"Stefan" <invalid@invalid.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse news:JWKya.3099$lb4.2853@news.get2net.dk...
> Du/eller andre i denne NG har vel ikke tilfældigvis prøvet at køre en FTP server
> bag denne router? I så fald havde du nogen problemer med det?
De eneste erfaringer jeg har med routeren i FTP-sammenhæng er, når jeg bruger
WS-FTP til at uploade til diverse hjemmesider, og her er der ingen problemer -
men det er jo ikke helt det samme.
Hvis du altid vil have hul igennem på bestemte porte er det nemt at lave i menuen
'port-triggering' i steup-menuen (bedste svar jeg kan give - har aldrig kørt FTP server)
Ok - tjekkede lige manualen for et mere begavet svar og måske kan følgende bruges:
"6. I need to set up a server behind my Router.
To use a server like a web, ftp, or mail server, you need to know the respective
port numbers they are using. For example, port 80 (HTTP) is used for web;
port 21 (FTP) is used for FTP, and port 25 (SMTP outgoing) and port 110
(POP3 incoming) are used for the mail server. You can get more information
by viewing the documentation provided with the server you installed. Follow
these steps to set up port forwarding through the Router's web-based utility. We
will be setting up web, ftp, and mail servers.
A. Access the Router's web-based utility by going to or the
IP address of the Router. Go to the Advanced => Forwarding tab.
B. Enter any name you want to use for the Customized Application.
C. Enter the Ext. Port range of the service you are using. For example, if you
have a web server, you would enter the range 80 to 80.
D. Check the protocol you will be using, TCP and/or UDP.
E. Enter the IP address of the PC or network device that you want the port
server to go to. For example, if the web server's Ethernet adapter IP address
is, you would enter 100 in the field provided. Check
"Appendix F: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet
Adapter" for details on getting an IP address.
F. Check the Enable option for the port services you want to use. Consider the
example below:
Customized Ext. Port TCP UDP IP Address Enable
Web server 80 to 80 X X X
FTP server 21 to 21 X X
SMTP (outgoing) 25 to 25 X X X
POP3 (incoming) 110 to 110 X X X
When you have completed the configuration, click the Apply button."
Manualen til routeren kan i øvrigt findes her (More information - User Guide) :