Jan Riis Sørensen" wrote:
> Oxo her, er der nogen ændringer i forhold til 9.1 som jeg ikke kan leve
> uden ?, jeg mener bør jeg haste ind på linuxiso.org og nappe rc2 eller bør
> jeg vente ?
Jeg ville nok vente.
I tirsdags sendte Mandrake en mail ud startende emd følgende
| It's not a big secret that Mandrake Linux 9.2 will be released within
| the next few weeks. Maybe you've already heard about its great new
| features, such as the improved "MandrakeGalaxy" look & feel, updated
| Mandrake tools, new OpenOffice.org office suite, the latest Mozilla, and
| much more to make it one of the most eagerly awaited Linux systems.
| You'll also discover that a new Mandrake Pack has been created -- the
| Mandrake 9.2 'Discovery Pack' is MandrakeSoft's first desktop product
| that has been specifically designed to be accessible even by Linux
| beginners!
| Anticipating a strong demand for 9.2 products (which will be available
| at the end of October), we have opened a special section at andrakeStore
| for Mandrake Linux 9.2 pre-orders. Choose from the Discovery Pack,
| PowerPack or the ProSuite. Don't delay; pre-order your pack today and be
| among the first to receive Mandrake Linux 9.2 when it begins shipping:
Med venlig hilsen