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Linking MSDN to Visual C++ editor
Fra : Rider

Dato : 11-01-04 15:36

Hello all,
I have Visual C++ 6.0 Professional Edition and I had ti reinstall it when my
hard drive crashed. The MSDN cd's that came with Visual C++ are now
corrupted (do to my 5yr old little girl getting a hold of them ) and I
have no help system in the Visual c++ editor. I got a hold of MSDN
subscriptions libaray for 2002 and it works great but I would like to know
if there is away to link the MSDN help libaray to my Visual C++ editor so
when I press the F1 key I get help on the highlighted text I'm working on?
Thanks for your time in this matter.
PS: I know this is A VB group but I need help!!!!!!!!!!!

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