"Martin Gleit" <marting*nospam*@mail1.stofanet.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> du har muligvis ret tommy...men på dpreview som du selv hensviser til får
> altså højere score ned 5700....derudover er der en væsentlig
> prisforskel....så jeg mener bare man får noget mere for pengene m,ed g3
Hej Martin
Du skal læse det der står på Dprewiew:
"Remember: Review ratings are given at the time of review (indicated beside
the camera name) as an overall rating for the camera as it performed in our
review tests, in comparison to other cameras in its class, price range and
which were available / announced at the time of review. Ratings are the
opinion of the reviewer. You must take the time to read reviews fully to be
able to draw your own conclusion about a particular camera."
Oversat: Sammenlignet med andre kameraer i sin klasse.
Jamen - det ene er 5 mpixels og det andet 4 mpixels.
En anden ting der skrives er:
"With its eight times optical zoom the 5700 becomes an extremely practical
'shoot anything' camera. Image quality is excellent, with that great matrix
metering, good tonal balance and colour (accurate and vivid without blowing
out colours) plus above average resolution. Purple fringing is down but the
overall look of the image is still very 'Coolpix'. Noise levels are good,
especially when compared to other five megapixel digital cameras (as
indicate by our comparison to the Minolta DiMAGE 7i)."
Bare lige for en ordens skyld - man får hvad man betaler for
Mvh Tommy