into our society and, at a time of their choosing, blow our loved ones in
pieces, fulfilling the command of their muslim god.

We pretend to be a sanctity for the persecuted by receiving persecutors.

We pretend to protect democracy by giving voice to those that plan to
destroy it.

We save the lives of those that try to kill us.

We refuse to condemn those that condemn us.

We pretend to be humane by not torturing those that would love to torture

We pretend to be civilized by giving civil rights to those that wants to
take civil rights from us.

We encourage multiculturalism with people who don't want anything from
our culture.

We strive to love those that hate us.

We receive nothing but condemnation.

We get molested, and yelled at, and spat at.

We get threatened.

We get bombed.


No, there is no hope any longer for a peaceful solution.
What we need to do now, is to end it the most peaceful way possible.
Avoiding bloodshed, avoiding an escalating psychical conflict.
But end it, nevertheless.

The muslims must go.

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