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Mein Kampf i Tyrkiet
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 29-04-05 11:41

Et par citater til dem der mener, at det er pjat at tale om antisemitisme i
vore dage:

Fra en venstreorienteret avis:
"Having 'Mein Kampf' and the 'Protocols' on our bestseller list today, must
make us think twice before we claim 'there is no antisemitism here.'"


"Hitler var forudseende, han gjorde arbejdet og alligevel bliver Israel
udråbt som uskyldig" -

"jøderne har hugget hvert eneste hjørne af USA"

"Er det vores fejl at der bag enhver immoralitet, ophidselse til angreb,
konspiration og svineri står en zionist"

"Jøderne burde læse Mein Kampf" "Alle skulle læse den og lære hvorfor Hitler
opstod" (jødernes skyld)

"Det var Hitler i går og bin Laden i dag" (som sætter jøderne på plads)

"Hitlers forfølgelse af jøder er stærkt overdrevet, vi er dødtrætte af at
høre om hans tortur osv af jøder. Man siger at Hitler selv var jøde, og at
han kun forfulgte jøderne for at tvinge dem til at emigrere til Israel, og
det var israelske zionister som dikterede Hitler denne politik."

Der er langt mere materiale, og MEMRI starter en længere række undersøgelser
af tyrkiske medier.

Man ser også denne almindelige uvidenhed om fakta: der er 200.000 indbyggere
i USA, Mein Kampf er forbudt i alle lande i Europa, osv osv. Lasse Ellergård
rapporterede fra Tyrkiet om en middag med en kvindelig universitetsuddannet
forsker om citerede fra Zions Vises Protokoller, - det viste sig at selv de
veluddannede troede den var ægte og noget man kunne lære af, - fuldstændig
som det er tilfældet i de fleste muslimske lande, og fx også tilfældet i
forhold til universitetsuddannede i Egypten.

Alligevel mener, ellers tænkende mennesker, at der ikke er noget som helst
specielt i gang i forhold til Israel og jøder.

"It is the Jews Who Should Read Mein Kampf"

Columnist Arslan Tekin of the nationalist-Islamic daily Yenicag, wrote in an
article titled 'Yes, Mein Kampf should be taught in schools:' "Everybody
should read it, and should learn the reasons why Hitler came about." [5]

11 days later, Tekin wrote in his column in Yenicag: [6] "Can a Hitler rise
in America? It can happen. What was [true] for Germany before Hitler came to
power is [now] exceedingly true for America. Big banks, big TV organs, big
newspapers, all the tools that can trap the public opinion are in the hands
of the Jews. Politics is run by them too.

"What is the proportion of the Jewish [population] in America of 200 million
[sic]. Must not even be two percent. They have an image beyond what their
numbers merit. I am sorry for the Jews. How come they do not think about the
effect their disproportionate 'grandeur' would have on the majority of the
[American] people! In Germany, Hitler did not rise just single-handedly. He
only answered the questions asked by his people.

"Hey Jews! The world cannot bear to have another Hitler [because of you].
Your disproportionate [presence]; your recklessness; your daring to burn the
world for [even] one Jew, makes the American people and everyone in the
world ask the question: 'what's happening here?' Do you know how the US is
seen now? [It looks like] the biggest Jewish empire of the world. [.]

"I, like everyone else, am seeing this situation. Hitler's Mein Kampf must
be read especially by the Jews.

"A madman like Hitler does not just come about [without a reason]. The book
which you define as 'nonsense' has set the world on fire. The Jews should
think about the reasons [why]."

"Hitler Was a Man of Foresight"
Abdurrahim Karakoç, a columnist at the Islamic newspaper Vakit praised
Hitler: [7]

"[.] It is impossible not to admire the foresight of Adolph Hitler, who is
presented to public opinion as 'racist, sadistic, and monstrous.' Way back
then, Hitler foresaw what would happen these [present] days. He cleansed off
these swindler Jews, who believe in racism for a religion and take pleasure
in bathing the world in blood, because he knew that they would become [this]
big a curse for the world.

"[.] Hitler indeed was a man of foresight [.] So Hitler did the job, yet
Israel is presented to the world public opinion as the innocent victim.

"[.] The second man with foresight is evidently Osama bin Laden. If a stone
hits a dog's leg somewhere in the world, Osama bin Laden gets blamed. [.]
Bin Laden had foreseen what would happen in Iraq, in Palestine, and in the
prisons of Guantanamo.

"He [Osama] alone, or perhaps with a few friends, defies the superpowers of
the world and sets fear inside the very shelters of the oppressors. [.] It
was Hitler yesterday, and it is Osama bin Laden today [.]"

