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accessing files locally with applets
Fra : Marino Labeeuw

Dato : 07-02-05 22:25

Hi all,

I want to make a small applet that analyzes some textfiles locally.
The problem is that applet are not allowed to access files locally.
I already made a policy file wich grands the applet permission to the files.
This works if I start the html file (wich contains the applet) with the
appletviewer with the following parameters:
appletviewer -J-Djava.security.policy=policyfile LogFileAnalyzer.htm

So, the policy file is correct.

But I don't want to use the application like this. I want to put it on a
server were other people can use this tool wich will access files on their
computers locally.

I want to make my application in that way that the user just allows the
applet to access the files in question locally. Is that be means of
certificates? How do I implement them? I already experimented with making a
certificate (the way the tutorial says on the site of sun
http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/security1.2/toolsign/index.html )
but I don't know how to link the policy file with the certificate... but I
don't know if this is the way to go?

thanks for the help....

Kind regards,

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