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Allah og Hizb-ut Tahrir er sure
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 03-01-05 22:08

Jeg har set muslimer på Nettet skrive at noget godt kan komme ud af
katastrofen i Asien, idet måske nogle af de 3.verdensfolk som kun hører at
"Vesten" er ude på at snyde og bedrage dem, ser at folk og penge strømmer

Men det gælder ikke vores venner Hutterne de er "pissed" sammen med Allah:

On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian Ocean,
Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to violently shake.
And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set in motion mighty waves
to roar across the sea at speeds of up to 500kmph and heights of 10s of
metres until the surging tides slammed into coastal towns and cities across
the continent. The waves hit India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Siri Lanka,
Thailand, Burma and several countries on the East coast of Africa causing a
colossus of destruction and demolition.

Tens of thousands of lives have been lost and hundreds of thousands
displaced from their homes and left vulnerable to disease and hunger.

Indeed, it is Allah (swt) alone who is the one who instructs the earth and
the sea as He wishes, and it is He alone who takes life, and it is He alone
who provides for his creation. The magnitude of this event should serve as a
reminder to all those who witness it - that Allah (swt) is the almighty and
all-powerful and the only one worthy of worship.

And by the grace of Allah (swt), Muslims and non-Muslims all over the world
have been humbled by the forces that easily overwhelmed man. Many have been
reminded of man's dependence on his creator and how he exists only by Allah's
(swt) leave and His mercy.

At the same time we witness those who continue to surpass in their arrogance
and their evil. Western powers have wasted no time in making great speeches
of grief and concern and grand announcements of how they will rapidly make
great strides to assist the disaster stricken people of the Asian

However, it is important that some greatly significant facts/quotes are
considered when viewing this 'Hollywood' display of humanity by Western

osv osv osv.

Niels Ulrik (03-01-2005)
Fra : Niels Ulrik

Dato : 03-01-05 23:30



og her


"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Jeg har set muslimer på Nettet skrive at noget godt kan komme ud af
> katastrofen i Asien, idet måske nogle af de 3.verdensfolk som kun hører at
> "Vesten" er ude på at snyde og bedrage dem, ser at folk og penge strømmer
> til.
> Men det gælder ikke vores venner Hutterne de er "pissed" sammen med Allah:
> On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian
> Ocean, Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to violently
> shake. And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set in motion
> mighty waves to roar across the sea at speeds of up to 500kmph and heights
> of 10s of metres until the surging tides slammed into coastal towns and
> cities across the continent. The waves hit India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
> Siri Lanka, Thailand, Burma and several countries on the East coast of
> Africa causing a colossus of destruction and demolition.
> Tens of thousands of lives have been lost and hundreds of thousands
> displaced from their homes and left vulnerable to disease and hunger.
> Indeed, it is Allah (swt) alone who is the one who instructs the earth and
> the sea as He wishes, and it is He alone who takes life, and it is He
> alone who provides for his creation. The magnitude of this event should
> serve as a reminder to all those who witness it - that Allah (swt) is the
> almighty and all-powerful and the only one worthy of worship.
> And by the grace of Allah (swt), Muslims and non-Muslims all over the
> world have been humbled by the forces that easily overwhelmed man. Many
> have been reminded of man's dependence on his creator and how he exists
> only by Allah's (swt) leave and His mercy.
> At the same time we witness those who continue to surpass in their
> arrogance and their evil. Western powers have wasted no time in making
> great speeches of grief and concern and grand announcements of how they
> will rapidly make great strides to assist the disaster stricken people of
> the Asian earthquake.
> However, it is important that some greatly significant facts/quotes are
> considered when viewing this 'Hollywood' display of humanity by Western
> governments.
> osv osv osv.

Jesper Nielsen (04-01-2005)
Fra : Jesper Nielsen

Dato : 04-01-05 00:07

"Niels Ulrik" <nielsulrik81zerospam@msn.com> wrote in message
> her
> http://www.paktribune.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3733
> og her
> http://www.1924.org/
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:crcc8d$2ran$1@news.cybercity.dk...
> > Jeg har set muslimer på Nettet skrive at noget godt kan komme ud af
> > katastrofen i Asien, idet måske nogle af de 3.verdensfolk som kun hører
> > "Vesten" er ude på at snyde og bedrage dem, ser at folk og penge
> > til.
> >
> > Men det gælder ikke vores venner Hutterne de er "pissed" sammen med
> >
> >
> > On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian
> > Ocean, Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to
> > shake. And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set in motion
> > mighty waves to roar across the sea at speeds of up to 500kmph and
> > of 10s of metres until the surging tides slammed into coastal towns and
> > cities across the continent. The waves hit India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
> > Siri Lanka, Thailand, Burma and several countries on the East coast of
> > Africa causing a colossus of destruction and demolition.
> >
> > Tens of thousands of lives have been lost and hundreds of thousands
> > displaced from their homes and left vulnerable to disease and hunger.
> >
> > Indeed, it is Allah (swt) alone who is the one who instructs the earth
> > the sea as He wishes, and it is He alone who takes life, and it is He
> > alone who provides for his creation. The magnitude of this event should
> > serve as a reminder to all those who witness it - that Allah (swt) is
> > almighty and all-powerful and the only one worthy of worship.
> >
> > And by the grace of Allah (swt), Muslims and non-Muslims all over the
> > world have been humbled by the forces that easily overwhelmed man. Many
> > have been reminded of man's dependence on his creator and how he exists
> > only by Allah's (swt) leave and His mercy.
> >
> > At the same time we witness those who continue to surpass in their
> > arrogance and their evil. Western powers have wasted no time in making
> > great speeches of grief and concern and grand announcements of how they
> > will rapidly make great strides to assist the disaster stricken people
> > the Asian earthquake.
> >
> > However, it is important that some greatly significant facts/quotes are
> > considered when viewing this 'Hollywood' display of humanity by Western
> > governments.
> >
> > osv osv osv.
> >
Hvad havde de mon sagt hvis vesten havde været passive?


