I have more than a 1000 images of census on this HD
I use IrfanView to look at them
I am just finishing off a surname index of Randers FT-1860
about 1000 lines of html going into the street index in the third version
I am on line 324 of 716
not without errors and i will be asking for checking help soon
Anyway the first few I downloaded at 56k
all done manually
you have to read the stuff
I usually have two windows open at once
eg Randers 1860 3 Rode Vestergade Matr Nr 73a
I then change 392 to 394 -6 -8
the other 393 -5 -7 -9 etc etc just working directly with the image server
no point in squirrelling a mass of stuff you never look at
but with dsl and the new server I check my href links directly
I am doing this because I spent more than 2 weeks this year reading 3 complete Randers FT in RA loooking for Shjønning
but when I got to the local archive in Randes I found they had indexes ready made
I think in the long term
will replace mikrort and film readers in the RA and landsarkiver
the new serve seems to be quicker too
so much easier to maintain just anther computer work station than a wall of film and readers
Home use will save the need for store læssesalle også
When DAISY goes on line DK is ahead on images, and retsinformation, but behind in online catlagues of national archives and mss
a work station will be the norm
In Kew, PRO
now renamed The National Archives
after amalgamation with
there are no more forms to fill in for document pakke orders
you log on to procat with your readers crad's magnetic strip
you can also do that from home
>> If you are already registered with us, use login to log in using your registration number. Once registered, you can also place
advance orders to see documents when you visit Kew. <<
http://www.pro.gov.uk/online/docsonline.htm more
school use
obviously the gade register will be useful for lokal histori også
I need some helpers too
eventually the site below needs to be in Danish as well
I have 6 ongoing projects in Danish genealogy
and am admin for several boards and lists
we have qute a lot of Danish strays in England, just had an email offering me some from Bristol 1861 which I will post here when
Hugh W
Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi
(ubegransed gratis plads hvis du har brug for det)
<Brian R> wrote in message news:0ak9uvo2ui2l9va0qp538b7473tsnmrrqc@4ax.com...
> Arne Feldborg wrote:
> >Nae, en 6 - 8 linier må vel siges at være ret simpelt.
> Ja... jeg fandt lige ud af at der var rimelig stor forskel på om det
> var kirkebøgerne man ville have, eller om det var folkefortællingerne.
> Forlkefortællingerne var rimelig simple at få fat på :)
> Kirkebøgerne var ikke så simple igen... hver bog var jo i enkelte
> tilfælde spredt ud i mellem 5 - 30 forskellige mapper... uden jeg lige
> kunne finde en logisk grund.
> >Men sagen er jo, at hele indscanningsprojektet kører som et forsøg på en
> >særbevilling. Derfor har SA er helt klar interesse i at kunne
> >dokumnentere antallet af visninger, og af hensyn til fremtidige
> >bevillinger har de (og vi?) også en klar interesse i at dette tal bliver
> >så højt som muligt - altså at folk ser billederne on-line hos SA istedet
> >for at downloade dem og evt. sprede dem.
> Ok... den havde jeg ikke lige tænkt over... jeg tror jeg glemmer idéen
> igen... eller blot holder mit script for mig selv!
> Brian R