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Muslimsk kvinde skal lede fredagsbønnen
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 18-03-05 21:02

i dag for måske første gang.

Fra New York Times, - henvist fra www.muslimwakeup.com, en siden for og med
moderne muslimer:

Muslim Group Is Urging Women to Lead Prayers

Published: March 18, 2005

s they do every Friday, Muslims will answer the call to prayer at mosques
around the city today. But in a bold move, some plan to break with
convention and attend a service led by a woman at a conference hall on the
Upper West Side - an act that has stirred a modest but fierce debate about
the role of women in Islam.


Major Muslim organizations have declined to sponsor today's scheduled event
or speak publicly about it. In the search for a site, the organizers were
rebuffed by three New York mosques and several university student
organizations, Ms. Nomani said. Even the head of the most established Muslim
organization for women in New York, Women in Islam, said she would only
attend the prayer as an observer, not as a participant.

"My concern is a backlash," said Aisha al-Adawiya, the executive director of
Women in Islam. "This kind of change has to come from within the community.
It's being driven from outside."

The view that the event is somehow being orchestrated from outside the
Muslim community is commonly expressed and may reflect a challenging schism
between immigrant Muslims and their children and grandchildren.

"A new generation of Muslims is coming into its own," said Yvonne Haddad, a
professor of history who specializes in women and Islam at Georgetown
University. "The children of the immigrants are looking for new ways to
create an American Islam, one in which they feel comfortable in an American

This voice has sounded loudly in New York City. A New Yorker, Ahmed Nassef,
a co-founder of Muslim WakeUp! also started the Progressive Muslim Union in

Quoting studies that show that only 10 percent of Muslims attend mosque
every week, Mr. Nassef said he believes that the Muslim community is in a
crisis. The root of the problem, he said, is that the nation's mosques and
Islamic centers are largely run by immigrants who are out of touch with the
new generation of Muslims.

"Many of our institutions really don't speak for us," he said.

In some ways, Imam Ahmed Dewidar, of the Islamic Center of Mid-Manhattan,
personifies the split in the community between old and new. Mr. Dewidar
immigrated to the United States from Alexandria, Egypt, a decade ago. "I
have never heard of this before," he said, regarding the idea of a woman
leading Friday prayer. "It's so strange."

But Mr. Dewidar has been urging Muslims at his mosque and elsewhere to be
nonconfrontational should they attend the prayer.

"We are living in a very open-minded society, and everybody should believe
whatever he or she wants as long as they are not harming others," he said.

On the other hand, he plans to educate his congregants on the "truthful
teachings" of the Prophet, he said: "It's been very well known in the
history of Islam that even the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him, did not lead the prayer."

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#2066 (21-03-2005)
Fra : #2066

Dato : 21-03-05 19:23

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>i dag for måske første gang.

Maaske af interesse:

The Toronto Star

The rare sound of a woman's voice at the microphone
caught everyone's attention; even young children
stopped playing and looked up to see who was talking.

Up at the front of the United Muslim Association
mosque yesterday, a confident Maryam Mirza delivered
part of the Eid al-Fitr sermon. In doing so, she
marked the end of Ramadan (the month of fasting) and
what many called a new beginning for Muslim women as
she took on a role traditionally left to men.

"For our survival in this world, humans must change
with the times or we'll be left behind," the
20-year-old Markham woman told the 200 people at the
service. "The same concept can be applied to religion.
Muslim brothers and sisters, we must all help Islam
move forward, and I believe we are doing just that."

Mirza looked at the silent crowd from behind the
microphone and continued: "I want to thank our leaders
for making changes outside of the norm. We must
continue to educate ourselves and initiate change in
our community and in our religion. This is all
possible while still staying within the teaching of
the holy Qur'an."

Mirza's 10-minute speech, following Imam Jabar Ally's
prelude, drew tears from her mother Nazreen, who sat
in the front row.

"I am very proud of Maryam. It's very emotional for me
to see my daughter setting the stage being the first
female to come out and give a sermon," explained the
Guyana native. "This is a breakthrough for Muslim
women. Maryam was sitting next to me, preparing for
it. She said she was so nervous that she was going to
throw up. I could feel her cold hands. I'm just glad
she did it."

The move by the Etobicoke mosque, near Highway 27 and
Finch Ave. W., was sure to attract criticism from
conservative Muslims, congregation member Zaheer
Majeed said.

"Gender question is a big issue in Islam. We always
talk about women being equal in Islam, but sometimes
in practice, it's just not there," lamented the
55-year-old man. "Men my age carry a lot of baggage.
Not only do they feel challenged and insecure about
this, most feel men's position is threatened."

Not for Esmile Ghanie.

"Gender is always a yes-and-no kind of debate. But the
debate has to start somewhere," said the 41-year-old
father of three young girls. "I think today's sermon
was fantastic. It was very enlightening to see a woman
taking part in the ceremony. Maryam can be a good role
model for other girls. If she can do it, they can do
it, too."

News of Mirza's delivery of the sermon also attracted
guests from other mosques, who showed up to support
and congratulate the association's move.

"This is history for me. It is a great way to start
the Eid celebration," said Faizal Kayum, who attended
yesterday's service with his son Azeem. "The religion
has been dominated by males. It's about time for women
to step up to the plate."

Imam Ally said he hopes the congregation, whose
members mostly come from Guyana and the Caribbean, can
start a wave of positive change for women within the
Muslim community.

"Women themselves contribute greatly. Think of any
jobs that women can't do?" Ally said in his address.

"Ask Allah to allow you to have an open mind to give
these sisters a chance to express themselves."

Knud Larsen (24-03-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 24-03-05 09:47

"#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:423b33f9$0$67264$157c6196@dreader2.cybercity.dk...
>>i dag for måske første gang.
> Maaske af interesse:
> The Toronto Star
> The rare sound of a woman's voice at the microphone
> caught everyone's attention; even young children
> stopped playing and looked up to see who was talking.
> Up at the front of the United Muslim Association
> mosque yesterday, a confident Maryam Mirza delivered
> part of the Eid al-Fitr sermon. In doing so, she
> marked the end of Ramadan (the month of fasting) and
> what many called a new beginning for Muslim women as
> she took on a role traditionally left to men.

Den *var* interessant, og jeg troede først at Canada faktisk var først med
en kvindelig bønneleder, men i New York var det den traditionelle
fredagsbøn, som blev ledet af en kvinde, - og hele bønnen. Dog var man nødt
til at gøre det i en kirke, da ingen moské ville lægge lokaler til.

Det ville også have været rart at se nogle mellemøstlige muslimer til
ceremonien i Canada, de karibiske kvinder har jo en anden power end de
Mon man i Canada slap for de traditionelle dødstrusler, når nogen forsøger
noget nyt inden for islam?
Har du kigget på "muslimwakeup"-siden? den bliver desværre angrebet igen og
igen af folk som åbenbart ikke kan klare at se "progressive" muslimer
udfolde sig, - så den er nede igen, og må flytte til en anden og mere sikker

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