Froggy skrev:
> - kender du evt. et link til lidt mere uddybende forklaring?
| Integer representation
| The three bytes that represent a color can be combined in a
| 32-bit integer constant, normally represented in hexadecimal
| notation. For example, RGB(160,128,96) is 6080A0:
| Red (RR) = 160 dec = A0 hex
| Green (GG) = 128 dec = 80 hex
| Blue (BB) = 96 dec = 60 hex
| Notice that color constants have the form BBGGRR (not RRGGBB),
| where BB is the byte (two hexadecimal digits) for blue, GG is
| the byte for green and RR is the byte for red. The reason is
| that integers are internally stored with the least significant
| byte first, so BBGGRR gets stored as RRGGBB, the order in
| which the RGB values are expected (for example 6080A0 is
| internally stored as A08060).
| In Visual Basic, RGB(160,128,96) is represented as &H6080A0&,
| in C/C++ it's 0x6080A0 and in Delphi it's $6080A0.