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Jihad made in Europe
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 17-07-05 13:28

En god artikel om hvordan det ser ud til at være en europæisk jihad vi skal
forvente, og at det er her den nye jihad udformes.


Jihad Made In Europe - From the July 25, 2005 issue:
There may be more to fear from a mosque in Leeds
than a madrassa in the Middle East.

by Reuel Marc Gerecht

07/25/2005, Volume 010, Issue 42

THE JULY SUICIDE BOMBINGS IN London--some or all of whose perpetrators
were Muslims born and reared in Britain--are likely to produce in the
United Kingdom the same intellectual reflection on Muslim identity in
Europe that is already underway in nearby countries. The French began
this reflection in earnest ten years ago, after bomb-happy,
lycée-educated, French-born Islamic holy warriors terrorized France.
The Spanish began it after their own train bombings in March 2004, and
the Dutch after the brutal slaying of the film director Theo van Gogh
by a Muslim militant in November 2004. Quite likely the British will
reach the same conclusion the French already have, to wit: Islamic
terrorism on European soil has its roots in the Middle East. "British
Islam"--the behavior and spiritual practice of Muslims in the United
Kingdom--it will be said, is by and large a progressive force standing
against pernicious and retrograde ideas emanating from the Middle
East. There are big problems of acculturation at home in mother
England, all will confess, but the holy-warrior mentality is imported.

This view, however, may turn out to be dead wrong. What was once
unquestionably an import has gone native, mutated, and grown. Some of
what the Europeans are now confronting--and for the United States this
is very bad news--is probably a locally generated Islamic militancy
that is as retrograde and virulent as anything encountered in the
Middle East. "European Islam" appears to be an increasingly
radicalizing force intellectually and in practice. The
much-anticipated Muslim moderates of Europe--the folks French scholar
Gilles Kepel believes will produce "extraordinary progress in
civilization," a new "Andalusia" (the classical Arabic word for
Moorish Spain) that will save us from Osama bin Laden's jihad--have so
far not developed with the same gusto as the Muslim activists who have
dominated too many mosques in "Londonistan" and elsewhere in Europe.
Moderates surely represent the overwhelming majority of Muslims in
Europe, but like their post-Christian European counterparts, they
usually express their moderation in detachment from religious affairs.

Though Europeans often fail to see it, the secularization of the
Muslims living in their midst has been, by and large, a great success.
It explains why Muslim activists gain so much attention, be they
arch-conservatives, like the devotees of the Tabligh movement in
Britain and on the continent who espouse segregation in Europe, or
"progressives," like the Switzerland-based intellectual Tariq Ramadan,
who refuses forthrightly to declare the Muslim Holy Law null and void
as a political testament for Muslims in a European democracy. The
moderates have abandoned the field. They have become European. The
militants, who perhaps should be seen as deviants from a largely
successful process of secularization, are the only ones left ardently

For organizations like al Qaeda, this may mean that the future will be
decisively European. From its earliest days, al Qaeda viewed Europe as
an important launching platform for attacks against the United States
and its interests. Now, Western counterterrorist forces, which have
traditionally tried to track Middle Eastern missionaries in Europe,
would be well advised to start searching for radical European Muslim
missionaries in the Middle East and elsewhere. Some Europeans--and
they are mostly French--have seen the future. Always ahead of his
time, the French scholar Olivier Roy has written:

When we consider the [Islamic] movements that embrace violence, we can
see that they are not expressions of an outburst in the West of the
[Israeli-Palestinian] conflict in the Middle East. Most of the young
Muslims radicalize in the West: They are "born-again Muslims." It's
here that they are Islamicized. Almost all separate from their
families and many have marriages with non-Muslims. Their dispute with
the world isn't imported from the Middle East: It is truly modern,
aimed against American imperialism, capitalism, etc. In other words,
they occupy the same space that the proletarian left had thirty years
ago, that Action Directe had twenty years ago. . . . They exist in a
militant reality abandoned by the extreme left, where the young live
only to destroy the system. . . . [This radicalization] isn't at all
the consequence of a "clash of civilizations," that is to say, the
importation of intellectual frameworks coming from the Middle East.

This militant evolution is happening, in situ, on our territory. It
partakes henceforth of the internal history of the West.

Roy may overstate the autonomy of Islamic radicalism in Europe from
the militancy in the Middle East; he surely diminishes too much the
religious ingredient in the emerging radical Muslim European identity.
But my own visits to numerous radical mosques in Western Europe since
9/11 suggest that he is more right than wrong about the
Europeanization of Islamic militancy. The Saudis may pay for the
mosques and the visiting Saudi and Jordanian imams, but the believers
are often having very European conversations in European languages. In
France, Belgium, or Holland, sitting with young male believers can
feel like a time-warp, a return to the European left of the 1970s and
early 1980s. Europe's radical-mosque practitioners can appear, mutatis
mutandis, like a Muslim version of the hard-core intellectuals and
laborers behind the aggrieved but proud Scottish National party in its
salad days. These young men are often Sunni versions of the Iranian
radicals who gathered around the jumbled, deeply contradictory,
religious left-wing ideas of Ali Shariati, one of the intellectual
fathers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's "red-mullah" revolution of
1979, and the French-educated ex-Communist Jalal Al-e Ahmad, who
became in the 1960s perhaps the most famous theoretician of Muslim
alienation in the Western world.

Læs resten i magasinet, den er god.

Så han siger at de moderate muslimer slet ikke er med i diskussionerne inden
for europæisk islam, for de har simpelthen forladt "banen" og er blevet

Og de nye unge rabiate lyder som RAF og andre lignende grupper i 1970erne,
de vil bare smadre hele samfundet, og tænker i utopier, hvis de overhovedet
kommer så langt som til at tænke på hvilken fremtid, de kunne forestille
sig. Nogle af de nye er sunni-versioner af dem der støttede Khomeini, og som
også troede, at de var på vej til et nyt vidunderligt tusindårsrige baseret
på lighed og retfærdighed, - virkeligheden viste sig jo som bekendt at blive
noget anderledes, - som den altid gør.

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