klik på nedstående:
- Priser
- Bestilling af domæne.
1. hvordan fjerne jeg den scroller ??
- test et domain
2. Kan jeg samle texten lidt så jeg slipper for scroller.?
ASP'en ser såden her ud...
' Copyright 2003 NT Consult
' Pak filerne ud, og læg dem i en mappe på webserveren.
' w3 Sockets SKAL være installeret på serveren for at programmet virker.
' w3 Sockets kan hentes på
' Husk at passe på med at bruge en domænetester. DK Hostmaster logger alle
' og hvis der kommer for mange fra en bestemt IP adresse, så har de lov til
at lukke for den
' adresse. Det er derfor ikke smart at bruge domænetesteren for meget hvis
man har sit site
' liggende hos en udbyder, og der pludselig bliver lukket for deres server.
' Bare en reminder!
<link href="default_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="fade.js" language="Javascript"></script>
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<% Select Case LCase(Request.QueryString("action")) %><% Case "info" %><%
Sub WhoisInfo(strDomain, strServer)
objSocket.Host = strServer & ":43"
Response.Write( "<blockquote><pre>" & objSocket.Buffer &
"</pre></blockquote>" )
End Sub
Response.Write "<html><body>"
strDomainName = Request.Querystring("Domain").item
strCode = Request.Querystring("code").item
Set objSocket = Server.CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
IF strcode = "dk" then
SearchChar = "No entries found for the selected source"
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "se" then
SearchChar = "No data found."
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "nu" then
SearchChar = "NO MATCH for domain"
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "no" then
SearchChar = "no matches"
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "as" then
SearchChar = "Domain Not Found"
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "com" then
SearchChar = "No match for "
Call WhoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "info" then
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
Call whoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "biz" then
SearchChar = "Not found:"
Call whoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "org" then
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
Call whoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
ElseIf strcode = "net" then
SearchChar = "No match for "
Call whoisInfo(strDomainName, "")
End If
Set objSocket = Nothing
Response.Write "</body></html>"
%><% Case "hent" %><%
Dim strDomainName, objSocket
Sub Whois(strDomain, strServer)
objSocket.Host = strServer & ":43"
SearchString = objSocket.Buffer
Retur = Instr(SearchString, SearchChar)
If retur = "0" Then
Response.Write( "<p class='tNewsOverskrift'>Domænetester<br><br><table
border='0' width='615' id='table6'>" )
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Domæne</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Status</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Info</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Køb</td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>"&strDomain&"</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>Optaget</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><a
Info</a></td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><img
src='red.gif'> </td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
Response.Write( "</table></p>" )
ElseIf retur > "0" then
Response.Write( "<p class='tNewsOverskrift'>Domænetester<br><br><table
border='0' width='615' id='table6'>" )
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Domæne</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Status</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Info</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Køb</td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>"&strDomain&"</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>Ledigt</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td> </td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><img
src='green.gif'> </td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
Response.Write( "</table></p>" )
End If
End Sub
Sub Whois2(strDomain, strServer)
objSocket.Host = strServer & ":43"
SearchString = objSocket.Buffer
Retur = Instr(SearchString, SearchChar)
If retur = "0" Then
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>"&strDomain&"</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>Optaget</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><a
Info</a></td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><img
src='red.gif'> </td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
ElseIf retur > "0" then
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>"&strDomain&"</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'>Ledigt</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'> </td>" )
Response.Write( "<td class='DownloadTabUnder'><img
src='green.gif'> </td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
End If
End Sub
Response.Write "<html><body>"
strDomainName = Request.Form("Domain").item
strCode = Request.Form("code").item
Set objSocket = Server.CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
IF strcode = "dk" then
SearchChar = "No entries found for the selected source"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".dk", "")
ElseIf strcode = "se" then
SearchChar = "No data found."
Call whois(strDomainName & ".se", "")
ElseIf strcode = "no" then
SearchChar = "no matches"
Call Whois(strDomainName & ".no", "")
ElseIf strcode = "nu" then
SearchChar = "NO MATCH for domain"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".nu", "")
ElseIf strcode = "as" then
SearchChar = "Domain Not Found"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".as", "")
ElseIf strcode = "com" then
SearchChar = "No match for "
Call whois(strDomainName & ".com", "")
ElseIf strcode = "info" then
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".info", "")
ElseIf strcode = "biz" then
SearchChar = "Not found:"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".biz", "")
ElseIf strcode = "org" then
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
Call whois(strDomainName & ".org", "")
ElseIf strcode = "net" then
SearchChar = "No match for "
Call whois(strDomainName & ".net", "")
ElseIf strcode = "alle" then
Response.Write( "<p class='tNewsOverskrift'>Domænetester<br><br><table
border='0' width='615' id='table6'>" )
Response.Write( "<tr valign='top'>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Domæne</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Status</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Info</td>" )
Response.Write( "<td width='30%' class='DownloadTabOver'>Køb</td>" )
Response.Write( "</tr>" )
SearchChar = "No entries found for the selected source"
strcode = "dk"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".dk", "")
SearchChar = "No data found."
strcode = "se"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".se", "")
SearchChar = "no matches"
strcode = "no"
Call Whois2(strDomainName & ".no", "")
SearchChar = "NO MATCH for domain"
strcode = "nu"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".nu", "")
SearchChar = "Domain Not Found"
strcode = "as"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".as", "")
SearchChar = "No match for "
strcode = "com"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".com", "")
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
strcode = "info"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".info", "")
SearchChar = "Not found:"
strcode = "biz"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".biz", "")
SearchChar = "NOT FOUND"
strcode = "org"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".org", "")
SearchChar = "No match for "
strcode = "net"
Call whois2(strDomainName & ".net", "")
Response.Write( "</table></p>" )
End If
Set objSocket = Nothing
Response.Write "</body></html>"
%><% Case else %><p align="center">
<table border="0" id="table5">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="tNewsOverskrift">Domænetester</td>
<tr valign="top" height="500">
<td class="tNewsTekstS">
<form name="form" method="POST" action="domain_checker.asp?action=hent">
<p>Skriv det navn du vil teste:
<input type="text" name="domain" size="20">
<select size="1" name="code">
<option value="dk">.dk</option>
<option value="se">.se</option>
<option value="no">.no</option>
<option value="com">.com</option>
<option value="nu">.nu</option>
<option value="as">.as</option>
<option value="info">.info</option>
<option value="biz">.biz</option>
<option value="org">.org</option>
<option value="net">.net</option>
<option value="alle" selected>alle domæner</option>
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Test" name="B1"></p>
<% End Select %></td>
mvh. Rune Thougaard
-- // //