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Problem using a couple Flash MX Components
Fra : Lem

Dato : 23-03-04 22:15

Hi! My Name Is Lem

Awhile ago I was trying to get a working form in Flash MX completed without
it opening the end users web mail program.

The Answer was PHP.

I used built the form in flash, gave the text fields variable names, and
added actionscript to a Send button, to load the variables and send it to
the PHP form, to be transmitted to me, in an E-mail. I did this thanks to a
tutorial on the internet. (http://www.flash-db.com/SendMail)

Anyway the actionscript located with the send button sent the content of the
variables of say the variable name and E-mail.

Anyway....here is my problem.

I have to make another form but THIS time I absolutely need to use the Flash
MX components, such as the radio Button and the Check box.

I understood how to get them working properly, I gave them the nescassary
labels, and put the radio buttons in the proper groups, but I'm having
trouble getting the Values of those components to my PHP script. Because
unlike my text fields, I can't(or at least haven't seen a place too) give
them a variable name, to send to my PHP script.

I guessing there is some kind of actionscript that no ones shown me (or I've
been to blind to recognize) that would get what I need done (like telling my
PHP script that the check box is checked) but I can't find it.

I hope this is something that seems extremely easy to the reader(s) of this
newsgroup message, that way you guy(s)/gal(s) (hope the right word was Gals)
could direct me to some tutorial, or possibly reply to this message and
explain the solution to me.

At any rate I appreciate you at least reading this, and taking the time to
at least CHECK if it was possible to help me.

Any Information/ links to information/ suggestions/ and help. would be
EXTREMLY helpful.
(I REALLY!!! REALLY!!! need to get this form completed, and that involves
using those components)



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