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Oriana Fallaci
Fra : G B

Dato : 29-05-05 12:39

The 18 things you can't say about Muslims in Italy.

Thanks to Ilario Vige, my indefatigable source of Oriana intel, I now
have a pdf copy of an article from the Italian newspaper Libero, which
reproduces the text of the complaint filed against Fallaci. How’s that
for social capital in the internet age? (Ah, Prof. Putnam, there are more
things in heaven and earth…) I don’t have time now to try to translate
all of it, but eventually I hope to obtain copies of the cited code
provisions so as to be in a position to understand the way the legal
issues are being framed. What I can do for now is list the 18
“incriminating sentences.” As I had guessed, a few of the offending
passages are from the section I translated earlier. Many of them are mere
snippets taken from longer contexts. For now I will present them only as
they appear in the complaint (at least as cited in the article), ellipses
and all. If there is reason to do so later I can provide more of the
context for each.

1) during the occupation of Montecassino in the 9th century “the Muslims
amused themselves by sacrificing each night the virginity of a nun. Do
you know where? On the altar of the cathedral.”

2) while occupying Constantinople in 1453, the Turks led by Mohammed II
“decapitated even newborns. And extinguished candles with their little

3) “In a woman the Koran sees above all a womb to give birth.”

4) “In the dream that the sons of Allah have been nurturing for years,
the dream of blowing up Giotto’s Tower or the Tower of Pisa or the cupola
of St. Peter’s or the Eiffel Tower or Westminster Abbey or the cathedral
of Cologne and so on . . .”

5) “…halal butchery is barbarous” just as “shechita butchery is
barbarous. That is, the Jewish version which is carried out in the same
way and consists of slitting the animals’ throats without dazing them.”

6) France is a country “where Islamic racism, that is the hatred of the
infidel-dogs, reigns supreme and is never put on trial, never punished.
Where the Muslims declare openly: “We must take advantage of the
democratic space that France offers us, we must exploit democracy, that
is, make use of it to occupy territory.” Where not a few of them add: “In
Europe the Nazi position was not understood. Or not by all. It was judged
a vehicle of homicidal folly, when actually Hitler was a great man.”

7) for Muslims “biology is a shameless science because it is occupied
with the human body and sex.”

8) “ . . . we will have to resign ourselves to the yoke of a creed that .
.. . instead of love spreads hatred and instead of liberty slavery.”

9) “a Right and a Left . . . that (in Italy) are both on the side of the
enemy (Islam).”

10) the demands of the Islamics with regard to school curricula mean that
in literature classes “we will not be allowed to include for example The
Divine Comedy . . .nor the Canticle of Creatures nor the Sacred Hymns of
Alessandra Manzoni . . .” etc. etc.

11) “ . . . the uncouth wailing of the muezzin . . .”

12) the terrorist attacks of the last twenty years have caused six
thousand deaths “to the glory of the Koran. In obedience to its verses.”

13) “Our Jesus of Nazareth . . . they put him in their Danna where he
eats like Trimalchio, drinks like a drunkard, screws like a sexual

14) “. . . the revolting, reactionary, obtuse, feudal Right is found
today only in Islam. It is Islam.”

15) infibulation is “the mutilation that the Muslims force on little
girls to prevent them, once they are grown . . . from enjoying the sexual
act. It is a female castration that the Muslims practice in twenty-eight
countries of Islamic Africa and because of which two million persons die
each year from sepsis or loss of blood . . .”

16) the Italians afflicted by atavistic loss of pride “are not offended
when Islamic immigrants urinate on their monuments or soil the sacristies
of their churches or toss their crucifixes out the window of a hospital.”

17) “. . . Islam is a pond. And a pond is a trough of stagnant water. . .
it is never purified . . . it is easily polluted, like a watering hole
for livestock of little value. The pond does not love life: It loves
death . . .”

18) “ . . .despite the massacres through which the sons of Allah have
bloodied us and bloodied themselves for over thirty years, the war that
Islam has declared against the West . . . is a cultural war. . .they kill
us in order to bend us. To intimidate us . . . Their goal is not to fill
cemeteries. Not to destroy our skyscrapers . . . It is to destroy our
soul, our ideas. Our feelings and our dreams. It is to subjugate the West
once again.”

Liberal, kongetro, EU-modstander og atomkraftmodstander.
Frihed under ansvar er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Støt Israel - køb Israelske varer!

