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Dette er forhåbentlig ikke sandt, jeg kan ~
Fra : Allan Riise

Dato : 25-12-04 20:32

In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written by
Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military
reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs.
The following day, the story was also published in the Iranian daily
Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are
excerpts from the article: "Secret European military intelligence reports
indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq
into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded,
before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America. A
secret team of American physicians follow the troops during their attacks on
Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical] operations for extracting some
organs and transferring them to private operations rooms before they are
transferred to America for sale..."


Allan Riise
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
"Kapitalisme virker kun to steder, i himmelen, hvor det ikke er nødvendigt,
og i helvede hvor de allerede har det.."
Vær enten konsekvent eller inkonsekvent, men aldrig begge dele samtidigt.

hanzen (25-12-2004)
Fra : hanzen

Dato : 25-12-04 20:58

re. subj.

Årh la' vær'.
Du sidder med foldede hænder og våde bukser og håber på det er sandt.

"Tænk på, hvad vi kan lære af muslimerne, jeg syntes, at vi skal lade
verdens flygtninge vælte ind over vore grænser, og labbe al deres kultur i
os." Ekstra Bladet 3 oktober l986. G.D.-Holmfeld

T. Liljeberg (25-12-2004)
Fra : T. Liljeberg

Dato : 25-12-04 21:16

On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:31:30 +0100, "Allan Riise"
<familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote:

>In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written by
>Fakhriya Ahmad charges

Forhåbentlig er dette heller ikke sandt:

Government at its best is a necessary evil,
and at its worst, an intolerable one.
- Thomas Paine

Thorkild Poulsen (27-12-2004)
Fra : Thorkild Poulsen

Dato : 27-12-04 11:19

"T. Liljeberg" <tl_dp@adelphia.net> wrote in message
> On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:31:30 +0100, "Allan Riise"
> <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote:
>>In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written
>>Fakhriya Ahmad charges
> Forhåbentlig er dette heller ikke sandt:
> <http://www.alien-ufos.com/abductionsmarks.shtml>
> --
> Government at its best is a necessary evil,
> and at its worst, an intolerable one.
> - Thomas Paine


NEiL DANELAW (25-12-2004)

Dato : 25-12-04 21:33

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written

Jo, det er sandt. Ligesom CIA opfandt AIDS og en masse andre ting.

Anders Peter Johnsen (26-12-2004)
Fra : Anders Peter Johnsen

Dato : 26-12-04 02:30

Allan Riise wrote:
> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written by
> Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military
> reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs.
> The following day, the story was also published in the Iranian daily
> Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are
> excerpts from the article: "Secret European military intelligence reports
> indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq
> into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded,
> before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America. A
> secret team of American physicians follow the troops during their attacks on
> Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical] operations for extracting some
> organs and transferring them to private operations rooms before they are
> transferred to America for sale..."
> http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news

Du lader jo ellers overhovedet ikke til at have større problemer med at
tage det alvorligt, vel?

Det er jo bare endnu en variation af de "sædvanlige", totalt absurde,
kollektivpsykotisk-paranoide arabiske konspirationsteorier rettet imod
Israel og USA: Der er INTET som arabere ikke på een eller anden måde kan
finde på at beskylde amerikanere eller israelere for. Hver gang jeg tror
at jeg har hørt den mest rablende sindssyge beskyldning lykkes det
ALLIGEVEL disse forkvaklede og formørkede hjerner at overrraske mig ved
at udtænke endnu sygere paranoide tvangstanker. Og det værste er at
disse folk - formodentlig på grund af deres tilbagestående kultur med
baggrund i deres autoritære og fundamentalistiske religion - overhovedet
ikke så meget som tvivler på at den slags rygter er sande: Alle
beskyldninger gælder, hvis bare de er rettet mod USA og Israel. Jo mere
perfide, des bedre!

At du tilsyneladende selv i stigende grad deler denne mentalitet ved at
gengive den slags ynkelige konspirationspladder i denne gruppe,
udstiller såmænd kun, hvor langt du efterhånden selv er nået ud i dit
fanatiske rødskrigeri. Det borger i hvert fald ikke ligefrem for din
angivelige seriøsitet som debattør herinde...

Anders Peter Johnsen

Carsten Agger (26-12-2004)
Fra : Carsten Agger

Dato : 26-12-04 22:25

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written
> Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military
> reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human

det er formentlig en konspirationsteori - sådanne er meget
udbredte i mellemøsten og kan kun modvirkes af *pålidelige*
frie medier; i lande, hvor regeringen har siddet enevældigt
på al information, kommer rygter let til at spille en alt for stor
rolle. Regionsdækkende, rimeligt pålidelige medier som Al-Jazeera
og Al-Arabiya er formentlig de væsentligste bidrag i retning af
at modvirke denne tingenes tilstand ...

Ukendt (27-12-2004)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 27-12-04 01:01

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written
> Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military
> reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs.
> The following day, the story was also published in the Iranian daily
> Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the Syrian daily Teshreen. The following
> excerpts from the article: "Secret European military intelligence reports
> indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq
> into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded,
> before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America. A
> secret team of American physicians follow the troops during their attacks
> Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical] operations for extracting some
> organs and transferring them to private operations rooms before they are
> transferred to America for sale..."
> http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news

Jeg troede det lå i dk.politiks fudats at man ikke måtte lave lange citater?


