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Mere om boycot af israelske universiteter
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 29-04-05 14:55

Her er lidt nyt om emnet, snuppet fra en blogger:

(Lidt sjovt at det palæstinensiske A-Quds Universitet er kommet ud IMOD

British Jews and non-Jews outraged at the "boycotters" are organizing a
"Boycott the Boycotters" campaign. The London Times denounced the
Association of University Teachers in no uncertain terms: "Their actions
are an echo of the Nazi ban on Jewish academics, and the general
discrimination so common three generations ago." Columnist Joseph Farah
condemned the AUT as anti-Semites. Adam Logan, a non-Jewish lecturer in
pure mathematics at the University of Liverpool, says he will resign from
the University of Liverpool if they attempt to enforce the boycott.

Not since 1930s Germany have Jews been the targets of an official boycott
in a civilized country. Only recently leaders of Britain's 10,000 Jewish
students complained of the presence of the "The Protocols of the Elders of
Zion" book being distributed on many campuses throughout Britain. Where
are the boycotts of Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, China and countless
other countries who are truly limiting academic freedom?

But no doubt the most incredible aspect of the affair is the unambiguous
condemnation of the boycotters of Israeli universities by .... (drumroll)
..... a pro-terror Palestinian university!

Yes, Al-Quds University in Israeli-liberated eastern Jerusalem has come
out AGAINST the British academic boycott of Israel. "We are informed by
the principle that we should seek to win Israelis over to our side, not to
win against them," said the university spokesman, which is headed by Dr.
Sari Nusseibeh. Never mind that Nusseibeh is himself an anti-Israel
pro-terrorist extremist and his university is a bastion for suicide
bombers in training. "Therefore... we believe it is in our interest to
build bridges, not walls; to reach out to the Israeli academic
institutions, not to impose another restriction or dialogue-block on

Of course the REAL reason the Palestinian university opposes the British
boycott of Israeli universities is that they realize what the British
moonbats do not - that Israeli universities are bastions of the
pro-Palestinian Israeli Left, where non-leftists are routinely subject to
harassments. That does not interest the Brits though. Israeli leftist
academics are as much Untermenschen in their enlightened minds as are all
other Joos.

Meanwhile, one of Britain's foremost scholars from Oxford University, Dr
Emanuele Ottolenghi, from The Middle East Centre at St Antony's College,
has issued his own condemnation of the AUT boycotters:

"Regarding the AUT recent decision to boycott Haifa University and Bar
Ilan University in Israel, I am shocked to learn that, in addition to a
call for boycott, the AUT is ready to offer a waiver to scholars on
condition that they publicly state their willingness to conform to the
political orthodoxy espoused by the academics who sponsored your motion.
Oaths of political loyalty do not belong in academia. They belong to
illiberal minds and repressive regimes. Based on this, the AUT's
definition of academic freedom is the freedom to agree with its views

"Given the circumstances, I wish to express in no uncertain terms my
unconditional and undivided solidarity with both universities and their
faculties. I know many people, both at Haifa University and at Bar Ilan
University, of different political persuasion and from different walks of
life. The diversity of those faculties reflects the authentic spirit of
academia. The AUT invitation to boycott them betrays that spirit because
it advocates a uniformity of views, under pain of boycott. In solidarity
with my colleagues and as a symbolic gesture to defend the spirit of a
free academia, I wish to be added to the boycott blacklist. Please include
me. I hope that other colleagues of all political persuasions will join

Caroline Glick writes in the Jerusalem Post:

"THIS DECISION (by the AUT) is an act of pure anti-Semitism. Israel is
being singled out from all the countries in the world. There is no call to
boycott Palestinian universities, which celebrate terrorist massacres,
indoctrinate students to jihad and are used as recruiting grounds for
terrorist organizations. There is no call to boycott Saudi Arabian
universities, where gender apartheid and religious persecution are the
explicit and rigidly followed norms. And of course, no one would think of
boycotting Chinese universities for China's occupation of Tibet. Only the
Jewish state and its research universities are unacceptable. "

Poul Nielsen (29-04-2005)
Fra : Poul Nielsen

Dato : 29-04-05 21:31

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Her er lidt nyt om emnet, snuppet fra en blogger:
> (Lidt sjovt at det palæstinensiske A-Quds Universitet er kommet ud IMOD
> boycot)

Knud hvor mange anti-muslimske indslag skriver du om dagen. Er problemet de
onde reaktionære muslimer eller ligger problemet et andet sted ?.

Knud Larsen (29-04-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 29-04-05 22:38

"Poul Nielsen" <br@get2net.dk> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:42723ccb$0$67255$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>> Her er lidt nyt om emnet, snuppet fra en blogger:
>> (Lidt sjovt at det palæstinensiske A-Quds Universitet er kommet ud IMOD
>> boycot)
> Knud hvor mange anti-muslimske indslag skriver du om dagen. Er problemet
> de
> onde reaktionære muslimer eller ligger problemet et andet sted ?.

Ingen overhovedet. Og indslaget her er om engelske universitetslærere som
vil boycotte israelske universiteter, og palæstinenser synes IKKE det er en
god idé.

Hvor finder ud noget anti-muslimske i det?

Det er iøvrigt DADK, som er interesseret i emnet boycot af Israel.

Har du fundet andre gode "anti-muslimske" indslag i dag?

Poul Nielsen (30-04-2005)
Fra : Poul Nielsen

Dato : 30-04-05 09:54

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Poul Nielsen" <br@get2net.dk> wrote in message
> news:427299d0$0$79459$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
> > Knud hvor mange anti-muslimske indslag skriver du om dagen.
> Det er iøvrigt DADK, som er interesseret i emnet boycot af Israel.
> Har du fundet andre gode "anti-muslimske" indslag i dag?

Okay så du har ikke det mindste imod islamisk kultur og religion, så er jeg
beroliget .

Knud Larsen (30-04-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 30-04-05 14:50

"Poul Nielsen" <br@get2net.dk> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:4272a93a$0$67263$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>> "Poul Nielsen" <br@get2net.dk> wrote in message
>> news:427299d0$0$79459$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
>> > Knud hvor mange anti-muslimske indslag skriver du om dagen.
>> Det er iøvrigt DADK, som er interesseret i emnet boycot af Israel.
>> Har du fundet andre gode "anti-muslimske" indslag i dag?
> Okay så du har ikke det mindste imod islamisk kultur og religion, så er
> jeg
> beroliget .

Så du fandt da heller ikke nogen, og fandt ikke anledning til en
undskyldning for at du ikke havde gidet læse det indlæg du kommenterede.

Det er jo folks egen sag hvad de vil tro på i fx Egypten, så længe det ikke
går ud over minoriteter og kvinder og børn.

Jeg har iøvrigt meget imod den katolske religion og dens autoritære system,
som da også ligner islams meget. Hvis typer som "papa" begyndte at få magt i
DK, så ville jeg være meget ked af det, fuldstændig som jeg er ked af det,
hvis/når konservative imamer får magt. Er det så svært at forstå? Jeg er
ligeglad med hvad folk kalder deres religion, bare de ikke forlanger
"submission" fra folk som ikke har nogen som helst lyst til at underkaste
sig de gamle gedeskæg.

Ulrik Høy nævner noget som virkelig ville være en godbid for medierne "Paven
er gravid", man ville få tilstandsrapporter hvert kvarter og se
kvalmeresultaterne osv.

Og hvorfor ikke? Gud kan jo gøre hvad fanden han vil.


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