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Ramadans moratorium for stening o.a. shari~
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 03-05-05 11:05

Islams højeste autoriteter har afslået Tariq Ramadans forslag om at
midlertidig stoppe brugen af sharia straffelovene, især dødsstraf, stening,
piskning og hånd- og fodafskæringer.

Han blev straks imødegået af mange lærde muslimer i og uden for Europa, men
hans forslag er så også nu blevet skudt ned af de højlærde på al Azhar i


Når islam alligevel er på linjen så vil jeg lige bringe en morsom? historie
om en brud der viste sig at være for mørk i huden, - man hævder ellers
hårdnakket at inden for islam er man helt farveblind og der er NUL interesse
i hudfarver, hvilket i parantes bemærket mildest talt er en smule imod hvad
man ser i virkelighedens verden.

friend who works in USA married a girl in India after seeing her twice.after
marriage he foundout that the girl is very dark.though the impression he had
before marriage was differant

my friend who works in USA married a girl in India after seeing her
twice.after marriage he foundout that the girl is very dark.though the
impression he had before marriage was differant..he says the biodata of the
girl said she is fair and in her picture given to him,she looked fair...he
says the girl had makeup when he saw her though he told them before itself
he wanted to see the girl without makeup.he consummated the marriage
though.had valima too.stayed for 2 days...returned to USA...he felt very sad
from the very next day of marriage....now he wants to end his marriage.he
developed repulsion towards her...he feels he can never b happy with her.the
bride didn't meet his expectations though he thought she would...he told her
talaaq many times on phone and also by emails...his parents and family
members r totally against his decision.his father is saying he'll giv talaaq
to his mother if he gives talaaq to his wife.inturn he says if someone puts
pressure on him to continue his marriage,he'll commit suicide....though the
girls parents r ok with it.they r demanding 12 times the meher as
compensation though the meher itself was reasonably high...please
advice....is talaaq given on phone or by emails valid.if yes,his father's
talaaq to his mother, is it revocable or not...thanks a lot.Allahafiz.

Manden "had valima", dvs han holdt en fest for famile og venner dagen efter
brylluppet, men var allerede da ulykkelig over at konen var så mørk i huden,
den stakkel, - så nu vil han lade konen leve som "brugt" i Indien, ikke 'så'
morsom en skæbne.

Og muftiens vise svar:

1. This is a rather lamentable state of affairs. Such incidents distinctly
prove the deceptive nature of photographs. This is one of the reasons the
Ulama maintain that it is better to view the prospective bride physically
instead of relying solely on photographic material.

Godt råd, man bør ikke forelske sig alene baseret på et pasbillede.

2. Nonetheless, on the basis of the information provided by you, his wife
is divorced from him. The issuance of Talaaq by telephone or other
electronic devices is valid.

Det er fastslået i Asien at en SMS eller en mobilsvar-meddelelse med ordet
"Talaq" tre gange, betyder at en mand er skilt fra sin kone.

3. Since the father said, 'I will give Talaaq', the Talaaq does not take
place as he mentioned the future tense of Talaaq.

Man skal passe på hvad man siger, en indisk film som hed: "Talaq, talaq,
talaq" måtte skifte navn, for hvis en muslimer sagde titlen, mens konen
hørte på det, så var de blevet skilt.

4. As for the girl's family claiming twelve times the original Mahr, this
is absolutely prohibited. They have no right to claim compensation from the
husband irrespective of the emotional anguish he has subjected them to. She
is only entitled to the original Mahr that was agreed to in the Nikah

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa


Tilsidste en post fra den tidligere popsanger Cat Stevens om islams
fortræffeligheder. Kan man finde fem fejl, - eller flere?`

Islam: A Home of Tolerance, not Fanaticism
By Youssuf Islam (formerly the singer Cat Stevens)

Why does the media always point finger at Muslims and the Arab world as
main source of terrorism in the whole world? Here I want to explain some
basic facts about this noble religion; Islam.

Ja, det er meget mærkeligt

I came to Islam in my late 20s, during my searching period as a wandering
pop star. I found a religion that blended scientific reason with spiritual
reality in a unifying faith far removed from the headlines of violence,
destruction and terrorism. One of the first interesting things I learned
the Qur'an was that the name of the faith comes from the word salam -
Far from the kind of Turko-Arab-centric message I expected, the Qur'an
presented a belief in the universal existence of God, one God for all. It
does not discriminate against peoples; it says we may be different colors
and from different tribes, but we are all human and "the best of people
the most God- conscious".

Today, as a Muslim, I have been shattered by the horror of recent events;
the display of death and indiscriminate killing we've all witnessed has
dented humanity's confidence in itself.

Along with most Muslims, I feel it a duty to make clear that such
orchestrated acts of incomprehensible carnage have nothing to do with the
beliefs of most Muslims.

Allah says in the Qur'an:

"If anyone murders an (innocent) person, it will be as if he has murdered
the whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he
saved the whole of humanity."

The Qur'an that our young people learn is full of stories and lessons from
the history of humanity as a whole. The Gospels and the Torah are referred
to; Jesus and Abraham are mentioned. In fact there is more mention in the
Qur'an of the prophet Moses than of any other. It acknowledges the
coexistence of other faiths, and in doing so acknowledges that other
cultures can live together in peace.

"There is no compulsion in religion," it states, meaning that people
not be compelled to change their faith. Respect for religious values and
justice is at the Qur'an's core. The Qur'anic history we teach our young
provides ample examples of inter-religious and international
of how to live together. But some extremists take elements of the sacred
scriptures out of context.

There is a whole chapter in the Qur'an entitled Consultation. Communal
being is central to human life, so there is a concept in Islam called
Istihsan, which means "to look for the common good". Even though the
may lay down a diktat, scholars are also supposed to consider the
circumstances prevalent at the time. Sometimes that means choosing the
lesser of two evils or even suspending legislation if necessary: for
instance, a person who steals bread during a famine is not treated as a

Thus, moderation is part of faith, so those who accuse Muslim schools of
fostering fanaticism should learn a bit more about Islam.

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:

"Ruined are those who insist on hardship in faith," and, "A believer
within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person

Such knowledge and words of guidance are desperately needed at this time,
separate fact from falsehood, and to recognise the Last Prophet's own
definition of that which makes a person representative, or otherwise, of
faith he lived and the one we try to teach.


Knud Larsen (03-05-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 03-05-05 12:29

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message

> Det er fastslået i Asien at en SMS eller en mobilsvar-meddelelse med
> ordet "Talaq" tre gange, betyder at en mand er skilt fra sin kone.

I Indien er der netop i går kommet forslag om en ny ægteskabslov for
muslimer, hvor man gør det meget sværere at blive skilt, - det meste af
"talaq" systemet skal skrottes.

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