Hei alle i DK,
Tilladt meg si dice ordene om Linux OS:
Please, join to the growing community of innovative and enthusiastic
Linux and Open Source users and developers. Linux knowledge is the next
big wave on the job market, so be prepared
The installation of Linux OS is very easy. You may begin with one of
these Linux distributions;
Ubuntu Linux the popular:
Fedora-Core-3 Linux the powerful:
(Download alle 4: FC3-i386-disc1.iso ... FC3-i386-disc4.iso)
Mandrake Linux 10.1 the faithful:
(Download alle 3: Mandrakelinux-10.1-Official-Download-CD1 - 3.i586.iso)
This link will tell you how to burn the ISO images onto CDs.
Additional information:
Linux OS is a very stable and completly virus, spam and ad-ware
resistent system.
No matter what's your business, the Linux includes all software you may
ever need, such as:
- Firewall and other security tools
- Complete office package and internet "appliances" (OpenOffice.org,
Firefox, Thunderbird email, Mozilla browser & email)
- First class desktop publishing application (Scribus)
- Professional Photo paint applications (Gimp, Krita, InkScape)
- Multimedia apps for music and video playback.
No restrictions.
- Apache web and FTP server tools
- Several databases such as MySQL, PostGreSQL and SQLite.
- Compilers and interpreters for any type of application development.
C/C++ with STL, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP and much more !
Try Ruby. It's hugely popular, productive and 100% object oriented
With the very best wishes,
Vennlig hilsen
// moma