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Microdrive kan IKKE bruges i over 3000 m's~
Fra : MA

Dato : 12-02-04 17:21

Using the Microdrive Above 10,000 FT
The following came directly from IBM Support in answer to a user who was
thinking about using the microdrive on a vacation in Napal:
The Microdrive does need "AIR" to float the heads and typically above
10,000 ft the mass of the air is too low and the drive requires a
pressurized environment similar to an aircraft or spacecraft. At high
altitude the air bearings begin to loose support from the air molecules
needed to provide the "air bearing" for the Negative Air Bearing Surface
(NABS) design of the head. If this "air bearing" is removed or lowered (as
is the case with low density air at high altitudes) the head damages the
media and you could have loss of data. The drive is vented to maintain equal
pressure inside and outside to provide the air and to maintain the same
pressure. This eliminiates the need for sealed and rigid covers that can
tolerate pressure differences.
The OEM Functional specification defines the warranty range for operating
altitude as 3,000 M or 9,000 ft (3ft/M). If the customer is mountain
climbing with a GPS or digital camera above 9,000 ft the drive might have
problems. (Mt Fuji ~ +13,000ft, Mt Raineer ~ +14,000 ft). Please note, this
is the operating environment. Non operation at high altitudes, including
vacuum, have no ill effects on the microdrive. Within passenger aircraft,
the cabin is pressurized to 9-10,000 feet hence the drive would experience
no difficulty operating in an aircraft cruising at 35-45,000 ft !

Brian B. Christensen (12-02-2004)
Fra : Brian B. Christensen

Dato : 12-02-04 17:27

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:21:00 +0100, "MA" <ma_dk@nospamhotmail.com>

>The following came directly from IBM Support in answer to a user who was
>thinking about using the microdrive on a vacation in Napal:

Lyder som en and. Har IBM en officiel skrivelse om dette på deres


max (12-02-2004)
Fra : max

Dato : 12-02-04 17:52

"Brian B. Christensen"
> wrote:
> >The following came directly from IBM Support in answer to a user who was
> >thinking about using the microdrive on a vacation in Napal:
> Lyder som en and. Har IBM en officiel skrivelse om dette på deres
> hjemmeside?
> /Brian

Det er ikke en and!! -max-

MA (12-02-2004)
Fra : MA

Dato : 12-02-04 23:03

> Lyder som en and. Har IBM en officiel skrivelse om dette på deres
> hjemmeside?

De max. 10.000 fod = 3048 m gælder også for IBM's bærbare produkter med en
harddisk hvor læsehovedet hviler på harddisken og afstanden betemmes ved en
luftpude der afhænger at lufttrykket.
Fx Thinkpad T, A og X:
- se "altitude".....

Michael Jensen (12-02-2004)
Fra : Michael Jensen

Dato : 12-02-04 18:23

"MA" <ma_dk@nospamhotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Using the Microdrive Above 10,000 FT
> The following came directly from IBM Support in answer to a user who was
> thinking about using the microdrive on a vacation in Napal:
> The Microdrive does need "AIR" to float the heads and typically above
> 10,000 ft the mass of the air is too low and the drive requires a
> pressurized environment similar to an aircraft or spacecraft. At high
> altitude the air bearings begin to loose support from the air molecules
> needed to provide the "air bearing" for the Negative Air Bearing Surface
> (NABS) design of the head. If this "air bearing" is removed or lowered (as
> is the case with low density air at high altitudes) the head damages the
> media and you could have loss of data. The drive is vented to maintain
> pressure inside and outside to provide the air and to maintain the same
> pressure. This eliminiates the need for sealed and rigid covers that can
> tolerate pressure differences.
> The OEM Functional specification defines the warranty range for
> altitude as 3,000 M or 9,000 ft (3ft/M). If the customer is mountain
> climbing with a GPS or digital camera above 9,000 ft the drive might have
> problems. (Mt Fuji ~ +13,000ft, Mt Raineer ~ +14,000 ft). Please note,
> is the operating environment. Non operation at high altitudes, including
> vacuum, have no ill effects on the microdrive. Within passenger aircraft,
> the cabin is pressurized to 9-10,000 feet hence the drive would experience
> no difficulty operating in an aircraft cruising at 35-45,000 ft !


Nu skal jeg jo ikke kunne sige hvad IBM har af spec. på Microdrive, men mit
gamle 340 MB IBM spillede uden problemer i Tibet. Lhasa ligger i 3600 Meter
som er lige omkring 10000 ft. Det virkede en hel del bedre end jeg. da vi
smuttede op i 4852 meter på mt Kamala.
Så enten and, eller mit drev er så gammelt at det ikke er regnet med i
ovenstående eller endelig forholder det sig måske som beskrevet, men mit
microdrive har ikke set spec og er dr for ikke klar over det ikke skal



Bo Bjerre (12-02-2004)
Fra : Bo Bjerre

Dato : 12-02-04 19:06

"MA" <ma_dk@nospamhotmail.com> wrote in message
> Using the Microdrive Above 10,000 FT

-nej selvølgelig ikke. Det er jo en harddisk, og dens hoved ligger på en
luftpude, der holder det i den rigtige afstand fra pladen. Og falder
lufttrykket, mindskes hovedafstanden.

Bo //

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