Niels Ulrik (04-01-2005)
Fra : Niels Ulrik

Dato : 04-01-05 00:11

"Jesper Nielsen" <jesniel@yahoo.dk> wrote in message
> Hvad havde de mon sagt hvis vesten havde været passive?

Vesten har da været passive længe ang. tsunamier i området. Og er det også i
fremtiden. Frankrig og USA og .... er ikke passive når det gælder
våbensalg - men det er en helt anden historie.

> Jesper

C. H. Engelbrecht (04-01-2005)
Fra : C. H. Engelbrecht

Dato : 04-01-05 01:12

Ja ja, og din mor er en hest...

(Altså, ikke dig Larsen, men tossen der har lukket det her lort ud)

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Jeg har set muslimer på Nettet skrive at noget godt kan komme ud af
> katastrofen i Asien, idet måske nogle af de 3.verdensfolk som kun hører at
> "Vesten" er ude på at snyde og bedrage dem, ser at folk og penge strømmer
> til.
> Men det gælder ikke vores venner Hutterne de er "pissed" sammen med Allah:
> On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian
> Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to violently shake.
> And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set in motion mighty
> to roar across the sea at speeds of up to 500kmph and heights of 10s of
> metres until the surging tides slammed into coastal towns and cities
> the continent. The waves hit India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Siri Lanka,
> Thailand, Burma and several countries on the East coast of Africa causing
> colossus of destruction and demolition.
> Tens of thousands of lives have been lost and hundreds of thousands
> displaced from their homes and left vulnerable to disease and hunger.
> Indeed, it is Allah (swt) alone who is the one who instructs the earth and
> the sea as He wishes, and it is He alone who takes life, and it is He
> who provides for his creation. The magnitude of this event should serve as
> reminder to all those who witness it - that Allah (swt) is the almighty
> all-powerful and the only one worthy of worship.
> And by the grace of Allah (swt), Muslims and non-Muslims all over the
> have been humbled by the forces that easily overwhelmed man. Many have
> reminded of man's dependence on his creator and how he exists only by
> (swt) leave and His mercy.
> At the same time we witness those who continue to surpass in their
> and their evil. Western powers have wasted no time in making great
> of grief and concern and grand announcements of how they will rapidly make
> great strides to assist the disaster stricken people of the Asian
> earthquake.
> However, it is important that some greatly significant facts/quotes are
> considered when viewing this 'Hollywood' display of humanity by Western
> governments.
> osv osv osv.

G.B. (06-01-2005)
Fra : G.B.

Dato : 06-01-05 01:16

"Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen

> On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian
> Ocean, Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to
> violently shake. And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set

Det passer jo ikke - alle os socialister ved jo, at det var de nye
"environmental weapons", som USA har udviklet og testet i det Indiske Ocean
for at få fat i olieresourcerne. Det står der nemlig selv på en masse
konspirations-webites, det har jeg selv set. Og så må det jo passe, ikke?

"We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they
who need public cures for their private ails." Eric Hoffer
Med venlig hilsen

Knud Larsen (06-01-2005)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 06-01-05 13:26

"G.B." <nonono@nospam.invalid.com> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:crcc8d$2ran$1@news.cybercity.dk:
>> On Sunday the 26th December at 8am local time, deep below the Indian
>> Ocean, Allah (swt) -by His divine decree -ordered the seabed to
>> violently shake. And by His (swt) command the shaking of the earth set
> Det passer jo ikke - alle os socialister ved jo, at det var de nye
> "environmental weapons", som USA har udviklet og testet i det Indiske
> Ocean
> for at få fat i olieresourcerne. Det står der nemlig selv på en masse
> konspirations-webites, det har jeg selv set. Og så må det jo passe, ikke?

Iflg en video på NBC i går, havde en egyptisk avis den hypotese, at det var
atomprøvesprængninger udført af USA, Israel og Indien, - sådan et jordskælv
kommer ikke af sig selv, som man fastslog.
Og en "lærd" på saudi arabiens TV gættede på at, at det var en straf for den
ugudelige udenomsægteskabelige sex, der foregik på strandene i de berørte
lande. Hvorfor Allah så skulle dræbe totredjedele muslimer, fremgik ikke
Åbenbart ER de arabiske medier allerede fulde af konspirationsideer, - noget
skal de jo more sig med i den del af verden, der er ikke så meget andet.

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