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Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Fra : G B

Dato : 06-04-05 00:54

Her [http://tinyurl.com/58be9] er en laaaang artikel om hende.
Indledningen lyder:

Last spring, Ayaan Hirsi Ali took her 'Dutch mother' - the woman who
taught her the language and cared for her after she arrived in the
Netherlands as a refugee in 1992 -- to lunch at the Dudok brasserie, near
the Parliament in The Hague. As always, Hirsi Ali's armed security detail
was there. They have been her companions since she started receiving
death threats in September 2002. Hirsi Ali, who was born in Somalia and
has been a member of the Dutch Parliament since January 2003, had
endorsed the view that Islam is a backward religion, condemned the way
women live under it and said that by today's standards, the prophet
Muhammad would be considered a perverse tyrant. She had also announced
that she was no longer a believing Muslim. The punishment for such
apostasy is, according to strict interpretations of Islam, death. That
day at the Dudok, several dozen vocational students were taking up the
main restaurant, so she and her guards parked at two tables near the bar.

Hirsi Ali had her back to the restaurant when one of the students,
apparently a Dutch convert to Islam, tapped her on the shoulder.

'I turned around,' she recalls in her elegant English, 'and saw this
sweet, young Dutch guy, about 24 years old. With freckles! And he was
like, 'Madam, I hope the mujahedeen get you and kill you.'

Hirsi Ali handed him her knife and told him, 'Why don't you do it

Man kan stadig downloade filmen "Submission".

Det er Keld Bach, der har den oppe.

"How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-realization." Eric Hoffer
Med venlig hilsen

C. H. Engelbrecht (11-04-2005)
Fra : C. H. Engelbrecht

Dato : 11-04-05 13:08

Den skal jeg huske at sige tak for.

"G B" <nonono@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Her [http://tinyurl.com/58be9] er en laaaang artikel om hende.
> Indledningen lyder:
> Last spring, Ayaan Hirsi Ali took her 'Dutch mother' - the woman who
> taught her the language and cared for her after she arrived in the
> Netherlands as a refugee in 1992 -- to lunch at the Dudok brasserie, near
> the Parliament in The Hague. As always, Hirsi Ali's armed security detail
> was there. They have been her companions since she started receiving
> death threats in September 2002. Hirsi Ali, who was born in Somalia and
> has been a member of the Dutch Parliament since January 2003, had
> endorsed the view that Islam is a backward religion, condemned the way
> women live under it and said that by today's standards, the prophet
> Muhammad would be considered a perverse tyrant. She had also announced
> that she was no longer a believing Muslim. The punishment for such
> apostasy is, according to strict interpretations of Islam, death. That
> day at the Dudok, several dozen vocational students were taking up the
> main restaurant, so she and her guards parked at two tables near the bar.
> Hirsi Ali had her back to the restaurant when one of the students,
> apparently a Dutch convert to Islam, tapped her on the shoulder.
> 'I turned around,' she recalls in her elegant English, 'and saw this
> sweet, young Dutch guy, about 24 years old. With freckles! And he was
> like, 'Madam, I hope the mujahedeen get you and kill you.'
> Hirsi Ali handed him her knife and told him, 'Why don't you do it
> yourself?'
> Man kan stadig downloade filmen "Submission".
> [http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/downloadFile?
> user=keld_bach&path=.Public]
> Det er Keld Bach, der har den oppe.

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