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EU og kvinderettigheder
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 07-02-05 13:19

Nu begynder det at føles, at vi har fået 10 gammelreligiøse lande med i EU,
nu mangler vi bare Bulgarien og Rumænien i 2007, og Ukraine og Tyrkiet
senere, - så kan man forestille sig hvordan kvinde- og fx homoseksuelle
rettigheder vil blive rullet tilbage. Utrolig at man kunne sætte sig i den

We may now be in danger of realising what we've got only when it's gone.
Female MEPs are warning of a backlash in the European parliament that they
fear may stall, or even reverse, the progress on equality. Sadly, the Ukip
MEP Godfrey "they don't clean behind the fridge" Bloom is not the only
member of the parliamentary women's committee whose ideas about gender roles
come straight from the 50s. Even more worryingly, one of the others is the
committee chairwoman, Anna Zaborska.

Zaborska's appointment was met with dismay by women's organisations in her
home country of Slovakia. The Slovak Alliance of Women said she was not
suitable to lead the committee for the simple reason that "she does not
promote women's rights". Olga Pietruchova, the executive director of the
Slovak Family Planning Association said that the news was "a total shock and
a big disappointment", given Zaborska's strong opposition to abortion and
gay rights, and her failure to support anti-discrimination legislation in

Zaborska opposes abortion even in rape cases, arguing that when "[the
victim] ends her child's life - the jolt from killing her own child is often
bigger than the one suffered by rape". The Slovak Spectator quoted her as
saying that "Aids is God's vengeance for homosexuality".

Altså forkvinden for Kvinderettighedsgruppen - fra Slovakiet - er benhård
abort-modstander og mener AIDS er guds straf for homoseksualitet.

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