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Koranen bandlyst i England?
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 20-02-05 01:14

Quran to be banned in the UK?

Det er Hizb ut-Tahrir bange for, de kender jo i detaljer, de mange
ubehagelige vers, og er nervøse for at det kan koste 7 år i brummen at
citere fra Koranen, når den nye lov om "religiøst had" bliver vedtaget.

"En kniv i ryggen"

The proposed British legislation relating to religious hatred may be
perceived by many Muslims as a real benefit. Others may see it as something
of a double-edged sword. However it is best described as a dagger in our
back. The adoption of an "incitement to religious hatred" law will be an
attempt to muzzle Muslims from quoting from the Quran, and the other sacred
texts of Islam. The new law, under consideration in the Westminster
Parliament, would mean Muslims convicted of incitement would face up to
seven years in jail. Quoting from the Quran in a "threatening, abusive or
insulting" way will become a crime in the amendment to Part 3 of the Public
Order Act of 1986.


Liberty has warned that the new law will be directly used against Muslims
rather than protecting them: "We are particularly concerned that Home
Secretary has publicly stated a desire to target and prioritise certain
Islamic clerics for prosecution once the proposed extension of the law is
passed". The now former Home secretary David Blunkett when presenting the
amendments to parliament stated: "It is possible to quote or misquote
passages of sacred texts out of context so that they become threatening,
abusive or insulting and intended or likely to stir up hatred. Such
activities would rightly be caught by the scope of the law". That these
"paragons of secular virtue" now feel able to distinguish clearly between
legitimate quoting and misquoting of sacred texts would be laughable if it
was not so serious.

There is no shortage of verses in the Quran to excite the interest of the
British judiciary. The dozens of verses exhorting Jihad for starters, or
perhaps the verses warning of the plans of the Jews or Christians, or which
castigate the unjust!

(mht jihad kunne de måske få CRL som vidne på, at ordet ikke betyder noget
voldsomt overhovedet, det er ren åndelighed, - talen om heste, skjolde,
spyd, sværd, blod, død og krigsbytte, skal naturligvis forstås i overført
betydning, det kan enhver regne ud

O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they
are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend,
then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust
people." [Quran 5:51]

At a time in which the Muslims living in the Western nations need to be even
more vocal in presenting the clear guidance of the Quran to both Muslims and
non-Muslims we find ourselves again under pressure to adhere to poorly
defined and biased legislation to silence the call to Islam.

(Det engelske PEN - iflg Salman Rushdie - har fået lavet teksten en smule
om, så der står at man ikke må 'bruge religion til at forfølge mennesker' -
før stod der kun noget om, at man ikke måtte genere selve religionen, PEN er
naturligvis imod hele loven)

Knud Larsen (20-02-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 20-02-05 11:32

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Quran to be banned in the UK?
> Det er Hizb ut-Tahrir bange for, de kender jo i detaljer, de mange
> ubehagelige vers, og er nervøse for at det kan koste 7 år i brummen at
> citere fra Koranen, når den nye lov om "religiøst had" bliver vedtaget.
> "En kniv i ryggen"

Vil lige nævne at artiklen er fra Hizb ut-Tahrirs webside: Khilafa

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