> Nogen der kender prisniveauet på Falcom's GSM modems?
> Er mest intereseret i Twist-prisen, men det generelle prisniveau er ogsp
> interessant.
> Falcom selv holder ferielukket, så det er helt umuligt at få prisen af dem.
May the GSM Terminal on
http://www.gsm-modem.de/gsm-modem.html fits to
The new feature Easy GPRS inside the GPRS module relieves you from
writing the TCP/IP code and making your Internet access as simple as
dialling a phone number.
The module allows your machine to machine communication to be
delivered through the Internet and allowing access to the remote
resources in the same manner as you would open a web site.
In the past your application required the PPP/TCP/IP stack in order to
get access to the Internet through a GPRS module. This resulted in
drawbacks like increased processing power, code size, memory costs and
increased developing complexity. It was necessary to have PPP/TCP/IP
protocol and Internet background knowledge. >> snip << more on