 | Problemer med at ompartitionere Harddisken~ Fra : Kasper Madsen |
Dato : 16-10-03 09:32 |
Hej NG. Jeg har lige postet et indlæg i en engelsk nyhedsgruppe, da jeg ikke
lige kunne komme i kontakt med den danske. Så i får lige den engelske da jeg
ikke gider omskrive den. Håber det er iorden. Mvh Kasper Madsen
I have a very annoying problem. I have a 120GB harddisk and want to make
some new partitions. When i got my PC i started out with making three
partitions. One of 60, on of 40 and one of 20GB. I have alot of stuff on my
20GB and that should remain as it is. So i deleted my 60GB (thats my
windowsXP partition) and my 40GB partition. But now I just have two empty
spaces, of 60 and 40GB, where i can make partitions. Meaning I cant make for
example a 100GB partition, only a new partition of 60GB or some partitions
of less than 60GB, and a partition of 40GB or some partitions of less than
Its like if i had three physical Harddisks but i dont. Only one of 120GB.
Can anybody help me??
Mvh Kasper Madsen
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Leif Poulsen (16-10-2003)
 | Kommentar Fra : Leif Poulsen |
Dato : 16-10-03 13:20 |
"Kasper Madsen" <desmersnaps@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej NG. Jeg har lige postet et indlæg i en engelsk nyhedsgruppe, da jeg
> lige kunne komme i kontakt med den danske. Så i får lige den engelske da
> ikke gider omskrive den. Håber det er iorden. Mvh Kasper Madsen
> I have a very annoying problem. I have a 120GB harddisk and want to make
> some new partitions. When i got my PC i started out with making three
> partitions. One of 60, on of 40 and one of 20GB. I have alot of stuff on
> 20GB and that should remain as it is. So i deleted my 60GB (thats my
> windowsXP partition) and my 40GB partition. But now I just have two empty
> spaces, of 60 and 40GB, where i can make partitions. Meaning I cant make
> example a 100GB partition, only a new partition of 60GB or some partitions
> of less than 60GB, and a partition of 40GB or some partitions of less than
> 40GB.
> Its like if i had three physical Harddisks but i dont. Only one of 120GB.
> Can anybody help me??
> Mvh Kasper Madsen
Hej Kasper
Umiddelbart vil jeg tro at dit problem er at du har en primær partition på
60GB og en udvidet partition på 60GB, hvor du nu har slettet den logiske
40GB partition.
Du kunne nu f.eks. lave en 20 GB primær partition, flytte dataene derhen,
slette den anden (20GB) logiske partition på den udvidede partition.
Nu skulle du kunne lave en udvidet partition på 100GB, med et 100GB logisk
Jeg ved ikke om jeg har misforstået dig, men det er mit forslag.
Med venlig hilsen
Leif Poulsen
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