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Stormoskeen i Leeds
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 17-07-05 13:12

Jeg kiggede lidt på fredagsprædikerne fra stormoskeen i Leeds, som jo er en
almindelig fredelig gennemsnitsmoské. Kan man finde de træk mht vestligt
fordærv osv som man tror khutbaer ofte har på programmet?

Her er nogle uddrag fra prædikener:

How many sanctities are violated? How much blood is shed? How much wealth is
plundered? How many people are forced to flee from their homes? How many are
those who are harmed and driven away, an entire people forced from the land
of Palestine? The right of Muslims in India and in Kashmir and in Palestine
and the central Asian Republics such as Chechnya and other states; their
rights are violated and abused as if they have no value or worth. In the
world of human rights, we are Muslims and our blood has become the cheapest
blood on earth, and our lands have become pillage for every greedy
individual. Where are our rights? When the court rules for retribution
against those who injected Muslim children with the AIDS virus in Libya, the
world speaks and criticises the rulings and describes them as harsh. But
where was the world when these monsters did this? How cheap is the honour of
the Muslims today? How cheap is their dignity? Atrocities, scandals,
brutality, cruelty, barbarities and no humanity...in the treatment of Muslim
prisoners in the prisons on Guantanamo Bay, and the prisons of the
occupation of Iraq and in Afghanistan and in the Zionist prisons in
Palestine. All this is the result of a poisoned culture, and this is
deliberate. This is their intention regarding the Islamic world and the
Muslims. Muslims are slaughtered and massacred in Nigeria and the world does
not bat an eyelid, not even a hair moves. No-one in the world raises a
voice. Why? Because these are Muslims.

So when the Muslims seek to avenge themselves for their dignity, and give
victory to their honour, and they confront the aggressor, then the free
world moves. Then they speak and call for human rights, then the leaders of
freedom, democracy and justice feel threatened with revenge, those who do
what they do in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places.


Oh Muslims!

How great is our need? We, as Muslims today, living in the lands of Islam
and outside the lands of Islam, but especially those who live outside the
lands of Islam; how great is our need of a reminder and an exhortation.
Because everything that our youth face, our sons and daughters, everything
that they see and witness, everything that they hear each day, contradicts
and opposes their belief, their religion, and the manners and morals of
Islam. There is only the small, occasional exception. This is a natural
consequence for anybody, whether by choice or compulsion, who lives outside
his own environment and society.

Så alt hvad en muslim ser omkring sig er i modstrid med religionen, med kun
meget små undtagelser.


Under the Ummayyad dynasty the area of the Islamic state expanded and
spread, as far as the lands of Sind and India in the East, as far as Spain
and the borders of France in the West. The leaders of the conquest were
youths like Muhammad bin al-Qasim al-Thaqafi, who opened up the land of
Sind, ans he was only 27 years old. Muhammad al-Fatih, who opened up
Constantinople, was only 23. It is said he must have read the Hadith: "You
will open up Constantinople, and the leader will be a great leader, and the
army will be a great army." The heart of this youth, Muhammad al-Fatih,
desired to achieve the destiny of this hadith, and Allah gave him what he
desired. He was indeed a great leader and ruler. Do our youth have great
hopes like these youth? Like Uqba bin Nafi, and Tariq bin Ziad. There is the
great example of Osama bin Zaid, the youth who was given command by the
Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa salam, over an army which included the great
Companions, like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. It was if the Prophet,
salla Allahu alaihi wa salam, wa indicating that the youth would be the
prime force for this religion.

Da islams område ekspanderede, - ja, sandelig ikke ved hjælp af jihad - det
ekspanderede bare. Det skal de unge muslimer huske på, siges der.
Konstantinopel blev "åbenet op", ikke noget med voldsom jihad, det var
sikkert bare "Sesam luk dig op".


Oh Youth of Islam!

You see the world today groping about in the darkness of materialism, and
the gratification of worldly passions, in anarchism and deviation. And with
this and that you see oppression, despotism and the seizure of the
capabilities of peoples and nations. Your nation is in the midst of this. It
is experiencing the greatest share. Your Islam, your religion, is being

And see and hear the plans and schemes that are being devised to scrutinize
and beguile what the people still have from this religion, to suffocate the
values and examples and legacy of the Prophets.

Islam er under angreb fra alle sider, mener imamen, vi skulle skamme os. Og
vi er grove nok til at ville kvæle Profetens eksempler og værdier, - ham vi
ellers kan lære så meget af.


