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EU grundlov eller holocaust . . . . .aka. ~
Fra : Rune

Dato : 10-05-05 15:28

Ja, jeg havde indtil nu faktisk tænkt mig at stemme "ja". Men det er sådanne
komplet idiotiske udtalelser som dem der her bliver præsteret af Margot
Wallstrom der har fået mig til at tænke en gang til. Så hvis damen ikke er
væk fra sin stilling inden måneden er ude bliver det alligevel til et "nej"
herfra. Vi kan altså ikke have en politisk institution der sætter sådanne
idioter på ledende positioner.

--- Vote for EU constitution or risk new Holocaust, says Brussels ---

A senior European Commissioner marked VE Day yesterday by accusing
Eurosceptics of risking a return to the Holocaust by clinging to
"nationalistic pride".

" Margot Wallstrom, a Swede and the commissioner who must sell the draft
constitution to voters, argued that politicians who resisted pooling
national sovereignty risked a return to Nazi horrors of the 1930s and 1940s.
Mrs Wallstrom, vice-president of the commission for institutional relations
and communications, was speaking in the former Jewish ghetto of Terezin in
the Czech Republic.

She blamed the Second World War on "nationalistic pride and greed, and .
international rivalry for wealth and power". The EU had replaced such
rivalry with an historic agreement to share national sovereignty.

Her fellow commissioners also issued a joint declaration, stating that EU
citizens should pay tribute to the dead of the Second World War by voting
Yes to the draft constitution for Europe.

The commissioners also gave the EU sole credit for ending the Cold War,
making no mention of the role of Nato and the United States.

Richard Shepherd, the Tory MP for Aldridge-Brownhills, said it was
"breathtaking" to link Nazism to the defence of national sovereignty.

"It's a monstrous rewriting of history to promote a profoundly undemocratic



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