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Palæstinensernes tilbagevending
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 16-05-05 09:31

I går var det jo årsdagen for Israels oprettelse, så der er mange
kommentarer fra palæstinensisk side. Jeg skrev engang til DADK, at en
islamisk 'lærd' havde udsendt en fatwa om at palæstinensere ikke må modtage
kompensation for tabt land, men jeg kunne ikke dengang huske præcis hvem det
var, - det så jeg så nu:

Sabri: Compensation is forbidden
May 15, 2005, 20:12

Occupied Jerusalem - The grand Mufti of Palestine and Jerusalem, Sheikh
Ekrema Sabri, re-affirmed his Fatwa (edict) that forbade the acceptance of
financial compensation in lieu of national lands.

In a press statement commemorating the Nakba (usurpation of Palestine at the
hands of Zionist gangs in 1948), he said, "The acceptance of financial
compensation is equal to selling Palestinian land, which is Wakf for the
Muslims, and the selling of the Wakf is Haram (forbidden) in Islam".


Det bekræftes også fra anden side, at palæstinenserne ikke vil opgive ideen
om at vende tilbage til huse og landsbyer, der ikke mere eksisterer, - og
som altid er de unge de mest rabiate:

Some Palestinian leaders think the refugees' plight should not be linked to

"The refugees' problem should be considered on its own merits; it has
nothing to do with the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Those people deserve to
return to their original homes," said Azmi Shueibi, a Palestinian legislator
and former minister.

Speaking to Aljazeera.net on Sunday, Shueibi said the younger Palestinian
generations were more committed to the right of return than the older

"It would be very, very difficult for any Palestinian government or leader
to abandon the right of return. This is political suicide for any politician
who dares say no."

Shueibi said that the creation of a viable state on the West Bank, East
Jerusalem and Gaza would alleviate the refugees' ordeal.

"But it won't end the problem completely," he said.
Laila El-Haddad in the Gaza Strip contributed to this story.


The main resistance movement Hamas stressed that the right of return was
inalienable "and cannot be overturned by anyone."

"Our people are committed to returning to their villages and no one outside
can negate this right," it said.

Millions of Palestinians were driven out of their homes in the 1948 and 1967
wars and constitute today up to eight million people, according to the
Palestinian Statistics Agency.

In their third conference, hosted by Vienna on May 8, Palestinians in Europe
reiterated commitment to their inalienable right of return.

US President George W. Bush angered and unnerved Palestinians a year ago
when he said Israel could not be expected to allow the return of Palestinian


Så mangler vi bare at 50 andre folkegrupper skal forlange at "vende
tilbage", Sudetertyskere, finner, indere fra Pakistan og Bangladesh,
armeniere, græskcyprioter osv osv, der er nok at tage fat på, det er bare
med at komme igang.

Per Rønne (16-05-2005)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 16-05-05 09:55

Knud Larsen <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Så mangler vi bare at 50 andre folkegrupper skal forlange at "vende
> tilbage", Sudetertyskere, finner, indere fra Pakistan og Bangladesh,
> armeniere, græskcyprioter osv osv, der er nok at tage fat på, det er bare
> med at komme igang.

Ja, for slet ikke at glemme 13 millioner tyskere fra Bagpommern,
Schlesien. Østbrandenburg samt Vest- og Østpreußen.
Per Erik Rønne

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