> Pas bare lidt på med listview'en. Med alternativet til listview'en,
> flexgrid, kan du lave sortering på de enkelte kolonner udfra såvel tekst
> talværdi. Dvs som tal kommer 1 før 02, mens som tekst kommer 02 før 1.
> I et listview kan du kun sortere efter tekst
La meg så glede dere alle med en utrolig nyttig modul som sorterer en Lvw
også på tall eller dato-tid. Jeg kan dessverre ikke finne hvem som i sin tid
skrev den -den er fra den fantastiske
http://www.planet-source-code.com/ -
men den er erfaringsmessig meget pålitelig, jeg anvender den i nærmest alle
mine prosjekter for mange hundre brukere og den svikter aldri.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As
Long) As Long
Public Enum ListDataType
ldtString = 0
ldtNumber = 1
ldtDateTime = 2
End Enum
' Sort a ListView by String, Number, or DateTime
' Parameters:
' ListView Reference to the ListView control to be sorted.
' Index Index of the column in the ListView to be sorted. The first
' column in a ListView has an index value of 1.
' DataType Sets whether the data in the column is to be sorted
' alphabetically, numerically, or by date.
' Ascending Sets the direction of the sort. True sorts A-Z (Ascending),
' and False sorts Z-A (descending)
Public Sub SortListView(ListView As ListView, ByVal Index As Integer, _
ByVal datatype As ListDataType, ByVal Ascending As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim strFormat As String
' Display the hourglass cursor whilst sorting
Dim lngCursor As Long
lngCursor = ListView.MousePointer
ListView.MousePointer = vbHourglass
' Prevent the ListView control from updating on screen - this is to hide
' the changes being made to the listitems, and also to speed up the sort
LockWindowUpdate ListView.hWnd
Dim blnRestoreFromTag As Boolean
Select Case datatype
Case ldtString
' Sort alphabetically. This is the only sort provided by the
' MS ListView control (at this time), and as such we don't really
' need to do much here
blnRestoreFromTag = False
Case ldtNumber
' Sort Numerically
strFormat = String$(20, "0") & "." & String$(10, "0")
' Loop through the values in this column. Re-format the values so
' as they can be sorted alphabetically, having already stored their
' text values in the tag, along with the tag's original value
With ListView.ListItems
If (Index = 1) Then
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l)
.Tag = .Text & Chr$(0) & .Tag
If IsNumeric(.Text) Then
If CDbl(.Text) >= 0 Then
.Text = Format(CDbl(.Text), strFormat)
.Text = "&" & InvNumber(Format(0 -
CDbl(.Text), strFormat))
End If
.Text = ""
End If
End With
Next l
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l).ListSubItems(Index - 1)
.Tag = .Text & Chr$(0) & .Tag
If IsNumeric(.Text) Then
If CDbl(.Text) >= 0 Then
.Text = Format(CDbl(.Text), strFormat)
.Text = "&" & InvNumber(Format(0 -
CDbl(.Text), strFormat))
End If
.Text = ""
End If
End With
Next l
End If
End With
blnRestoreFromTag = True
Case ldtDateTime
' Sort by date.
strFormat = "YYYYMMDDHhNnSs"
Dim dte As Date
' Loop through the values in this column. Re-format the dates so as
' can be sorted alphabetically, having already stored their visible
' values in the tag, along with the tag's original value
With ListView.ListItems
If (Index = 1) Then
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l)
.Tag = .Text & Chr$(0) & .Tag
dte = CDate(.Text)
.Text = Format$(dte, strFormat)
End With
Next l
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l).ListSubItems(Index - 1)
.Tag = .Text & Chr$(0) & .Tag
dte = CDate(.Text)
.Text = Format$(dte, strFormat)
End With
Next l
End If
End With
blnRestoreFromTag = True
End Select
' Sort the ListView Alphabetically
ListView.SortOrder = IIf(Ascending, lvwAscending, lvwDescending)
ListView.SortKey = Index - 1
ListView.Sorted = True
' Restore the Text Values if required
If blnRestoreFromTag Then
' Restore the previous values to the 'cells' in this column of the
' from the tags, and also restore the tags to their original values
With ListView.ListItems
If (Index = 1) Then
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l)
i = InStr(.Tag, Chr$(0))
.Text = Left$(.Tag, i - 1)
.Tag = Mid$(.Tag, i + 1)
End With
Next l
For l = 1 To .Count
With .Item(l).ListSubItems(Index - 1)
i = InStr(.Tag, Chr$(0))
.Text = Left$(.Tag, i - 1)
.Tag = Mid$(.Tag, i + 1)
End With
Next l
End If
End With
End If
' Unlock the list window so that the OCX can update it
LockWindowUpdate 0&
' Restore the previous cursor
ListView.MousePointer = lngCursor
End Sub
' Modifies a numeric string to allow it to be sorted alphabetically
Private Function InvNumber(ByVal Number As String) As String
Static i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(Number)
Select Case Mid$(Number, i, 1)
Case "-": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = " "
Case "0": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "9"
Case "1": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "8"
Case "2": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "7"
Case "3": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "6"
Case "4": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "5"
Case "5": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "4"
Case "6": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "3"
Case "7": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "2"
Case "8": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "1"
Case "9": Mid$(Number, i, 1) = "0"
End Select
InvNumber = Number
End Function