"Couldn't You Find Other People to Send to Turkey, Than the 'Jew' Edelman
and the 'Jew' Feith?"

In reaction to a Wall Street Journal article by Robert Pollock [8] [on the
rising anti-Americanism in Turkey] columnist Serdar Kuru wrote in the
nationalist Turkish daily Ortadogu: [9]

"[Pollock's] article determines that Turkey is becoming a paranoid third
world country. And the reason they think we are paranoid is the widespread
belief among Turks that America is [nothing but a] toy in the hands of Jews
who have designs of aggression against Turkey. The author of the article
seems to be annoyed at the exposure of the Jewish identities of the American
Ambassador Edelman and later of [Douglas] Feith during his visit [to

"[.] In reality it is clear who ordered this poor shooter [Robert Pollock,
WSJ] to write this article [.] Our problem is with the Zionist Jews who have
grabbed every corner in America and the Evangelist Christians that they [the
Jews] feed, who plan [together] to set on fire the whole world and our
country. The ones who are disturbed by people, who oppose their plans, are
the same ones who prepare these plans.

" The Wall Street Journal, where this article was published belongs to the
Dow Jones Corporation. Peter R. Kahn, the head of Dow Jones is Jewish and is
a member of CFR. This man's wife Karen House is the head of the Wall Street
Journal. She too is Jewish and a member of CFR. Mrs. Karen is also the
director of RAND, the think tank that prepared the world domination plans
for the Bush team. Vice President of Dow Jones, Joseph Stern, is one of
America's most famous Jewish lawyers. A Board of Directors member is Lewis
Campbell who owns Textron the gun manufacturer and heads the security
operations of the capitalist Round Table. One other Director of the Board is
former president of American Express, Harvey Golubda and he is Jewish.

"By now you must have understood why Wall Street Journal is disturbed by
Turkey's anti-Zionist attitude. This Jewish Dow Jones Corporation also has
an exchange fund called "Dow Jones Islamic Market Turkey." This strange
exchange fund [claims] to do brokerage with no interest. Some stupid fools
who think they can make money without paying interest must be entrusting
their monies into the hands of Jews. As you can see my friends, the
reactions to the Turkish attitude towards American and Zionist expansionisms
are not objective [.] they are coming from the Zionists themselves.

"Is it our fault that behind every immorality, incitement, conspiracy and
filth there is a Zionist ? Couldn't you send to Turkey people other than the
Jew Edelman and the Jew Feith? [.]"

"Our Times are Similar to 1930's in Germany"

In the leftist-liberal daily Radikal, Murat Necip Arman wrote: [10]

"The discussions we are having now are almost identical to the ones they had
in Germany during the 1930's. At those days the press articles were not
openly targeting the non-Germanic races yet, but were often arguing that
they [the Jews] dominated the economy and that they were conducting [secret]
activities that would ruin the fiber of the German society.[.]

"On New Year's Eve, in a TV channel which does not feel the need to hide its
ties to a [Turkish] political party, it was recounted at great length that
the Jews are a cursed people and that for this reason it was obligatory for
the Muslims to eradicate them [the Jews]. [.] it should not be forgotten
that to openly say such a sentence constitutes a crime. [.] While this
neo-antisemitism is recklessly manifested in almost all media organs, in the
eyes of the masses Israel's aggression towards Palestinians provides
justification for such a dangerous kind of racism.

"[.] This animosity towards the non-Muslims, the like of which we have not
witnessed in many years, is hovering over Turkey and agitating masses of
people who are not bothered by its [grave] consequences.

"As I said, what we have here [in Turkey] presents similarities with Germany
of the 1930's. I hope common sense prevails in Turkey and this dangerous
trend does not lead to frightening results. [.]

"At least the national press must keep in mind its social responsibility in
presenting these matters with a cool head. Political parties can play
dangerous games for political gains. [.] But the media's common sense is
essential [.]"

"Persecution by Hitler Much Exaggerated"

Upon the German Government's decision to ban the publication of the Turkish
Islamic daily Vakit in Germany, a columnist at Vakit, Hüseyin Üzmez, wrote:

"[.] It is true that persecution [of Jews] by Hitler is much exaggerated. We
are sick and tired of [listening to] stories of the inhuman persecution and
torture he committed against the Jews. It is said that Hitler himself was a
Jew. that he committed cruelty only to force the Jews to migrate from Europe
to Palestine . and that it was the Israeli Zionists who dictated these acts
upon him, at the time they were founding Israel. Two great powers (money and
media) are in Jewish hands. The 'treacherous local collaborators' and some
international organizations are also in their command.

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