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Denmark starts the avalanche
Fra : G.B.

Dato : 18-02-05 23:43

Fra bloggen "Enough!":

Summary: Denmark's re-elected government change tactics on immigrants,
Europe will follow, tougher times for Muslim immigrants will come.

Today the new danish government was announced....
"baaah, why should i care?" you ask. You should because what the danish
government does on the topic of immigration has proved likely to be
followed by the rest of northern Europe!

When the government began it's first period in 2001, EVERYBODY scorned it
for it's tough immigration policy - on which it was elected. Today,
everybody is too busy to scorn because they're implementing likewise
restrictions on immigration, some even officially visiting Denmark to
learn how it's done!

In short, in the past 4 years, the government has severely tightened the
possibility of carrying out the horrible arranged marriages, so widely
used by the immigrants. They have begun to ship criminal foreigners back
to their home countries after serving their sentence. They have in words
told the immigrants that their bloody and hateful customs and behavior is
not tolerated here. They have caused the influx of immigrants to dry out.
They have clamped down on the immigrants permanently relying on welfare-
benefits and on their (documented!) unwillingness to work unless forced
to. They have done everything this country needed... although people like
me naturally want them to be even harsher than that. But i have to give
that to the prime minister, Rasmussen, he is a fair man that truly does
want the Muslims to live in peace with us Danes. I disagree with some of
the things he's given them, but i respect him for his attitude.

This development is thanks to one man in particular: Bertel Haarder -
(now former)minister of integration. He is tall, thin, and has this
painfully sad-looking face with steel-blue eyes. He is concerned, and he
is tough. He is good for the danish people.
He's also the one introducing Denmark to the yet hush-hush idea that we
can help 100 people in Africa instead of bringing 1 to Denmark. We gotta
find out more on that idea, very important!

So, while immigration on one hand is on the retreat, luckily, integration
is also on the retreat, unfortunately. And it looks especially bad in
education: 50% of the immigrants kids are practically illiterate, they
score significantly lower grades than danish kids. They ditch 9Th grade
graduation three times as much a danish kids, and in my county, 70% of
the 20-24 year old male Turks has no noteworthy education. (as a side
note it should be mentioned that we thus have the boys getting no
education and the girls getting good educations, sometimes better than
Danes, but not using it since withdrawing into the house-wife-life of a
good Islamic woman)
This is kids born and raised in Denmark, not kids that have recently
arrived! And those that have been born here are doing worse than those
that immigrated here with their parents, exactly the opposite of what one
would think!
Though the previous minister of education wasn't exactly loose-handed,
she wasn't tough enough either - the results are plain for all to see....

So, it was first with sadness that i read that Haarder was replaced as
the tough immigration/integration warden by the seemingly harmless and
unknown - but not stupid - female Hvilshøj. Look here at the picture of
them, and note especially the looming shadow of his, leaning in over her
- signifying his enormous power and influence as immigration-minister,
and her complete lack of credibility except her fancy suit. He is tough,
has his hands tight and ready for fighting, while she is petite,
innocent, armed with paper and not ready for some dirty action.

What does this exchange in the government tell us? It tells us that
Haarders job is done, the enemy has been defeated into retreating and the
general is moving on to more important battles - the hopeless situation
of immigrants in our education system. It is no coincidence that he's
been called "Haarder the tough", a reference to his last name which
actually is close to the word for "hard", "tough": Haard.

Haarder is, as I've said, a concerned and tough man, he will solve this
thing - i have confidence in that. It won't be pretty, and the damn left-
wingers will have plenty to whine about - and will do so - but it will be
done within the next four years. Desperate times calls for desperate
measures. He has intimate experience with the education system, as
teacher and as minister of education. Combined with the insight of being
immigration and integration minister for 4 years, he is THE one to put to
the task, and he asked for that job specifically when the new government
was to be formed. As the prime minister Rasmussen, he is fair and tough,
and his concern for the development is genuine.

In a danish context, this shift in ministers will mean that we have moved
to the next level. The new minister of integration only need to stay on
the already set course, and meanwhile general Haarder is cracking some
skulls over in the department of education. Wonderful. While i was
nervous at first, as I've been writing these words, i become more and
more optimistic and supportive of this new role for him.

In an northern European context, you must remember what i said about the
European countries, and the lefties in all of them, scorning the Danes at
first and then sulking following them along on the beaten trail. (yay,
the puny Danes leading the way!)
In a higher context, at first they too tightened the grip around their
borders. The next they're going to do is combing the Muslim minorities.
Not for terrorists for they're already on to those. Not for Radical
Islamics for they're slowly getting on to those, Germany is in front. But
for "ordinary" Muslims! I predict that the European countries in one year
will begin to have laws that expel Muslim husbands that beat their wives,
fine the parents of Muslim children that doesn't perform on par with
their white peers, expel whole families of young Muslim criminals of the
country and like wise interfering where angels now fear to thread. (legal
battles of expelling families of criminals from their homes have already
taken place in Denmark, testing the margins for when society has had

One year? Isn't that a little soon? Well, at first glance it is. But note
that we won't see it in full swing, but we will see the first cases of
it. And remember that the current outcry against Muslims (in Holland and
the Scandinavian countries up to 80% mistrusts the Muslim minorities or
even want them out of the country!) has been created, very roughly, only
since September 2001. And this pace will quicken, it's like a snowball -
the more voices that are allowed to vent their long-stemmed anger, the
more tough laws we will see. The more Muslim terrorist-activities we will
see (which will increase a little bit as well i believe) the more the
people will feel free to vent.

I also dare to predict in which order the countries will install these
measures, based on how they are dealing with terrorists, debating the
problems publicly, actively restricting immigrants and such: The order
Denmark, Netherlands and Belgium, Norway, Germany, United kingdom, USA,
Sweden, France, Italy and Spain.

Notes for this order would be the following:
Denmark, Norway - small, tuned to listening to everybody thus airing many
opinions on the matter. Denmark leading in restricting policies,
Holland and Belgium - have enormous Muslim populations and they are
creating likewise problems - the two political murders that has happened
in Europe happened both in Holland. Dutch changes of legislation coming
on strong and swift.
Germany - big Muslim populations, but have begun to see the problems they
create by suppressing dissident voices: rise in neonazism. Has expelled
radical imams already and more is likely to follow.
UK - it pains my heart that they are so damn slow to get it, despite
their many problems with their Pakistani population, but at least they
are now working on a tight closure of their borders.
USA - True to their creed of accepting absolutely everybody, they also
accept Muslims as citizens, and choose to catch the terrorists alone
despite proof of ugly Muslim activities. Has although been reducing
influx from Muslim countries. Their main problem is by the way the
Mexican border, about as closed as a sieve, luring as many illegal
Sweden - Still very politically correct, spends the time lashing out on
"harsh Denmark" while their crime and rape-rates virtually explodes -
rise in Nazism too.
France - scared shit-less to act due to their huge Muslim populations,
and kissing-up- to-their-no-longer-any-good-Muslim-colonies. Yes
headscarf-ban in schools, but how many hours a day are you in school?
Pretending to act while actually not.
Italy and Spain - to the best of my, limited, knowledge they are not
doing anything specifically. Their concerns are on controlling, or rather
the lack of control they have, on those swarms of boats from Africa -
Spain actually tried to reduce the problem with the many illegal
immigrants on paper by legalizing them!! Sure, it takes an effort to get
registered but i don't believe that it's going to change mush.

Thus - the new change in government in tiny Denmark IS important - this
time, we just might turn out to be the snowflake that starts the

"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely
helps them to deceive themselves." Eric Hoffer
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