Lilya 4-ever ::
Film om russisk teenageluder. Havde premiere den 30. januar 2004 i Moldova's
hovedstad Chisinau (Kishinev), og skal vises det næste års tid i skoler, på
kontorer, i regeringskontorer, i kulturcentre og i landets biografer.
Kampagnens formål beskrives som følgende, på engelsk:
"We've chosen Lilya 4-ever as the centerpiece of IOM's one- year information
campaign because this film has the power to change lives, to touch us all,
to compel us to understand the realities of human trafficking - and to do
something about it.
Over the next year, we'll be showing Lilya across Moldova, in schools,
offices, government buildings, community centers and in cinemas and movie
halls. The film will make its official commercial January 30 with a two-week
run at the Patria Cinema in Chisinau, and then shown at theatres in Balti,
Ungheni and Cahul. At each screening, we will be publicizing the La Strada
anti-trafficking hotline and providing educational material; we want to make
sure everyone, but especially the young girls who are most vulnerable, gets
the answers they need.
We'll be using Lilya to get the message out about the realities of human
trafficking and to build greater understanding of the problem. The film will
help us all recognize trafficking at the local level, to see where we can
intervene to protect these girls and their communities from the effects of
domestic violence, neglect and abandonment. We want this film to strengthen
safeguards and inspire educators, social service workers, local authorities
and all of us on the battle's frontlines.
In the weeks and months ahead, you'll see our billboards and television
advertisements. We're bringing the campaign to classrooms, border crossings,
local grocery stores and just about everywhere where we can reach the girls
and women we must protect from the traffickers."
Filmen er i Moldova blandt andet sponseret af International Organization for
På filmens hjemmeside findes en statistik baseret på interviews med 510 ofre
for menneskehandel indenfor sexindustrien:
Når man ligefrem viser filmen over længere tid i største dele af det
moldaviske samfund - så får man lidt af en fornemmelse for problemets
Filmen har fået en anmeldelse af det engelske dagblad The Guardian:,4267,942882,00.html