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Rote Armee Fraktion bag bomberne i London?
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 09-07-05 23:06

General Abd Al-Halim said: "These groups, as we said and as was
mentioned, are not just Muslim. There are many extremist groups. We've
all heard of Bader-Meinhof. We've all heard of the Red Brigades, the
Red Army, and many other groups. Even if we don't hear about these
groups in the media, we can't exclude them. It's possible that these
groups operate today under the guise of Al-Qa'ida, and it is attributed
to Al-Qa'ida, and there is a communiqué saying that Al-Qa'ida and so
on. These organizations exist in many countries. As we said, we're
talking about a decentralized organization and they are operating under
the name of... and they publish a communiqué stating that it was
Al-Qa'ida that carried out this operation."

Måske er det McVeighs søn, eller en fætter til en af abortlægemorderne?


Abd Al-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the London Arabic-language daily
Al-Quds Al-Arabi who often expresses support for Saddam Hussein and
Osama bin Laden, [2] gave an interview to Al-Jazeera TV which aired on
July 7, 2005. (To view this interview, visit

In the interview, Atwan said: "There is no doubt that Tony Blair, the
prime minister of Britain, got a good slap from these explosions. Tony
Blair was at the height of glory up to the last moments before these
explosions. When I say the height of glory, I mean that he succeeded in
ensuring that London, the capital of Britain, would host the Olympics,
and likewise he was reclining in his seat as the head of the G8 summit.
In addition, he had begun his term as leader of the European Union.
Through these achievements, the man wanted to cover up the big failure
incurred by the British and American policy in Iraq.

"These explosions came and blew up everything. They prove that the war
Blair and Bush waged against terrorism, on which they have spent about
$250 billion, in addition to the killing of some 2,000 British soldiers
and 100,000 Iraqi citizens - this war up till now has not been
successful. If the Al-Qa'ida organization is really behind these
explosions, this proves that it has reorganized its ranks, succeeded in
recruiting new expertise, and reached the heart of the European
capitals - Britain following Madrid, and maybe in the future -
Washington or New York."

The head of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought in London, Azzam
Al-Tamimi, [3] gave an interview to Al-Majd TV on July 7, 2005. (To
view this interview, visit

In the interview, Tamimi said: "In the current circumstances, it's
logical to say that the only ones to have an interest in doing
something like this are those who are furious because of British
policy. By the way, when all this had just begun, people talked about
it as if there were no context to it. The political context is
Britain's entanglement in an oppressive and unjust war against the
Afghan and Iraqi peoples. The context is Britain's involvement, along
with the U.S., in the arrest and persecution of a large group of
Muslims. I believe that this context will be taken into consideration
starting tomorrow, Allah willing."

Grunden til mordet på 55 civile i London, og nogle hundrede med smadrede
liv, er naturligvis forsøget på at indføre demokrati i Irak, det kan enhver
godhjertet person forstå. Havde man dog bare tilladt Saddam Hussein at
fortsætte med at rive arme og ben af sine politiske modstandere, så havde vi
kunne leve i fred, - hvis vi ser bort fra at terrorbomberne begyndte længe
før krigen i Irak, - i 1993.

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