MBD <dalmoseFJERN@idraet.dk> skrev:
>Når jeg starter min computer op (Win
>XP sp2) så kommer der et lille vindue
>frem med overskriften CMA og i
>vinduet står der "Error opening local
>Jeg har søgt her og der og alle vegne
>(Google osv) men kan ikke finde ud af
>hvad det skyldes...
Har du scannet for "snavs" med Ad-aware - og dit antivirusprogram?
Mit første hit på Google med ordene cma +"Error opening local
storage" gav denne løsning, som ganske vist gælder Win98, men som
måske også kan hjælpe dig (?):
First try going to :
Start, run, type in msconfig - hit OK
Click on the Startup Tab and look for any entry that has CMA
associated with it. Uncheck it.
You can look here to get an explanation of any other itemsthat are
checked. Just type in the name and search:
Also make sure your antivirus is up to date and run it.
Found this for you as well:
cma cma.exe DeskSite CMA siftware - "retrieves new content from
the DeskSite Data Center" This is from the above site.If you still
want the program reinstall it, otherwise uncheck and see if it is
completely uninstalled.
Ole C