Jonas Kvist Jensen wrote:
> Hvad er forskellen på Producer, Executive Producer og Director? Man ser
> tit folk som for eksempel Steven Spielberg optræde i forskellige af disse
> kategorier, men hvad laver de forskellige helt præcist under filmens
> tilblivelse? siger:
The chief of a movie production in all matters save the creative
efforts of the director. A producer is responsible for raising
funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors.
Executive Producer:
A producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the
filmmaking process, but who is still responsible for the
overall production. Typically an executive producer handles
business and legal issues.
The principal creative artist on a movie set. A director is
usually (but not always) the driving artistic source behind the
filming process, and communicates to actors the way that he/she
would like a particular scene played. A director's duties might
also include casting, script editing, shot selection, shot
composition, and editing. Typically, a director has complete
artistic control over all aspects of the movie, but it is not
uncommon for the director to be bound by agreements with either
a producer or a studio. In some large productions, a director
will delegate less important scenes to a second unit.
SVJV kan executive producer vist også betyde, at vedkommende stort set
'bare' har hjulpet med at finansiere produktionen.
Karsten Jørgensen
Crazy side: