> > Ellers kan du sikkert finde noget mere info her:
> >
> Næh, for jeg kan ikke komme ind.
> Om jeg fatter hvorfor man SKAL registrere sig på gratis sider ?!?
> OK, men den godtager ikke hotmail til registration, så det kan jeg ikke.
Så er det godt at copy/paste er opfundet:
Formatting C: drive is what formatting does -
it physically reformats the memory and removes
everything, including the entire file-system
structure (folders etc). During the next boot
the system re-creates its system files, whole
folder structure, creates empty databases for
contacts, calendar etc. Master reset doesn't
remove all the files and doesn't clear the
file system structure. It only clears databases,
system files, 3rd party files and applications,
settings etc, but doesn't physically reformat
the disk and some files are still there.
In most cases the results are pretty similiar.
But formatting can be of help when the file
system is damaged, some system folders are
deleted/renamed etc. - this is where master
reset won't help sometimes.
So, in most cases master reset should be just
fine and enough and format should be used in
more serious cases - that's why it is hidden.