| mærkelig Proces Fra : JL med Liftmaster |
Dato : 13-02-05 08:42 |
jeg har en proces i min pc kørende, som hedder :
Golden Retriever, og jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvad den er til ?
Er der nogle i dette forum, som kan hjælpe mig ?
hilsen JL
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Klaus Petersen (13-02-2005)
| Kommentar Fra : Klaus Petersen |
Dato : 13-02-05 09:08 |
> jeg har en proces i min pc kørende, som hedder :
> Golden Retriever, og jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvad den er til ?
> Er der nogle i dette forum, som kan hjælpe mig ?
> hilsen JL
Det er nok ikke en så fed process at have kørende.
Så vidt jeg lige kan komme frem til, er det en tastatur / mus optager.
kilde: http://www.quidham.com/tech.html
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Klaus Petersen (13-02-2005)
| Kommentar Fra : Klaus Petersen |
Dato : 13-02-05 09:10 |
Her er lidt mere:
This is a relatively new variant of the Cool Web Search spyware (I think),
and that is why you can't rid yourself of it. There are several "copycats"
of Cool Web Search by now, and I thing this is one of them. There is a
hidden file that morphs-meaning that it changes its name on each reboot.
Very difficult to find. There is another variant that loads a hidden file
which remains dormant until the main .exe is removed, then it activates and
the next time you access the internet it accesses its website and reloads
down onto your computer. That's why is seems to always come back. Nasty. I
just got done killing "Golden Retriever", a sub-variant of SAH AGENT, and I
finally found the hidden file, which was actually part of an inserted entry
in Control Panel!!
CheeezLouis. What'll they think of next?
- - -
Tilsyneladende hører processen under spyware.
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Karl Erik Nielsen (13-02-2005)
| Kommentar Fra : Karl Erik Nielsen |
Dato : 13-02-05 09:19 |
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