Jørgen Pedersen (29-05-2005)
Fra : Jørgen Pedersen

Dato : 29-05-05 14:20

"G B" <nonono@nospam.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
> The 18 things you can't say about Muslims in Italy.
> Thanks to Ilario Vige, my indefatigable source of Oriana intel, I now
> have a pdf copy of an article from the Italian newspaper Libero, which
> reproduces the text of the complaint filed against Fallaci. How's that
> for social capital in the internet age? (Ah, Prof. Putnam, there are more
> things in heaven and earth.) I don't have time now to try to translate
> all of it, but eventually I hope to obtain copies of the cited code
> provisions so as to be in a position to understand the way the legal
> issues are being framed. What I can do for now is list the 18
> "incriminating sentences." As I had guessed, a few of the offending
> passages are from the section I translated earlier. Many of them are mere
> snippets taken from longer contexts. For now I will present them only as
> they appear in the complaint (at least as cited in the article), ellipses
> and all. If there is reason to do so later I can provide more of the
> context for each.
> 1) during the occupation of Montecassino in the 9th century "the Muslims
> amused themselves by sacrificing each night the virginity of a nun. Do
> you know where? On the altar of the cathedral."

a)Det er tusinde år siden.
b)Der står intet i bibelen om nonner.
c)Det er for intet at regne i forhold til de overgreb, eurpæiske kolonister
og korsfarere
har begået mod verdens farvede befolkninger

> 5) ".halal butchery is barbarous" just as "shechita butchery is
> barbarous. That is, the Jewish version which is carried out in the same
> way and consists of slitting the animals' throats without dazing them."

Se bare hvordan "vi" behandler slagtedyr!


> 16) the Italians afflicted by atavistic loss of pride "are not offended
> when Islamic immigrants urinate on their monuments or soil the sacristies
> of their churches or toss their crucifixes out the window of a hospital."

Det er da også forfærdelig. Mens Italien hjælper sammen med bl.a.
"Danmark", at massakrere den irakiske befolkning for at sikre
adgang til olien.


Man kan bare håbe, at hun får lov til at tilbringe resten af sit usle liv
bag tremmer.

G B (29-05-2005)
Fra : G B

Dato : 29-05-05 14:36

"Jørgen Pedersen" <jorped_anarkist@yahoo.com> skrev i meddelelsen

>> 1) during the occupation of Montecassino in the 9th century "the
>> Muslims amused themselves by sacrificing each night the virginity of
>> a nun. Do you know where? On the altar of the cathedral."
> a)Det er tusinde år siden.

BÅÅÅT! I halal-hippier er ellers ikke blege for at finde korstogene (som
iøvrigt var forsvarskrige mod islamistisk erobring) frem af mølposen ved
enhver given lejlighed.

> b)Der står intet i bibelen om nonner.

BÅÅÅT! Der står heller intet om islamistiske overgreb på dhimmier.

> c)Det er for intet at regne i forhold til de overgreb, eurpæiske
> kolonister og korsfarere har begået mod verdens farvede befolkninger

BÅÅT! Nu gør du selv lige præcis det, du harcellerer imod i dit a)-punkt.

Ja, der er da begået fejl, men uden kolonialismen ville størstedelen af
tredje verden ikke have jernbaner, elektricitet og mange andre

>> 5) ".halal butchery is barbarous" just as "shechita butchery is
>> barbarous. That is, the Jewish version which is carried out in the
>> same way and consists of slitting the animals' throats without dazing
>> them."
> Se bare hvordan "vi" behandler slagtedyr!

BÅÅÅT! Så hold op med at spise kød!

> [løgne]
[en halal-hippie kommer til kort]

>> 16) the Italians afflicted by atavistic loss of pride "are not
>> offended when Islamic immigrants urinate on their monuments or soil
>> the sacristies of their churches or toss their crucifixes out the
>> window of a hospital."
> Det er da også forfærdelig. Mens Italien hjælper sammen med bl.a.
> "Danmark", at massakrere den irakiske befolkning for at sikre
> kapitalisternes adgang til olien.

BÅÅÅT! Men hvis en side af koranen i en journalists fantasi ryger i et
lokum, går muhamedanerne bersærk i en grad, så de myrder hinanden - selv
om det ikke passer.

> [løgne]
[en halal-hippie kommer til kort]

> Man kan bare håbe, at hun får lov til at tilbringe resten af sit usle
> liv bag tremmer.

Ja, det er godt med dig. Tag dog ned til dine tjetjenske eller
"irakiske" brødre og få dig et dynamit-bælte. Og brug det.

Liberal, kongetro, EU-modstander og atomkraftmodstander.
Frihed under ansvar er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Støt Israel - køb Israelske varer!

Alucard (29-05-2005)
Fra : Alucard

Dato : 29-05-05 15:50

On Sun, 29 May 2005 15:20:14 +0200, "Jørgen Pedersen"
<jorped_anarkist@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Det er da også forfærdelig. Mens Italien hjælper sammen med bl.a.
>"Danmark", at massakrere den irakiske befolkning for at sikre
>adgang til olien.

Du må altså holde op med at ryge så meget tossetobak.... Det slører
din virkelighedssans...

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