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Tariq Ramadan opfordrer til moratorium
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 12-04-05 09:55

Ramadan opfordrede forleden til at alle muslimske lande midlertidig stopper
brug af dødsstraf, korporlig afstraffelse (afskæring af hænder og fødder) og
stening, - og så vil han have alle verdens lærde muslimer til at diskutere
hvilke dele af shariaens straffelov - "hudud", som kan bruges i vor tid, og
under hvilke omstændigheder den kan bruges.

Han har et utrolig velskrevet langt indlæg om sagen på sin hjemmeside
www.tariqramadan.com, hvor han bl.a siger, at så længe man tier om misbrugen
af disse love så er man medskyldig, - og at det jo kun er de svage og
kvinderne som bliver ofre for de grove straffe, rige mennesker kommer aldrig
ud for håndsafskæringer, uanset hvor mange mio dollars de har stjålet.
Shariaens huddud bliver altså brugt til det modsatte af retfærdighed, - som
han/man jo hævder, den var tænkt som.

Der har rejst sig et ramaskrig blandt "de lærde", som man kan læse om på

For dem der ikke kender Ramadan, så er han en europæisk muslim hvis familie
stammer fra Egypten, han har/havde et meget stor prestige blandt især unge
muslimer både i Europa og andre steder i verden. Han bliver angrebet både
fra højre og venstre, for at være for ortodoks og for at være for uortodoks.
Han er et utrolig begavet menneske og skriver som en drøm, hans "drøm" om en
euroislam er nok det bedste man kan forvente af islam på vores breddegrader.
HVIS han havde været en sekulær muslim så havde han ikke haft nogen som
helst indflydelse på hovedparten af muslimerne i Europa, så forudsætningen
for at han overhovedet kunne få den indflydelse han har, er at han
accepterer hele den traditionelle islam inkl. kilderne, - det han har
arbejdet på i mange år er at finde måder at bruge disse kilder, så de bliver
en kilde til retfærdighed og rimelighed, i stedet for til undertrykkelse og
fx kønsdiskrimination.
For dem der kan engelsk - og som gider - er der mange gode indsigter om
islam i dag og hvordan muslimer selv kræver mere formel sharia i deres
hjemlande fordi de så føler sig mere muslimske og ikke-vestlige, hvilket er
en fejltagelse mener han osv . Altså der er meget mere end bare emnet sharia
og huddud.

Her er så noget fra islamonline:


Muslim scholars, however, beg to differ with Ramadan, warning that his
public call is a very serious matter.

"When this call comes from a respectable scholar like Dr. Tariq Ramadan, it
may encourage others also to disrespect the laws of Allah," Muzammil H.
Siddiqi, President of the Figh Council of North America and former President
of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), said in a statement to IOL.

"Some may start calling for moratorium on the family law of Islam also, and
some others on the business and finance laws of Islam, and some may ask for
moratorium on the whole Shari`ah".

Sano Koutoub Moustapha, member of the Islamic Fiqh Academy attached to the
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), urged Ramadan to backtrack on
his controversial call "for the sake of the Muslim Ummah."

"I do have a great respect and love for Dr. Tariq. [But] If we call today
for an international moratorium on corporal punishment, stoning and the
death penalty, then tomorrow I am so worried that they may ask Muslims to
suspend their Friday Prayer," he told IOL.

Salah Sultan, member of the European Council for Fatwa and Research and the
International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS), called on Ramadan to
give his idea a second reading.

"Such a call will only stir too much ado about an issue that is by no means
a priority," Sultan told IOL. "It will further beef up seculars and enemies
of Islam, who will step up their war on Islam."

Taha Jabir Al-Alwani, President of Graduate School of Islamic and Social
Sciences and member of the Fiqh Council of North America, agreed that
Muslims had enough of problems and pressing issues.

"The Muslim nation is facing nowadays enemies who are trying to pit Muslims
against one another," he said, urging Ramadan and leading Muslim thinkers
not to fall into the trap.

Unfounded Innovation

Other scholars dismissed Ramadan's call as an "unfounded innovation" rearing
its ugly head on the Muslim world.

"It came after the woman-led prayer in the United States and the opening of
a women-only mosque in Holland and now we have the Hudud moratorium call
from Switzerland," Ahmed Al-Rawi, chairman of the Islamic Organizations in
Europe, told IOL.

Rawi agreed that Ramadan's "impotent" call did much fuss about nothing.

"Where on earth such Hudud are applicable? Rawi wondered, answering: "They
are not implemented in all Muslim countries and there are some reservations
on the application of these Hudud in Saudi Arabia."

Alwani added that he did not believe that there is a country on earth
applying Shari`ah the way it should be applied.

"There are some aspirations that have not been yet translated into concrete
steps," he told IOL.

Rawi feared that Ramadan's call could trigger "needless religious sedition",
noting that he should have consulted leading Muslim bodies before jumping to
his conclusion.

"There is something called the International Association of Muslim Scholars
and the European Council for Fatwa and Research and, to my way of thinking,
they are the one and only bodies that can address such questions."

"Better Application"


Siddiqi said Ramadan should have called for a "better application" of Hudud
instead of halting them all at once.

"Dr. Ramadan should have called for better and comprehensive application of
the Shari'ah. He should have criticized more openly and clearly the
misapplications of the Hudud in some Muslim countries," he said.

He said the Islamic penal code is very vast, and its purpose is to establish
justice and to protect the rights of individuals, family and society.

"The corporal punishments on certain crimes and violations are only one
aspect of the Shari`ah. Their purposes are to discipline the violators, to
deter other offenders and to keep the society safe for all people."

Sultan sees eye to eye with Ramadan on the unfair application of Hudud.

"But we can't take the misconduct of rulers as a justification to call
publicly for a moratorium on the application of Hudud," he told IOL.

No Excuse

Rawi added that the vile campaigns targeting Islam in the West cannot also
justify Ramadan's stance.

"We have been living in the West for so many years and the attack on Islam
will never come to a stop by such calls, but rather they could open a new
front against the Muslim faith."

Tariq El-Bishri, former head of Egypt's State Council and prominent Islamic
thinker, said Ramadan's call is "juristically baseless."

"It is based on reality in the West and the challenges faced by Ramadan over
there," Bishri told IOL.

"He wants Muslims to lay Shari`ah and penal references in the Noble Qur'an
and Sunnah to rest until further notice. But Muslims are not in position to
take such a decision."

Knud Larsen (12-04-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 12-04-05 20:14

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Ramadan opfordrede forleden til at alle muslimske lande midlertidig
> stopper brug af dødsstraf, korporlig afstraffelse (afskæring af hænder og
> fødder) og stening, - og så vil han have alle verdens lærde muslimer til
> at diskutere hvilke dele af shariaens straffelov - "hudud", som kan bruges
> i vor tid, og under hvilke omstændigheder den kan bruges.

Læste lige om Ramadan på en muslims side, - og så disse linjer:

Months later, Anwar Ibrahim visited Australia and spoke to packed audiences
in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. These included 2 public lectures
specifically targeted at Muslim communities.

Anwar delivered a similar message to his Muslim audience - that we need to
engage with non-Muslims, that we need to stop pretending we are not part of
the communities we live in and benefit from.

Mens jeg husker det, - hvis man en anden gang skriver, at man har set mange
gange, at det er samme problem med muslimske parallelsamfund alle vegne, så
kan man ikke huske, de mange kilder.

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