First of all, it must be emphasised that Jesus is like Adam. Allah says:

"The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam: He created him
from dust, then said to him: 'Be!' and he was." (Ali-'Imran 3: 59)

Allah also says, regarding the excesses of the Christians:

"Oh people of the Book! Do not go to excess in your religion or say of Allah
anything but the truth. Jesus, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger
of Allah, and His Word, which he bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So
believe in Allah and His Messengers. Do not say 'Three.' Desist. It will be
better for you, for Allah is One God. Glory be to Him. Far Exalted is He
above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth,
and Allah is enough as a Disposer of affairs." (An-Nisa' 4: 171)

Allah says with regard to the crucifixion:

"Then, because of their [Bani Israil] breaking of their covenant, and their
disbelieving in the revelations of Allah, and their unjust slaying of the
prophets, and their saying: 'Our hearts are covered. [They don't acknowledge
what the Prophet says].' Rather, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts for
their rejection of faith, and only a few of them believe. For their
disbelief, and their terrible slander against Mary. For their saying: ' We
killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah!'; but they
did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear that
they did. And those who differ are full of doubt, without knowledge, only
conjecture to follow, for surely they did not kill him. Rather, Allah raised
him up to Himself, and indeed Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise." (An-Nisa 4:

We believe that Jesus will be sent down again before the end of time, and he
will follow the Shari'ah of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace. He will be a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the
pig, and abolish the jizya.

In summary, Jesus was a prophet of Allah, created by Him.

Kristne skal holde op med at være kristne, DET er iflg imamen ikke noget
angreb på andres religion, det er bare helt naturligt at sige når Allah selv
har sagt det.

Trans (17-07-2005)
Fra : Trans

Dato : 17-07-05 13:39

Knud Larsen citerede fra fredagsprædikerne fra stormoskeen i Leeds:

> How many sanctities are violated? How much blood is shed? How much wealth is
> plundered? How many people are forced to flee from their homes? How many are
> those who are harmed and driven away, an entire people forced from the land
> of Palestine? The right of Muslims in India and in Kashmir and in Palestine
> and the central Asian Republics such as Chechnya and other states; their
> rights are violated and abused as if they have no value or worth. In the
> world of human rights, we are Muslims and our blood has become the cheapest
> blood on earth, and our lands have become pillage for every greedy
> individual. Where are our rights?

Ja, hvor er de sorte Darfur-muslimers rettigheder? De hvide muslimer i
Sudan forsoeger folkemord paa dem. Er det ikke ca. een million, der er
fordrevet? Jog tror, man maa soege efter deres rettigheder i
1948-konventionen om folkemord.


Knud Larsen (17-07-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 17-07-05 13:52

"Trans" <kongaead@my-deja.com> wrote in message
Knud Larsen citerede fra fredagsprædikerne fra stormoskeen i Leeds:

> How many sanctities are violated? How much blood is shed? How much wealth
> is
> plundered? How many people are forced to flee from their homes? How many
> are
> those who are harmed and driven away, an entire people forced from the
> land
> of Palestine? The right of Muslims in India and in Kashmir and in
> Palestine
> and the central Asian Republics such as Chechnya and other states; their
> rights are violated and abused as if they have no value or worth. In the
> world of human rights, we are Muslims and our blood has become the
> cheapest
> blood on earth, and our lands have become pillage for every greedy
> individual. Where are our rights?

Ja, hvor er de sorte Darfur-muslimers rettigheder? De hvide muslimer i
Sudan forsoeger folkemord paa dem. Er det ikke ca. een million, der er
fordrevet? Jog tror, man maa soege efter deres rettigheder i
1948-konventionen om folkemord.

De kommer sjovt nok aldrig med i opregningerne over hvordan muslimer bliver
plaget i alle verdens lande, - og selvfølgelig ville man ikke drømme om at
tale om de 100.000-der af kristne dræbte i Sydsudan, eller om forfølgelserne
af kristne i næsten alle muslimske lande, - God forbid! Det er "noget helt
andet", siger de fromme.

Per Rønne (17-07-2005)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 17-07-05 18:11

Knud Larsen <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Da islams område ekspanderede, - ja, sandelig ikke ved hjælp af jihad - det
> ekspanderede bare. Det skal de unge muslimer huske på, siges der.
> Konstantinopel blev "åbenet op", ikke noget med voldsom jihad, det var
> sikkert bare "Sesam luk dig op".

Ja, og da 900-året for 1. korstog kom, så skulle en række vestlige
gejstlige minsandten til den islamiske verden for at »undskylde« - som
om der var noget at undskylde. Man kunne have talt om en »mod-jihad«,
men det gjorde man ikke. I stedet viste man sand dhimmi-mentalitet.
Per Erik Rønne

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