Allan Riise (27-12-2004)
Fra : Allan Riise

Dato : 27-12-04 01:25

Carl L wrote:
> "Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:41cdc002$0$178$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels
>> written by Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret
>> European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting
>> and selling human organs. The following day, the story was also
>> published in the Iranian daily Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the
>> Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are excerpts from the article:
>> "Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the
>> transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a
>> profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
>> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and
>> wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers
>> in America. A secret team of American physicians follow the troops
>> during their attacks on Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical]
>> operations for extracting some organs and transferring them to
>> private operations rooms before they are transferred to America for
>> sale..."
>> http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news
> Jeg troede det lå i dk.politiks fudats at man ikke måtte lave lange
> citater?

Definer langt!

Allan Riise
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
"Kapitalisme virker kun to steder, i himmelen, hvor det ikke er
nødvendigt, og i helvede hvor de allerede har det.." Vær enten
konsekvent eller inkonsekvent, men aldrig begge dele samtidigt.

Bo Warming (27-12-2004)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 27-12-04 03:41

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message

>> Jeg troede det lå i dk.politiks fudats at man ikke måtte lave lange
>> citater?
> Definer langt!

fem onliners blev kaldt fundatsstridigt i 1999, hvor man smed mig af usenet!

Konrad (27-12-2004)
Fra : Konrad

Dato : 27-12-04 14:26

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels written
> Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret European military
> reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs.
> The following day, the story was also published in the Iranian daily
> Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the Syrian daily Teshreen. The following
> excerpts from the article: "Secret European military intelligence reports
> indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq
> into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded,
> before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America. A
> secret team of American physicians follow the troops during their attacks
> Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical] operations for extracting some
> organs and transferring them to private operations rooms before they are
> transferred to America for sale..."

Det lyder ærlig talt som ærketypisk arabisk propaganda - imho.

Allan Riise (27-12-2004)
Fra : Allan Riise

Dato : 27-12-04 14:29

Konrad wrote:
> "Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
> news:41cdc002$0$178$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels
>> written by Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret
>> European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting
>> and selling human organs. The following day, the story was also
>> published in the Iranian daily Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the
>> Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are excerpts from the article:
>> "Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the
>> transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a
>> profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
>> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and
>> wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers
>> in America. A secret team of American physicians follow the troops
>> during their attacks on Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical]
>> operations for extracting some organs and transferring them to
>> private operations rooms before they are transferred to America for
>> sale..."
> Det lyder ærlig talt som ærketypisk arabisk propaganda - imho.

Det håber jeg også at det er, og indtil videre står der ehller ikke noget om
det andre steder, så jeg håber stadig på at det er en and!

Allan Riise
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
"Kapitalisme virker kun to steder, i himmelen, hvor det ikke er
nødvendigt, og i helvede hvor de allerede har det.." Vær enten
konsekvent eller inkonsekvent, men aldrig begge dele samtidigt.

Konrad (27-12-2004)
Fra : Konrad

Dato : 27-12-04 14:40

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
> Konrad wrote:
> > "Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
> > news:41cdc002$0$178$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
> >> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels
> >> written by Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret
> >> European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting
> >> and selling human organs. The following day, the story was also
> >> published in the Iranian daily Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the
> >> Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are excerpts from the article:
> >> "Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the
> >> transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a
> >> profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
> >> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and
> >> wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers
> >> in America. A secret team of American physicians follow the troops
> >> during their attacks on Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical]
> >> operations for extracting some organs and transferring them to
> >> private operations rooms before they are transferred to America for
> >> sale..."
> >
> > Det lyder ærlig talt som ærketypisk arabisk propaganda - imho.
> Det håber jeg også at det er, og indtil videre står der ehller ikke noget
> det andre steder, så jeg håber stadig på at det er en and!

Det tror jeg - en juleand, sikkert Historien minder til forveksling om
de andre historier om f.eks at Israel inficerer arabere med syfilis etc...

Tim (27-12-2004)
Fra : Tim

Dato : 27-12-04 14:45

"Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
> Konrad wrote:
>> "Allan Riise" <familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote in message
>> news:41cdc002$0$178$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> In the Saudi government daily Al-Watan, an article from Brussels
>>> written by Fakhriya Ahmad charges that, based on alleged secret
>>> European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting
>>> and selling human organs. The following day, the story was also
>>> published in the Iranian daily Jomhouri-ye Islami, as well as the
>>> Syrian daily Teshreen. The following are excerpts from the article:
>>> "Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the
>>> transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a
>>> profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of
>>> American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and
>>> wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers
>>> in America. A secret team of American physicians follow the troops
>>> during their attacks on Iraqi armed men to ensure quick [medical]
>>> operations for extracting some organs and transferring them to
>>> private operations rooms before they are transferred to America for
>>> sale..."
>> Det lyder ærlig talt som ærketypisk arabisk propaganda - imho.
> Det håber jeg også at det er, og indtil videre står der ehller ikke noget
> om det andre steder, så jeg håber stadig på at det er en and!

Det er der vist ingen der tror på.


T. Liljeberg (27-12-2004)
Fra : T. Liljeberg

Dato : 27-12-04 14:52

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 14:29:06 +0100, "Allan Riise"
<familien_riiseXXX@XXXadslhome.dk> wrote:

>Det håber jeg også at det er, og indtil videre står der ehller ikke noget om
>det andre steder, så jeg håber stadig på at det er en and!

Helt ærligt, hvad med lidt kritisk sans? Hvad var formålet med at
poste den tåbelige historie?

Government at its best is a necessary evil,
and at its worst, an intolerable one.
- Thomas Paine

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