Lyd wrote:
> Bruger forresten Red Hat 9 hvis det kunne hjælpe.. : )
I mozilla'ens links er der et link som hedder " - plugindoc:
linux" - her kan du finde følgende vildledning
On Linux, Mozilla requires JRE 1.4.2 or later.
Mozilla 1.4 and later, and Mozilla Firebird, are compiled with gcc 3.2.3. A
gcc 3.x compatible version of the Java plugin must be used. JRE 1.4.2
contains a compatible plugin.
If you installed the JRE 1.4.2_02 RPM, this plugin is
/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_02/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ - and
to install it for Mozilla (including Mozilla Firebird), do the following:
* Open a terminal
* Change to your Mozilla (or Mozilla Firebird) plugins directory
* Issue the following command: ln -s
If you are using an older Linux distribution, you may need to install the
gcc3 support libraries, as the gcc 3.2 version of the Java plugin requires to operate. You may be able to find packages using Google.
If you are using an old or unofficial build of Mozilla (1.4a or later) or
Mozilla Firebird, you can check which compiler was used by entering
about:buildconfig in the location bar and pressing enter. You will see a
line such as "gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)", which
will show the compiler that was used. If gcc2.9x was used, you need to use
the ns610 plugin, not the ns610-gcc32 plugin.
Claus U
Usenet - my favorite waste of time