"Esben Kolind Laustrup (slet TE1DR)" <mail@TE1DRezben.dk> skrev i en
meddelelse news:11095234450.0607476563903546@dtext.news.tele.dk...
> Min webleverandør (B-one.net) har ikke installeret noget program
> (ASPJPEJ eller lignende), som jeg umiddelbart kan anvende i
> forbindelse med læsning af EXIF-informationer fra billeder.
> Er der nogle, der kan hjælpe mig noget ASP-værk, som kan læse
> EXIF-informationer?
Jeg er en gang faldet over følgenden script, og har gemt det. Har dog aldrig
nået at rode med det, så jeg skal ikke kune sige hvor godt det er.
<!--#include file="functions_exif.asp"-->
' -- sample usage --
dim pathinfo
pathinfo = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
pathinfo = left(pathinfo,instrrev(pathinfo,"/"))
LoadImage Server.MapPath(pathinfo) & "\IMG_0807_tiny.jpg"
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Pure ASP Exif (JPG/JPEG metadata) Parsing</title>
Date Time: <%= GetExifByName("Related Image Width") %><br>
Exif Image Width: <%= GetExifByName("Exif Image Width") %><br>
Exif Image Height: <%= GetExifByName("Exif Image Height") %><br>
<table border=1>
<th nowrap>#</td>
<th nowrap>Tag HEX</td>
<th nowrap>Tag Name</td>
<th nowrap>Format</td>
<th nowrap>Size</td>
<th nowrap>Offset</td>
<th nowrap>Value</td>
<th nowrap>Value Described</td>
'show all tags in current images metadata
'you can use the fields in "Tag Name" in the GetExifByName(TagName) function
dim x
for x = 0 to ubound(IFDDirectory) - 1
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td>" & x & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Components) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) & "</td></tr>"
const m_BYTE = 1
const m_STRING = 2
const m_SHORT = 3
const m_LONG = 4
const m_RATIONAL = 5
const m_SBYTE = 6
const m_UNDEFINED = 7
const m_SSHORT = 8
const m_SLONG = 9
const m_SRATIONAL = 10
const m_SINGLE = 11
const m_DOUBLE = 12
const ExifOffset = "8769"
const MakerNote = "927C"
Public ExifLookup
set ExifLookup = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'IFD0 Tags
ExifLookup.Add "Image Description", "010E"
ExifLookup.Add "Camera Make", "010F"
ExifLookup.Add "Camera Model", "0110"
ExifLookup.Add "Orientation", "0112"
ExifLookup.Add "X Resolution", "011A"
ExifLookup.Add "Y Resolution", "011B"
ExifLookup.Add "Resolution Unit", "0128"
ExifLookup.Add "Software", "0131"
ExifLookup.Add "Date Time", "0132"
ExifLookup.Add "White Point", "013E"
ExifLookup.Add "Primary Chromaticities", "013F"
ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Coefficients", "0211"
ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Positioning", "0213"
ExifLookup.Add "Reference Black White", "0214"
ExifLookup.Add "Copyright", "8298"
ExifLookup.Add "Exif Offset", "8769"
'ExifSubIFD Tags
ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Time", "829A"
ExifLookup.Add "FStop", "829D"
ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Program", "8822"
ExifLookup.Add "ISO Speed Ratings", "8827"
ExifLookup.Add "Exif Version", "9000"
ExifLookup.Add "Date Time Original", "9003"
ExifLookup.Add "Date Time Digitized", "9004"
ExifLookup.Add "Components Configuration", "9101"
ExifLookup.Add "Compressed Bits Per Pixel", "9102"
ExifLookup.Add "Shutter Speed Value", "9201"
ExifLookup.Add "Aperture Value", "9202"
ExifLookup.Add "Brightness Value", "9203"
ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Bias Value", "9204"
ExifLookup.Add "Max Aperture Value", "9205"
ExifLookup.Add "Subject Distance", "9206"
ExifLookup.Add "Metering Mode", "9207"
ExifLookup.Add "Light Source", "9208"
ExifLookup.Add "Flash", "9209"
ExifLookup.Add "Focal Length", "920A"
ExifLookup.Add "Maker Note", "927C"
ExifLookup.Add "User Comment", "9286"
ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time", "9290"
ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time Original", "9291"
ExifLookup.Add "Subsec Time Digitized", "9292"
ExifLookup.Add "Flash Pix Version", "A000"
ExifLookup.Add "Color Space", "A001"
ExifLookup.Add "Exif Image Width", "A002"
ExifLookup.Add "Exif Image Height", "A003"
ExifLookup.Add "Related Sound File", "A004"
ExifLookup.Add "Exif Interoperability Offset", "A005"
ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane X Resolution", "A20E"
ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane Y Resolution", "A20F"
ExifLookup.Add "Focal Plane Resolution Unit", "A210"
ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Index", "A215"
ExifLookup.Add "Sensing Method", "A217"
ExifLookup.Add "File Source", "A300"
ExifLookup.Add "Scene Type", "A301"
ExifLookup.Add "CFA Pattern", "A302"
'Interoperability IFD Tags
