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Thank You Mr. Bush
Fra : GB

Dato : 22-02-05 23:09

Fra den danske BLOG Enough!:

I had intended to write something completely different, when i, in an
effort to stall the difficult, but inevitable, process of turning my many
ideas and fragments into constructive sentences, for the last time
checked the news.

There, in front of my eyes, was the message i have been waiting for for
so long: the most powerful man on earth, warning the dictatorships and
calling out for a stronger alliance with Europe. In front of my eyes,
George W. Bush, of whom i am most certainly not a fan, put down his foot
in front of the Arabs, reached out his hand to the old world, and called
for some sanity in the world that has been missing it for so many years.

I have for a while thought that the only chance we have in the coming
war, cold or hot, is to stand together, Europe and America. Europe has to
remember its pact with America for we are closer than we’d like to think.
Every single time has Europe called out for help and America has answered
it. Now America once again answers – answers the call she has heard but
which we have not yet let out....

In the coming conflict, we need Friendship. We need solid ground. And
when we Europeans have healed ourselves, and finally bonded firmly with
our cousin, we shall all together light the beacon of hope. As we have
been saved, so shall we be the ones to save this time. For there are
those much sicker than we.

And for every hand that pitches in, every soul that joins the ranks of
light-bearers, the beacon gains strength, the strength to light up beyond
itself and those who carry it, the strength to bring visibility to a
whole planet. And in it’s light, people of all color shall feel truly
free. In it’s light, the scum of the earth shall find no chance of
abusing others for own gain. Dictatorships have been downed before,
dictatorships will be downed again – and the human race will lift itself
to another level.

"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely
helps them to deceive themselves." Eric Hoffer
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