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Hvordan man bekæmper den logik-resistente ~
Fra : G B

Dato : 30-05-05 23:32

Islamkritikeren Ali Sina har på Faith Freedom har skrevet endnu et
glimrende indlæg om den logik-resistente islam:

How do you fight with people who despise reason and pride themselves in
their irrational faith? I am a rationalist. A rationalist’s biggest
weapon is reason. But when our opponent mocks reason, our weapon has no
effect on him. He is basically disarming us.

So what shall we do? Logic has no effect on Muslims. Doing nothing means
destruction of mankind. It seems we are in an impasse.

Humiliate them. This is my response. Lower yourself to the level of your
opponent and speak to him in a language that he understands. He is full
of bravado and vain glory. Mock him. Make him look stupid. Deride at
him. Disgrace him. Destroy his pride. Make him look like the scum of the
Earth. Make him the butt of the jokes. Laugh at him and at his
stupidity. This is good for him. This is his remedy. The idea is to jolt
him to reality. This is bitter medicine, but it wont’ kill him. If you
don’t, you will have to kill him later.

To convince themselves to wear the degrading hijab, Muslims have
associated the concept of “modesty” to it. Hijab has nothing to do with
modesty. It is a statement of defiance of the western values, of
democracy and it is the sign of arrogance. We have to counter this
image. Muslim women wearing hijab are given a false sense of
superiority. They are made to believe that other women are sluts and sex
objects and only they are modest and hence superior. This, like anything
else in Islam, is a false belief. If unchallenged this lie is eventually
believed. Any lie if repeated enough and is not challenged will be
eventually believed. We must challenge it. We must demonstrate, first
rationally, that women wearing hijab are actually regarding themselves
as sex objects and not those who don’t wear it and then humiliate them.
The rationality of this argument will have little effect on a people who
deride reason but humiliation will.

Men læs selv det hele på Faith Freedom

Liberal, kongetro, EU-modstander og atomkraftmodstander.
Frihed under ansvar er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Støt Israel - køb Israelske varer!

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