ExifLookup.Add "Interoperability Index", "01"
ExifLookup.Add "Interoperability Version", "02"
ExifLookup.Add "Related Image File Format", "1000"
ExifLookup.Add "Related Image Width", "1001"
ExifLookup.Add "Related Image Length", "1002"
'IFD1 Tags
ExifLookup.Add "Image Width", "0100"
ExifLookup.Add "Image Height", "0101"
ExifLookup.Add "Bits Per Sample", "0102"
ExifLookup.Add "Compression", "0103"
ExifLookup.Add "Photometric Interpretation", "0106"
ExifLookup.Add "Strip Offsets", "0111"
ExifLookup.Add "Sample Per Pixel", "0115"
ExifLookup.Add "Rows Per Strip", "0116"
ExifLookup.Add "Strip Byte Counts", "0117"
ExifLookup.Add "X Resolution 2", "011A"
ExifLookup.Add "Y Resolution 2", "011B"
ExifLookup.Add "Planar Configuration", "011C"
ExifLookup.Add "Resolution Unit 2", "0128"
ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Interchange Format", "0201"
ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Interchange Format Length", "0202"
ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Coeffecients", "0211"
ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Sub Sampling", "0212"
ExifLookup.Add "YCbCr Positioning 2", "0213"
ExifLookup.Add "Reference Black White 2", "0214"
'Misc Tags
ExifLookup.Add "New Subfile Type", "FE"
ExifLookup.Add "Subfile Type", "FF"
ExifLookup.Add "Transfer Function", "012D"
ExifLookup.Add "Artist", "013B"
ExifLookup.Add "Predictor", "013D"
ExifLookup.Add "Tile Width", "0142"
ExifLookup.Add "Tile Length", "0143"
ExifLookup.Add "Tile Offsets", "0144"
ExifLookup.Add "Tile Byte Counts", "0145"
ExifLookup.Add "Sub IFDs", "014A"
ExifLookup.Add "JPEG Tables", "015B"
ExifLookup.Add "CFA Repeat Pattern Dim", "828D"
ExifLookup.Add "CFA Pattern 2", "828E"
ExifLookup.Add "Battery Level", "828F"
ExifLookup.Add "IPTC_NAA", "83BB"
ExifLookup.Add "Inter Color Profile", "8773"
ExifLookup.Add "Spectral Sensitivity", "8824"
ExifLookup.Add "GPS Info", "8825"
ExifLookup.Add "OECF", "8828"
ExifLookup.Add "Interlace", "8829"
ExifLookup.Add "Time Zone Offset", "882A"
ExifLookup.Add "Self Timer Mode", "882B"
ExifLookup.Add "Flash Energy", "920B"
ExifLookup.Add "Spatial Frequency Response", "920C"
ExifLookup.Add "Noise", "920D"
ExifLookup.Add "Image Number", "9211"
ExifLookup.Add "Security Classification", "9212"
ExifLookup.Add "Image History", "9213"
ExifLookup.Add "Subject Location", "9214"
ExifLookup.Add "Exposure Index 2", "9215"
ExifLookup.Add "TIFFEP Standard ID", "9216"
ExifLookup.Add "Flash Energy 2", "A20B"
ExifLookup.Add "Spatial Frequency Response 2", "A20C"
ExifLookup.Add "Subject Location 2", "A214"
dim Offset_to_IFD0
dim Offset_to_APP1
dim Offset_to_TIFF
dim Length_of_APP1
dim Offset_to_Next_IFD
dim IFDDirectory
IFDDirectory = array(0)
dim Offset_to_ExifSubIFD
dim ImageFile
dim IsLoaded
dim ExifTemp
ExifTemp = array(0)
const IFD_IDX_Tag_No = 0
const IFD_IDX_Tag_Name = 1
const IFD_IDX_Data_Format = 2
const IFD_IDX_Components = 3
const IFD_IDX_Value = 4
const IFD_IDX_Value_Desc = 5
const IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue = 6
Function LookupExifTag(which)
dim item
for each item in ExifLookup
if ExifLookup(item) = which then
LookupExifTag = item
exit function
end if
LookupExifTag = which
End Function
Function GetExifByName(ExifTag)
If IsLoaded = False And ImageFile <> "" Then
LoadImage (ImageFile)
ElseIf IsLoaded = False And ImageFile = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(IFDDirectory) - 1
If IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) = ExifTag Then
GetExifByName = IFDDirectory(i)(IFD_IDX_Value)
Exit For
End If
End Function
sub LoadImage(picFile)
If ImageFile = "" Then
ImageFile = picFile
If ImageFile = "" Then
Exit sub
End If
End If
OpenJPGFile ImageFile
If InspectJPGFile = False Then
IsLoaded = False
Exit Sub
End If
If IsIntel Then
Offset_to_IFD0 = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 17)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 16)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 15)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 14))
Offset_to_IFD0 = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 14)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 15)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 16)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 17))
End If
'Debug.Print "Offset_to_IFD0: " & Offset_to_IFD0
IsLoaded = True
GetDirectoryEntries Offset_to_TIFF + Offset_to_IFD0
End sub
Function InspectJPGFile()
Dim i
If ExifTemp(0) <> "FF" And ExifTemp(1) <> "D8" Then
InspectJPGFile = False
For i = 2 To UBound(ExifTemp) - 1
If ExifTemp(i) = "FF" And ExifTemp(i + 1) = "E1" Then
Offset_to_APP1 = i
Exit For
End If
If Offset_to_APP1 = 0 Then
