"Michael Andreasen" <maskinen2000@hotmail.com> writes:
> Kender til Qmail/Vpopmail o.s.v.
> Hvad med Communigate Pro? (
www.stalker.com) Er der nogen der har
> erfaring med dette produkt?
> Evt andre (gerne cluster venlige) løsninger som kan anbefales?
Some of it's greatest features:
* Users and virtual domains in an LDAP database
* No local accounts needed
* Perfect for ISP's to build POP toasters
* Native mail server clustering
* Supports size quotas on user maildirs
* Automatic creation of home- and maildir's
* Handles replies with new qmail-reply
* Extensive logging in qmail-smtpd and qmail-pop3d
* Supports tarpitting (based on a patch by Chris Johnson)
* Supports OpenLDAP 2.x, Novell NDS
* Includes extensive Antispam-Features
* Supports automatic maildir creation when the first mail arrives
* Support for SHA, SSHA, MD5, SMD5, MD4 and RIPE-MD160
* Support for NS-MTA-MD5 encrypted passwords used by Netscape Mailserver
up to version 2.xx (and later if you simply upgraded).
* It also supports the password format used by Software.com's Post.Office
* Support for TLS (SSL) encrytion of SMTP mail transport (based on a patch
by Frederik Vermeulen)
/Claus A