Det første jeg gjorde da jeg fik kameraet var at (fundet i dpreviews forum):
"1. Shoot in the P mode, except in situations where you are required to set
either the aperture or shutter speed to a particular setting. Almost all of
my shots you will see in the links below were made on P. In that mode, you
can concentrate on what you are trying to say in your image and let your
camera do the work. Using full manual mode is the most complex way to use
your camera. Why get involved at that at this time?
2. Use the highest jpeg resolution -- Large and Superfine. It makes large
files, but why use a five megapixel camera if you don't take advantage of
its superior resolution qualities. Don't get into RAW shooting -- it will
really slow you down.
3. Use single autofocus. If you use the continuous setting, your camera will
take forever to focus.
4. Use Vivid effect if you want rich colors in your pictures, as I do.
5. Use Cloudy white balance if you want warmer outdoor shots.
6. Dont be afraid to use ISO 200 and 400 to shoot in natural light indoors
and in low light outdoors. Why use a flash? Unless skillfully used, your
pictures may look harsh and unnatural. If you do shoot indoors or in low
light, be prepared to use the camera on a tripod, or shoot from a table,
shelf, or chair. If you hand hold your camera, be sure to squeeze the
shutter release, never jerk, push, or shove it. If you push the shutter half
way down to focus and expose, you only have to slightly increase the
pressure on the shutter release button to make your picture. You should
never see your finger actually move when you take a picture! You can, if you
practice this shutter squeeze technique, shoot as slow as 1/15th of a second
and still get a sharp picture. Yes, you will get some noise -- but unless
you are blowing your pictures up to very large sizes, its effect on your
images will be negligible. My photo articles show many examples of pictures
I made in this manner.
7. Always use the LCD viewfinder. You will see exactly what you will get --
a live preview of your image. I usually shoot from waist level, which gives
you a stronger vantage point and will make you less threatening than
photographers who cover their faces with a camera.
Og så selvfølgelig sætte makro-funktionen/blomsten til ;)
"Mikkel U." <> skrev i en meddelelse
> Morten Bested wrote:
> > Jeg har delt 4 test billeder jeg tog for noget tid siden. Du kan tage et
> > på: (undskyld størrelsen, men de er helt uredigerede og i 5 megapixels)
> >
> >
> > Jeg er tilfreds (muligvis fordi mine forventninger ikke er så høje)
> >
> Jeg er specielt imponeret af det første (udendørs).
> Har du lyst til at fortælle lidt nærmere om hvordan dit kamera er
> indstillet ?
> Hvilken mode - og hvilke settings i "menu", hvis du har rodet der?
> /mikkel
> --
> "The only source of knowledge is experience"
> Albert Einstein