InspectJPGFile = False
End If
Offset_to_TIFF = Offset_to_APP1 + 10
Length_of_APP1 = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 2)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 3))
If Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 4))) &
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 5))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 6))) &
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_APP1 + 7))) <> "Exif" Then
InspectJPGFile = False
Exit Function
End If
InspectJPGFile = True
End If
End Function
Function IsIntel()
If ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF) = "49" Then
IsIntel = True
IsIntel = False
End If
End Function
Function OpenJPGFile(FileName)
const TristateUseDefault = -2
const TristateTrue = -1
const TristateFalse = 0
const ForReading = 1
const ForWriting = 2
const ForAppending = 8
Dim Ascii, lastHex, currentHex, SOSFound
Dim FSO, File, i
If Not FileName = "" Then
If InStr(1, FileName, ":\") = 0 Then
FileName = Server.MapPath(FileName)
End If
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then
Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading, False, TristateFalse)
i = 0
While Not File.AtEndOfStream and SOSFound = false
Ascii = Asc(File.Read(1))
lastHex = currentHex
currentHex = Right("0" & Hex(Ascii), 2)
if lastHex & currentHex = "FFDA" or i > 100000 then
SOSFound = true
end if
ExifTemp(i) = currentHex
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve ExifTemp(i)
Set File = Nothing
Response.Write("File does not exist")
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
End If
end function
Sub GetDirectoryEntries(Offset)
Dim No_of_Entries
Dim Upper_IFDDirectory
Dim NewDimensions
Dim Processed_ExifSubIFD
Dim BytesPerComponent
Dim Offset_to_MakerNote
Dim i, j, k
If IsIntel Then
No_of_Entries = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 1)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 0))
No_of_Entries = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 0)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 1))
End If
On Error Resume Next
Upper_IFDDirectory = UBound(IFDDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0
NewDimensions = Upper_IFDDirectory + No_of_Entries
ReDim Preserve IFDDirectory(NewDimensions)
For i = 1 To No_of_Entries
k = Upper_IFDDirectory + i - 1
IFDDirectory(k) = array(null,null,null,null,null,null,null)
'With IFDDirectory(Upper_IFDDirectory + i)
If IsIntel Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 1) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 0)
'HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 1)) * 256 + _
'HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 0))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 3)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 2))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 7)) * 256 * 256 * 256
+ _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 6)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 5)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 4))
Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format)
Case m_BYTE, m_SBYTE
BytesPerComponent = 1
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
BytesPerComponent = 1
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 2
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)))
End If
BytesPerComponent = 2
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
Case m_LONG, m_SLONG
BytesPerComponent = 4
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
BytesPerComponent = 8
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 3)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 2)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 1)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 0)) & _
"/" & _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 7)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 6)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 5)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 4))
End Select
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 0)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 1))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 2)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 3))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 4)) * 256 * 256 * 256
+ _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 5)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 6)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 7))
Select Case IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Data_Format)
Case m_BYTE, m_SBYTE
BytesPerComponent = 1
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10) & _
ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
BytesPerComponent = 1
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10))) & _
Chr(HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11)))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
Chr(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j))
End If
BytesPerComponent = 2
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
For j = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1 To 0 Step -1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
Case m_LONG, m_SLONG
BytesPerComponent = 4
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) * BytesPerComponent <= 4 Then
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
For j = 0 To IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Components) - 1
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) &
ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF + IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + j)
End If
BytesPerComponent = 8
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 8)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 9)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 10)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp((Offset + 2) + ((i - 1) * 12) + 11))
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value) = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 0)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 1)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 2)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 3)) & _
"/" & _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 4)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 5)) * 256 * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 6)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset_to_TIFF +
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue) + 7))
End Select
End If
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = MakerNote Then
Offset_to_MakerNote = IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_OffsetToValue)
End If
If IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_No) = ExifOffset Then
Offset_to_ExifSubIFD = CLng(IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Value))
'Debug.Print "Offset_to_ExifSubIFD: " & Offset_to_ExifSubIFD
End If
IFDDirectory(k)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name) =
If IsIntel Then
If Not Processed_ExifSubIFD Then
Offset_to_Next_IFD = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 3)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 2)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 1)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 0))
'Debug.Print "Offset_to_Next_IFD: " & Offset_to_Next_IFD
Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0
End If
If Not Processed_ExifSubIFD Then
Offset_to_Next_IFD = _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 0)) * 256 * 256 *
256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 1)) * 256 * 256 +
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 2)) * 256 + _
HexToDec(ExifTemp(Offset + 2 + (No_of_Entries * 12) + 3))
'Debug.Print "Offset_to_Next_IFD: " & Offset_to_Next_IFD
Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0
End If
End If
If Offset_to_Next_IFD = 0 And Processed_ExifSubIFD = False Then
Offset_to_Next_IFD = Offset_to_ExifSubIFD
Processed_ExifSubIFD = True
End If
Offset = Offset_to_TIFF + Offset_to_Next_IFD
Loop While Offset_to_Next_IFD <> 0
If Offset_to_MakerNote <> 0 Then
'ProcessMakerNote Offset_to_MakerNote + Offset_to_TIFF
End If
End Sub
Function HexToDec(strHex)
dim lngResult
dim intIndex
dim strDigit
dim intDigit
dim intValue
lngResult = 0
for intIndex = len(strHex) to 1 step -1
strDigit = mid(strHex, intIndex, 1)
intDigit = instr("0123456789ABCDEF", ucase(strDigit))-1
if intDigit >= 0 then
intValue = intDigit * (16 ^ (len(strHex)-intIndex))
lngResult = lngResult + intValue
lngResult = 0
intIndex = 0 ' stop the loop
end if
HexToDec = lngResult
End Function
Function MakeSenseOfMeaninglessValues()
dim x
for x = 0 to ubound(IFDDirectory) - 1
Select Case IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Tag_Name)
Case "Orientation"
dim OrientationTagValues
OrientationTagValues = array("Undefined","Normal","Flip Horizontal",
"Rotate 180", "Flip Vertical", "Transpose", "Rotate 90", "Transverse",
"Rotate 270")
if IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)>=0 and
IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value)<ubound(OrientationTagValues) then
IFDDirectory(x)(IFD_IDX_Value_Desc) =
end if
End Select
End Function